Appendix:Kusunda word list

Kusunda word lists:

Watters (2006)


The following word list of the Kusunda language is from Watters (2006: 139-152).[1]

Kusunda Part of speech Gloss Notes
vt. root of the verb 'talk, speak' (see also ts-ə ə-d-n̩ and n-ə ə-n-i)
-əg vi. root of the verb 'go' (see also ts-əg-ən, n-əg-ən, d-əg-əi)
əgi adj. live, living
əgi-da-d-n̩, əgi-da-d-i vt. to make live, to rescue
əiga vt. imperative form of 'fetch, bring' (see also ts-iw-ən and -i)
əigi-d-n̩, əigi-d-i; əigi-no (imp) vi. to live, to survive
əina (Nep.) n. mirror
əitsi n. dove, pigeon
əmbyaq n. mango
-əna suff. from
ənin, əini, ayin; əniyu (neg) vi. to be, become (Nep. bən-nu)
əŋgago n. armful
əolə-d-i; əolə ə-go (imp) vt. to sell
əraq / əraχ n. garlic
ərdzo ə-g-ən vt. to squeeze
ərtsa n. needle
əsa interrog. how
əsae adv. always
əsaɢʕi, əsaːʕi interrog. from when, when
əsi interrog. how much, how many
əubaŋ n. nostril
əubaŋ ə-go vt. to pierce, make hole
abəq / əboχ n. greens, vegetable
abi a-t-n̩, abi a-d-i; abi ə-go (imp) vt. to carry
ãdze pp. up, above
agəi n. dog
agəi getse n. dog pup
ai ədi adv. this manner
ai-t-n̩, ai-d-i, ai-dzi; ai-to (imp), ai-yin (proh) vt. to beg
aidzi n. alms
aidzi n. other
aidzi / əidzi n. goat
akpəi / akʰpe pp. across
alu (Nep.) n. potato
amaːʕa, amaqa pp. below
amba / əmba n. flesh, meat
amba padə-g-ən vt. to hunt (lit. to hunt meat)
ambu / ambo n. breast, udder, milk
ambu tsilip ə-g-ən vt. to milk (lit. to squeeze udder)
amdzi n. carrying net
an n. urine
anə-d-i; anə-g-ən (3rd); anə-go (imp), ənə-yin (proh) vi. to urinate
aŋga ə-go (imp) vt. to embrace
aŋgi n. shirt (Nep. bhoʈo)
ao n. dirt, ground
aõ / waha pp. inside
ao bʰaŋ n. hole in ground
ao-da-d-i; ao-da ə-go (imp), ao-da ə-yin (proh) vt. to burn food
ao-dzi vi. to burn (of food)
aõla (Nep.) n. finger
aoqa pp. on top of
aosi / aose / əusi n. fingernail
aota / awata n. door
ape loc. there
aqa / akʰa pp. down, under, beneath
asne pp. uphill
at n. headstrap, noose, snare
ata gi n. mustache, beard
ata gidaŋ / atta gitaŋ n. saliva (lit. mouth water)
ata, atta n. mouth
ataŋ n. footprint, track
a-t-n̩, a-d-i; ə-go (imp), ə-yin (proh) vt. to make
at-to vt. imperative form of 'say' (see also ts-oɴʕ-on)
awi / awəi n. hand, wrist, arm
awən / əhun, ahun n. feather
adv. also
bəkək ə-go vt. to fold
bələ-d-i; bələ-go (imp), bələ-yin (proh) vt. to remove from fire
bəm n. sky, cloud
bəmlu / bamlo n. frog
bəsə (Nep.) n. year
bət vi. to be (predicational)
bətsʰəi adj. wide
bãdza pp. outside
bai n. elder sister
bãkʰa, bãkʰə n. type of bird (Nep. lãcʰe)
bal-n̩, bəl-tsi-n; bəl-to (imp) vi. to descend, climb down
bãqa n. sickle (khurpa)
begəi n. ginger
begəi n. Kusunda
begən n. chilli, pepper
begən adj. spicy, hot
beho vt. to winnow
bem-n̩, bem-tsi-n, bem-to vi. to fall, trip
bemə-g-ən vt. to fall
ben adj. raw, uncooked
bewə-d-n̩, bewə-d-i vt. to bear child
bewə-tsi-n vi. to be born
bi it-n̩ vi. to dawn
bibi-dzi, bibi-to vi. to walk
binəi n. younger sister
biyãχ n. tobacco leaf
budi aõla (Nep.) n. thumb
budun n. father-in-law
bukʰra n. type of bird
bul-dzi (3rd) vi. to emerge
bultsum n. flea
bunə ə-g-ən (3rd) vt. to weave (lit. 'do loom')
burmə-d-i; burmə-go (imp) vt. to uproot
bwãk, bwãkʰ, bwãχ n. goiter
bya adj. spicy, hot
byagorok n. radish
byaq-a-t-n̩, byaq-a-d-i; byaqa ə-go (imp) vt. to overturn, spill
byaq-n̩ vi. to overturn, spill
byoŋ-dzi, byoŋ-tsi-n; byoŋ-ni-n (2nd); byoŋ-to (imp) vi. to squat
bʰəĩra (Nep.) n. sparrow
bʰəpsar n. fox
bʰəra ə-go (imp) vt. to snatch
bʰəra-d-n̩, bʰəra-d-i vt. to break rope, pull in two
bʰəra-q-n̩ vi. to break (of rope)
bʰəya n. younger brother
bʰab ə-go (imp) vt. to mend, patch
bʰiŋga ə-g-ən vt. to carry wound in a coil
bʰorlo-q-n̩ vi. to boil
bʰorlə-d-n̩, bʰorlə-d-i; bʰorlə ə-go (imp), bʰorlə ə-yin (proh) vt. to boil water
bʰyon-to vi. to stop, halt
dəbaq, dəbakʰ, dəbaχ, dəwak adv. now
d-əg-əi vi. third person form of 'go' (see also ts-əg-ən and da)
dəi ə-g-ən (3rd) vt. to shoot a bow
dərpu ə-go (imp) vt. to hit, strike
dəsə-d-i, dəsə-go vt. to quit doing, release
dəũre, kaiu n. sari
dəŋga n. walking stick, whip
da num. three
da vi. imperative form of 'go'
-da aff. object marker, causative suffix, plural suffix, purposive marker
dãba-d-n̩, dãba-d-i; dãbə ə-g-ən (3rd) vt. to meet, find, get
dãbəi / daŋbəi n. shaman
daha-d-n̩, daha-d-i vt. to seat someone, set load down
dahat num. three
daŋbwa adj. dark
deidzi n. firewood
deosi, dəbəsi adv. later today
dibaŋ n. mountain, cliff
dibʰaŋ n. crowd
dimi n. smoke
dimtu / dəmtəu adj. sour
dõdziləq n. Badi (beggar caste)
doko (Nep.) n. basket
doma n. a kind of tree
dowa-d-i, dowa-go vt. to stop
dõwədzi / duŋdzi n. drum (Nep. madal)
dõwədzi ə-g-ən vt. to beat drum (lit. to do drum)
duga, dugə n. ground, floor
dugə abəq n. ground mushroom
dui n. husband
duidze, dui getse n. human male, man
dukʰu num. two
duktsi / duktse n. son, brother’s son
dum n. soil, sand, earth
dusə ə-d-i; dusə ə-go (imp) vt. to push
dʰəbə-d-n̩, dʰəbə-d-i; dʰabə (imp), dʰəb-in (proh) vt. to cover; to shut, close
dʰap ə-g-ən vt. to trap
dʰapa gipan n. rhododendron
dʰaː a-t-n̩, dʰaː ə-d-i; dʰaː ə-go (imp) vt. to put on fire
dʰundi n. fog
dʰya n. old man
dʰũ-tsi-n; dʰuŋ-to (imp) vi. to stand
dʰũ-wa-d-n̩, dʰũ-wa-d-i vt. to make stand
dzəgəl n. old woman
dzəi migo n. charcoal, coal
dzəpak n. a kind of yam
dzəu n. pain, sickness
dzəu-dzi, dzəu-tsi-n; dzəu ə-g-ən (3rd) vi. to hurt, feel pain, be sick
dzəŋgəl (Nep.) n. weeds
dzəŋtəl / dzaŋtal n. Gaini, traditional singer
dzəŋən / dzaŋ adj. new
dza n. fire
dza hõː-d-i vt. to burn fire
dzapin ə-g-ən, dzapin ə-g-i (3rd); dzapin ə-go (imp) vt. to leave, abandon
dzandza n. wild man
dzaː-d-n̩, dzaː-d-i; dza ə-go (imp) vt. to buy
dzei / dzəi n. ashes
dzidzyon vi. to bloom, blossom
dziŋ n. oil
dziŋa num. two
dziu a-t-n̩ vt. to leak
dzogoroq, dzogoroχ n. splinter
dzoɢʕ-a-d-n̩, dzoɢʕ-a-d-i vt. to soak, make wet
dzoŋdzo ə-g-ən vi. to bear fruit, flourish
dzõɴʕ-a-d-n̩, dzõɴʕ-a-d-i; dzõɴʕ-ə-g-ən (3rd); dzõɴʕ-ə-go (imp) vt. to hang
dzoq-n̩; dzoq-to (imp) vi. to get wet
dzõwə-d-n̩, dzõwə-d-i vt. to blow on fire
dzugui / dzugəi n. sickness, illness
dzulo n. tinder
dzuŋ-dzi (3rd) vi. to hang
dzwã ə-go vt. to weigh
dzyahãde n. maternity
dzʰəm ə-g-ən (3rd); dzʰəm-to (imp), dzʰəm-in (proh) vi. to weep, cry
dzʰõ n. louse egg
e-d-n̩, e-d-i; e-go (imp), e-yin (proh) vt. to give
eirak adj. poor
emblaq, eblaq / emblak n. witch
eyəŋ n. upper back
gəi (Nep.) n. wound
gəini adj. thick
gəkʰya ə-go vt. to force
gəki n. kidney
gəndzi n. smell, odor, aroma
gəndzibur n. stench, bad smell
gəndzi ə-go (imp) vt. to smell something
gəndzi u-g-i (3rd) vi. to smell, give off odor (lit. 'smell comes')
gərəm-d-i, gərəm-dzi vt. to knock down
gəsa n. tobacco
gəũtsi n. a kind of tree
gaŋno (imp) vt. to encircle, fence in
gãɴʕən yeŋgu n. whetstone
gãɴʕ-no (imp) vt. imperative form of 'see', look' (see also ts-aɴʕ-dzi)
garo n. wall
gebʰusa n. breast, milk
gebon n. grandchildren
gebusa n. curd
gemət dzəu n. diarrhea
gemət, tsi-mət, ni-gimət n. belly, stomach, intestine
gesala n. wife’s younger brother
gesali n. wife’s sister, sister-in-law
getse n. offspring, child
getse, hũkui n. baby, child
getsebəi n. daughter-in-law
gi n. hair, fur
giban n. bond friend
gida: (Nep.) n. seed
gidaŋ n. sap
gidzaq loc. between
gidzaŋ n. body
gidzi n. name
gidət, gitət n. skin, bark, leather
gilaŋ / gelaŋ n. forest
gilaŋ abəq n. forest mushroom
gilaŋ tap n. Kalij pheasant
gimdʰər n. father’s brother, uncle
gimdzamba / gimtsamba n. police
gimdzi pron. self, his own
gimi n. female of a species
gimi n. money (< gimi haq ‘female leaf’)
gimi e-d-i vt. to pay (lit. 'to give money')
gimi ə-go (imp) vt. to earn
gimtsi n. friend
gimihaq-ni / gimyaχni n. female Ban Raja
gin a-di adv. that manner
gina dem. that
gina pron. he, she, it
gina-yi pron. his
giɲaq / giŋyak, gʰiŋgʰyak n. trousers
gipan n. flower
gipən / gepən n. word, language
gisi n. fat
gisəkəla n. oats
gitaŋ n. sweets
gitsi n. thorn
gobba / gʰoχbaχ, gʰokʰba adj. tall, high
gobloq n. heart, lung
godoq / gorok, gorokʰ, goroχ n. root
godzaŋ adv. few
g-oɢʕ-on vt. third person form of 'put, set aside' (see also ts-oɢʕ-on)
goloq / goləχ n. sheep
goləŋdəi n. soya bean
goradze adv. morning, early today
goraq / gorəχ adv. tomorrow
gotoŋ, gotəŋ n. soup
gu.u, guhu n. bone
guben n. log
gudzaŋ adv. little bit
gudzãŋ vt. to reduce
g-ug-un (3rd), g-oɢʕ-an (irr) vt. to take
guhu masi n. bone marrow
guidzi / goidzi n. turtle, tortoise
gulundi n. allowance
guluŋ adj. round
gumə-d-n̩, gumə-d-i; gumə ə-go (imp) vt. to chase
guneŋgi / gunaŋge n. langur monkey
gwa n. egg
gwa ə-g-ən vt. to lay egg (lit. 'do egg')
gwame n. centipede
gwi ə-d-n̩, gwi ə-d-i; gwi ə-go (imp) vt. to gather, keep, save
gwi-t-n̩, gwi-tsi-t-n̩ vi. to gather
gya n. male of a species
gya numba n. ox
gya-d-n̩, gya-d-i; gya ə-go (imp), gya ə-yin (proh) vt. to press, hold
gya-ɢʕa, gya-ɢʕai, gyaːi / gyakʰa n. strength
gya-qai, ata qaːi n. breath
gyaɢʕo, gyaːwo n. pus
gyakʰər ə-g-ən vi. to rest
gyao n. brain
gyaq-n̩; gyaq-to (imp) vi. to collapse
gyaq-a-d-n̩, gyaq-a-d-i; gyaq ə-go (imp), gyaq ə-yin (proh) vt. to make collapse
gyaudzi n. mother-in-law
gʰəi n. boil
gʰərun taŋ n. raksi
gʰərun, gʰərəo adj. hot
gʰərə-d-n̩, gʰərə-d-i; gʰərə-go (imp) vt. to make hot, heat
gʰəsa n. tobacco
gʰa-o (imp) vt. to thrash, beat
gʰãː-d-n̩, gʰãː-d-i; gʰãː ə-go (imp), gʰã-yin (proh) vt. to grind
gʰak əgo vt. to pierce
gʰan yeŋgu n. grindstone
gʰãs (Nep.) n. grass
gʰu a-t-n̩, gʰo ə-go vt. to move
gʰu-t-n̩ vi. to move
gʰue ə-go (imp) vt. to plough
gʰurma ə-go vt. to sting
gʰyaŋ n. female genitals
gʰyã-d-n̩ vt. to copulate
həbə-o (imp) vt. to hold in hand
həgədzun n. hummingbird
həilaŋ ə-go vt. to shake
həmətsi / həmitsi, həmdzi n. bat
hər-a-d-n̩, hər-a-d-i; haraŋ ə-go (imp) vt. to open, cause to open
hərdze a-t-n̩ vt. to win
hərgun adj. green
hərə-q-n̩ vi. to open on its own
hãː n. cheek
hãː / haŋ n. face
hãː / tsi-haŋ n. forehead
habə-d-n̩, habə-d-i; habə-go (imp) vt. to burn, roast
haɢʕo, haʕwo n. rhesus monkey
hai-t-n̩; hai-dzi (3rd) vi. to yawn
hampe interrog. where
hampe kʰaːu pron. nowhere
hanti n. cummerbund
haŋki n. neck
haŋki gun n. Adam's apple
haŋki ə-g-ən vi. to snore
haŋnuŋ n. shadow
haɴʕ-no vi. imperative form of 'sit' (see also s-aɴʕ-an and ɲ-aɴʕ-an)
haq / haχ n. leaf, book
haq a-d-n̩ vt. to read
haq gimi n. paper, paper note (lit. female leaf)
het ə-go (imp) vi. to call out
hi / he n. pig, wild boar
hi gimi n. sow pig
hilaŋ n. a kind of tree
hoigən, huigin adj. dirty, filthy, rubbish, litter
hugyaŋ n. spade, shovel
huki / hukki n. salt
huki am adj. salty
hũku hũku adv. little bit
hũkui / huŋkəi adj. small
hũkun kolde n. knife
hũkun əota n. window
hulə-d-n̩, hulə-d-i; hulə-go (imp) vt. to cook
hulən n. cook
humba ə-g-ən vt. to chase
hunko adv. almost
hurə-d-i / hurra ə-g-ən (3rd) vt. to throw, throw away
huː-dzi; huː-do (imp), huː-in (proh) vi. to fly
hũtu adv. far
huŋkəi bai n. the youngest elder sister
hyo-da-d-n̩, hyo-da-d-i vt. to swell
hyo-wən, hyo-dzi adj. swollen
hyoɢʕ-a-d-n̩, hyoɢʕ-a-d-i vt. to hide
hyoq-a vt. to be unable to
hyoq-n̩, hyoq-tsi-n vi. to hide, be able
hyu-dzi adj. fat
-i vt. root form of the verb 'fetch, bring' (see also ts-iw-ən and əiga)
idaŋ n. hunger
tən-da idaŋ 'I am hungry' (lit. hunger is to me)
idu / idəu n. liver
-ig- vt. root form of the verb 'put in' (see also ts-ig-ən)
ihəŋ / ehəŋ n. Newar
ima n. field, farmland
imala n. father’s second younger brother
imba-d-n̩, imba-d-i; imbə ə-go (imp) vt. to think, remember
imbə-d-n̩, imbə-d-i; imbə ə-go (imp) vt. to exchange, return
in-da-d-n̩, in-da-d-i; in-da ə-go (imp), in-da-yin (proh) vt. to feed, nurse
ĩnorət / inoərət n. Tharu
inu / inəu n. nose
inəŋ getse n. eyeball
inəŋ gi n. eyelash
n. sun
iŋ / inəŋ n. eye
iŋ gidaŋ n. tears
iŋ ipdzi vi. to doze
iŋ iŋ-dzi adj. sleepy
iŋ miː-dzi vi. to set (of sun)
iŋao / iŋau n. night
iŋdzũ, idziŋ / idzəŋ n. tongue
iŋgidat / iŋgidət n. Sarki, shoemaker caste (lit. foot leather)
-ip- vi. root form of the verb 'sleep' (see also ts-ip-n̩ and n-ip-n̩)
ipən n. corn, maize
ip-da-d-n̩, ip-da-d-i; ip-da ə-go (imp) vt. to put to sleep
ipi n. head
ipi gidzaŋ n. horn
ipi guhu n. skull
ippa kadzi n. wheat flour
ip-to vi. imperative form of 'sleep'
iraŋ ə-go vi. to stretch
ĩsala n. father’s third brother
isi, iskin adv. evening
isna pp. to there
-it- vi. root form of the verb 'say' (see also ts-it-n̩ and n-it-n̩)
istə adv. near
iyu n. ear
iyu əndoq adj. deaf
kəba n. lie, falsehood
kəba aːdzi / kaba-dze ə-g-ən vt. to lie (lit. to say a lie / to do a lie)
kəbdzaŋ / kəpdzaŋ n. gold
kəbule vt. to offer
kəita, qaida n. other
kəla-d-n̩, kəla-d-i; kəla-g-ən (3rd); kəla ə-go (imp), kəla ə-yin (proh) vt. to break, smash (as a jug); to cut, split wood
kəla-d-n̩, kəla-d-i vt. to separate
kəla-q-n̩ vi. to break, smash
kəla-q-tsi-n; kəla-q-dzi (3rd) vi. to separate
kəlã ə-g-ən vt. to distribute, divide
kələŋgu n. Jugi
kəmba-d-n̩, kumba-d-i; kəmba ə-go (imp) vt. to dump
kəmboi n. hornet
kəpaŋ n. tumeric, besar
kəpaŋ bəyo n. yellow
kəpʰera adv. again
kəre / kəri n. pot, vase, water container
kəreː n. jug
kərəŋ (Nep.) n. rib
kəu ə-g-ən vt. to promise god
kaitʰo ə-go vt. to pile up
kaitʰwa əgo (imp) vt. to join
kamkəm n. leprosy
kampa kampe adv. everywhere
kampya, kampe pp. to one side
kan adj. sharp
kanə ə-go vt. to sharpen
kapu n. a kind of fruit tree (Nep. kapʰəl; Myrica esculenta)
kasa n. a kind of tree (Nep. sajʰə)
kasi, kasige / kasigi adj. white, light color
katse n. crab
katse gumbo n. scorpion
katəŋ n. itch
kawa ə-go (imp) vt. to hold under arm
kãwər adj. light weight
kawət n. bangle
kayak n. a kind of tree (Nep. bʰəlayo; Rhus succedaneum)
ki n. louse
kila-d-n̩, kila-d-i; kila ə-g-ən (3rd); kila ə-go (imp), kila ə-yin (proh) vt. to steal
kiladi n. thief
kiptsak n. Sesi Kham
kirna (Nep.) n. tick
kisa-d-n̩ vt. to cut meat, clear brush
kiwə a-d-n̩; kiwə ə-go (imp), kiwə-n (proh) vt. to pinch
kog n. crow
koidzu n. red deer
kok ə-go vt. to raise, rear
kola ə-g-ən (3rd) vt. to stir
kola-d-n̩, kola-d-i; kola ə-go (imp) vt. to draw water
kolde n. khukri, knife
kolom, qolom adj. bad
kolumu / kolomu n. owl
komba komba ə-g-ən (3rd) vt. to tease
kon-da-d-n̩, kon-da-d-i vt. to cause to drink, to give drink
konda-gi vt. to water animals
kondok ə-g-ən vt. to make tall
koɴʕodi / kəũdəi n. blacksmith, kami
koyu n. whistle
kulum n. lie, falsehood
kum kum ə-g-ən vi. to quarrel
kya.aŋ adj. thin, skinny
kʰərgun adj. red
kʰərkəla n. Brahmin
kʰərwi / kʰərugəi n. wheat
kʰəŋgu, χəŋgu adj. cold (of food)
kʰa ə-d-i; kʰa ə-g-i (3rd); kʰa ə-go (imp) vt. to parch grain
kʰaidzi n. food, cooked rice
kʰaiya, χaiya n. danger
kʰam-tsi-n, kʰam-tsi-du, kʰam-dzi; kʰam-to (imp), kʰam-in (proh) vt. to bite, chew
kʰaːu, χaːu v. not (existential)
kʰola (Nep.) n. stream
kʰomba adj. mad
kʰomba dəmdzi vi. to go mad
kʰurpa n. khukri, knife
kʰya ə-g-ən vi. to be shy
lə a-d-n̩, lə ə-g-ən / lãhãgo vt. to apply, rub in
ləbu u-g-ən / ləbbo vi. to be angry (lit. anger to come)
ləbə-d-i vt. to stamp, print
ləbə-d-n̩, ləbə-d-i; ləbə ə-go (imp) vt. to bury
ləmba-d-n̩, ləmba-d-i; ləmba ə-go (imp) vt. to learn, teach
ləp-dzi vi. to adhere, stick
ləp-n̩ vi. to be stamped, imprinted
ləpa, ləppa n. blood
ləŋgəi / lənkəi n. cigarette
ləŋka, ləŋkəi adj. long
lab ə-g-ən vt. to plant
laɢʕan / laŋ n. village
laː ə-d-i; laː ə-n-i (2nd); laː ə-go (imp) vt. to taste
laĩ / lãɲe, ləŋkan n. cucumber
lãsi n. wild cherry
lekʰa-d-n̩ / lekʰe-d-n̩ vt. to write
leː n. lie, falsehood
leː ə-g-ən vt. to lie (lit. to do a lie)
leː ə-g-ən (3rd); leː ə-go (imp) vt. to sweep
libʰə ə-g-ən vi. to move
libũ-dzi, libũ-tsi-n; libũ-to (imp), libũ-nin (proh) vi. to play
libuŋdzi n. player
ligən / ligin n. nettle, burlap
lime-d-n̩; limi ə-go (imp) / ləima ə-go vt. to make dance; make hop around
limit-n̩, limi-tsi-n; limi-to (imp) vi. to dance
limu-dzi, limu-tsi-n vi. to fight, quarrel
liŋwa adj. heavy
lolə ə-d-n̩, lolə ə-d-i; lolə ə-go (imp), lolə ə-yin (proh) vi. to cry out
məhi a-t-n̩, məhi ə-go vt. to mix
məhi, məih n. buffalo
məhi-dzi adj. mixed
məi n. mother
məimi n. anxiety
məina (Nep.) n. month
məiti əgəi adj. naked
məlaŋ adv. slowly
məlli bai n. second elder sister
məla a-t-n̩, məla a-d-i; məla ə-yin (proh) vi. to be late
məndu, mədəu n. elder sister’s husband
mənni / məni adv. many, much
məstəmə adv. slowly
məta, mə adv. only
məːbə-d-n̩, məːbə-d-i; məːbə-go (imp), məːbə-yin (proh) vt. to hear, listen
məŋ / maŋ, maŋlaŋ n. song
məŋ ə-g-ən vt. to sing (lit. 'do song')
-ma aff. with
malu n. Nepali cap, topi
mame, mami n. bread
maqʰadzi / maχkadzʰi n. father’s younger brother’s wife
mãχ / mãkʰ n. dream
mãχ ts-ãɴʕ-dzi vi. to dream (lit. see a dream)
matsa n. blood vessel
mehaq, gemehaq / gimyaχ n. Ban Raja
meː-t-n̩, meː-d-i vt. to lose
-mi vt. root form of the verb 'forget' (see also tsə-mi-n)
miː-to vt. imperative form of 'forget' (see also tsə-mi-n)
miː-t-n̩ vi. to lose, be lost
mihaqtse / mʰaq-tse / maktse n. boy
mitʰiŋ vt. to make mistake
mitʰu ə-g-ən vi. to drown
miu / myiu n. arrow
mom n. elder brother
moŋ / muŋ n. king
motʰa ə-go (imp) vt. to swallow
motsa n. banana, plantain
mundo (Nep.) n. ring
murutəŋ ə-g-ən vt. to release
muruŋ-to, mərəŋ əgo vi. to turn over, roll over
muŋni n. queen
mwø ə-d-n̩, mwø ə-d-i; mwø ə-go (imp), mwø ə-yin (proh) vt. to boil food
myaq / myaχ n. leopard
myaqa / myakʰa, myaka adv. alone
myaqə-t-n̩, myaqə-d-i; myaqə-g-ən (3rd); myaqə-go (imp) vt. to dig
myaqo getse n. cat
n-ə ə-n-i vi. second person form of 'speak'
nəbʰəi n. feast
nəbə-d-i; nəbə ə-go (imp) vt. to marry
n-əg-ən vi. second person form of 'go'
nən-da pron. accusative case of second person pronoun
nən kʰaːu pron. nothing
nən nohən conj. because
nən, nətn̩ interrog. what, why
nəsa n. fish
nəsa (Nep.) n. sinew
nəti adv. which, who
nəti kʰaːi pron. no one
nəti-ye interrog. whose
na dem. this (animate thing)
nep n. grandfather
n-ig-ən vt. second person form of 'put in' (see also ts-ig-ən and -ig-)
ni-gimdzi pron. your own
nig-i pron. yours plural
nikʰe a-t-n̩, nikʰe-d-i; nikʰe ə-g-ən (3rd) vi. to laugh
niku, nigu n. moon
nimbu n. lemon
ni-mi-n vt. prohibitive form of 'forget' (see also tsə-mi-n)
niŋgitse / niŋtsi n. daughter
n-ip-n̩ vi. second person form of 'sleep' (see also ts-ip-n̩ and -ip-)
n-it-n̩ vi. second person form of 'say' (see also ts-it-n̩ and -it-)
n-iw-ən vi. prohibitive form of 'go' and 'bring' (see also -əg and əiga)
ni-yi pron. yours
nõdze, nõwdze pp. up, above
n-oɢʕ-on vt. second person form of 'put, set aside' (see also ts-oɢʕ-on)
nok pron. you plural
nokok, noχok n. maternal grandfather
nu, niu n. person, human, man, mankind
nu, nən-da pron. you, thou
numba n. cow
numba getse n. calf
nupa pp. there
nuŋ-tsi-n; nuŋ-to (imp) vi. to rise, get up
nwatsiu adj. deep
nya n. grandmother
nya ə-go (imp) vt. to hold in two hands
nyabi, nyabe n. mother’s brother’s wife
nyam n. mother’s brother
nyase n. occasion
ɲãː-d-n̩, ɲãː-d-i; ɲãː ə-go (imp), ɲãː ə-yin (proh) vt. to lift, remove, extract, expel, pick up
ɲãɴʕdi / ɲãŋdi n. wife
ɲãɴʕdidze, ɲãɴʕdi getse n. human female, woman
ɲ-aɴʕ-dzi vt. second person form of 'see' (see also ts-aɴʕ-dzi and gaɴʕ-no)
ɲaq-tsi-n; ɲaq-ni-n (2nd); ɲaq-to (imp), ɲaq-nin (proh) vi. to wait
odoq v. not (equative)
oɢʕ-da-d-n̩, oɢʕ-da-d-i vt. to kill (see also orə-d-n̩)
oɢʕtsi, oːʕtsi n. upper body, chest
okti (Nep.) n. medicine
ola-d-n̩, ola-d-i; ola-g-i (3rd) vt. to step on
olaŋ adj. sweet, tasty
olum n. pilgrim
omoq, oməq / omok / omokʰ n. arm, wing, branch, sleeve
oməq / omaχ n. blouse, woman’s garment
õːɲi adj. big
oɴʕla-d-n̩, oɴʕla-d-i; oɴʕla ə-go (imp) vt. to search for; to want
oɴʕtaŋ n. smoking pipe
oɴʕtsə, õwtsə / əũtsa adv. afternoon
oɴʕɲi n. umbrella
oqtsi, oɢʕtsi, oːʕtsi / okʰtsi n. chest
orə-d-n̩, ora-d-i; orə-g-ən (3rd) vt. to kill (see also oɢʕ-da-d-n̩)
oran bəsə adv. next year
osenti n. girl
otisge n. ghost, spirit
otok vt. to reject
pəidzi n. cloth, clothing
pəidzi ɲãː ə-go (imp) vt. to undress (lit. 'remove clothing')
pəidzəbo n. lentil (Nep. mas)
pəitoba / pəitokba n. Damai, tailor
pənahak n. a kind of tree (Nep. malu; Bauhinia vahlii)
pəo-tsi-n vi. to be tired
pərmə-d-n̩, pərmə-d-i vt. to meet
pəsəo adj. hard
pətsʰe haq n. leafy vegetable, green leaf
pətsəidzi adj. upside down
pətse a-d-i; pətse ə-go (imp) vt. to return; to give back (lit. 'do return')
pətse e-d-i vt. to return, give back (lit. 'give return')
pəwi / pəui / pəuəi n. bamboo
pəyet n. leech
pəyãkʰ n. hay
pəŋga n. spider
pəŋgyu n. lizard
pãgo num. five
papdore abəq n. a tree mushroom
paː-d-i; paː ə-go (imp) vt. to pick, pluck
paːtse / patsʰe pp. downhill
paŋdzaŋ num. five
pãsula (Nep.) n. shin
pãːyi / pãi n. cloud
pewa əgən vt. to scrub outside
pimba ə-go (imp) vt. to count
pimpiŋdzi vi. to feel drowsy
pinda adv. before, in front of
pinda duktsi n. eldest son
pinda pinda adv. long ago
pit ə-go (imp) vi. to leave, depart
pita-d-i; pita-n-i (2nd); pita ə-go (imp) vt. to untie
pitta n. bile
piːəgu num. four
piwə ə-go (imp), piwə ə-yin (proh) vt. to peel
põtʰa ə-go (imp) vt. to jump over
poχla-d-n̩, poχla-d-i, poχla ə-go (imp), poχla ə-yin (proh) vt. to bathe
pui n. iguana
pumba-d-n̩, pumba-d-i, pumba ə-go (imp), pumba ə-yin (proh) vt. to beat
pumba-d-n̩, pumba-d-i; pumba ə-go (imp), pumba ə-yin (proh) vt. to hit, strike
purano (Nep.) adj. old
pwahan n. graveyard, cemetary
pya adv. earlier
pyadz (Nep.) n. onion
pyai dəgən bəsə adv. last year
pyai pyai adv. long ago
pyana, pyene / peni adv. yesterday
pyaŋdzaŋ num. four
pʰəlaq n. bed
pʰəu-n vi. to finish (be consumed)
pʰəŋ, pʰ~ə ə-g-ən vt. to digest
pʰã ə-g-ən vt. to help, give aid
pʰeb-a-d-n̩, pʰeb-a-d-i vt. to make fall, knock over
pʰeladəŋ n. lentil (Nep. gəgət)
pʰelaŋ adj. flat
pʰelãde n. beaten rice
pʰep-a-d-n̩, pʰep-a-d-i vt. to drop
pʰep-n̩; pʰep-to (imp), pʰeb-in (proh) vi. to drop, fall over
pʰira-d-n̩, pʰira ə-go vt. to fill
pʰirun, pʰirut-n̩ v., adj. full
pʰo a-d-n̩; pʰo ə-g-ən (3rd) vt. to hit, strike; to shoot a gun
pʰotoq / pʰoqtoχ, pʰokto adj. short
pʰurluŋ adj. red
pʰurpʰu-d-i; pʰurpʰu-to (imp) vi. to run
pʰuː-dzi, pʰuː-d-i; pʰu-to (imp), pʰu-yin (proh) vi. to jump
pʰwa ə-g-ən vi. to burst
pʰwotoq adj. low
pʰya ə-go (imp) vt. to wash clothes
pʰyaksəm n. horse
pʰyaləm adj. soft, mushy
qəmba ə-d-i / qəmba ə-go vt. to pour
qaɢʕtse adv. together
qaien, qaiɢʕun, qaidzi adj. dry, wither
qaːi / kai n. wind, air, steam
qaːi hur-ən vt. to breathe (lit. throw breath)
qamtsi n. pillow
qaoli n. god
qaːn n. itch
qaːsn̩ num. one
qaːs-n̩ vi. to tear, be torn
qasə-d-i vt. to tear, rip off
qasti, qaːsn̩ num. one
qasə-d-i vt. to tear
qato / katəu adj. bitter
qatraq n. son-in-law
qau-ən vi. to decay
qau-da-d-n̩, qau-da-d-i; qauda ə-go (imp) vt. to make decay
qaudzi adj. rotten
qawai n. jackal
qayo n. skirt
qoɢʕe-d-n̩, qoɢʕe-d-i, qoɢʕe-d-u vt. to argue
qomə-d-i vi. to move from one place to another
qomba-a-t-n̩, qomba-a-d-i; qomba ə-go (imp) vt. to move, pour from one container to another
qon vt. imperative form of 'drink' (see also ts-oɴʕ-on)
qotu / kotou, koʈou n. bird
qotu uhu n. bird’s beak
qotu wi n. nest
qoturaq adv. day after tomorrow
qʰai-d-n̩, qʰai-dzi-n; qʰai-ni-n (2nd); qʰai-to (imp), qʰai-nin (proh) vi. to fear, be frightened
rəktsa / rəktsʰya n. Chettri
rənta n. swing
rəŋgunda / rəmkuna n. pumpkin
rãko, raŋkwa n. millet
rambenda (Nep.) n. tomato
ran n. millet
ruga (Nep.) n. nasal mucus
ruːə-d-i; ruːə-go (imp) vt. to pull, drag
sə ə-go (imp) vi. to bow; to salute
səi n. bear
səmba adv. after, later, behind
səmba n. buttocks
səmtoq n. squirrel
səũli, s~əli n. pine tree
sabe pp. there, that direction / sam n. star
sali bai n. third elder sister
s-aɴʕ-an; haɴʕ-no (imp) vi. to sit
sat n. comb
sat ipi bənə-d-i vt. to comb hair
segu (Nep.) n. rain shield
sen n. paddy
seː-d-n̩, seː-d-i; seː ə-go (imp) vt. to catch
siba, siwa adv. quickly, fast
sib-a-d-n̩, sib-a-d-i; sib-a ə-go (imp), sib-a ə-yin (proh) vt. to enter, pass through
sidzaŋ n. beer, brew
simi (Nep.) n. beans
sip-n̩, sip-tsi-n; sip-to (imp), sip-in (proh) vi. to enter
sisen / sisin n. paddy, rice field
siŋki n. eagle
sodzaq greet. hello, greetings
sok ə-go vi. to graze
soksogərəm, soksodi adj. black
sola-d-n̩, sola-d-i; sola ə-go (imp), sola ə-yin (proh) vt. to break (as a pencil)
solo-q-n̩ vi. to break in two
soq-a-d-n̩, soq-a-d-i; soq-a-go (imp) vt. to cause to climb
soq-n̩, soq-tsi-n; soq-ni-n (2nd); soq-to (imp) vi. to climb
soqdzi yi n. ladder
sowa-d-n̩, sowa-d-i, sowa-go vt. to wash pots
supo n. winnowing tray
suta, sutta n. rope, string, thread
swəttei / swəttəi adv. all
sya ə-go (imp) vt. to hold tightly
təinan bəsə adv. this year
təmbə-d-n̩, təmbə-d-i; tambə ə-go (imp) vt. to send
tən-da pron. accusative form of first person pronoun
təwa n. this side
təwa pp. to here
təĩna, təndin / təndiŋ adv. today
t-əm-ən; n-əm-ən (2nd); am, am-to (imp), n-əm-in (proh) vt. to eat
ta dem. this (inanimate things)
tahu-dzi vi. to reach
tap n. chicken
tap getse n. chick
tap gimi n. hen
tap gya n. rooster, cock
tape, tapye pp. here; to this direction
taqsi n. boys and girls
tasin, tasi n. bush
taŋ n. rain, water
taŋ dziu-n, dziu-t-n̩ vi. to leak
taŋ pəiyo n. thirst (lit. 'thirst water')
tei saŋ-dzi vi. to remain
teisa pp. here
tigi-i pron. ours
toba ə-d-i; toba ə-go (imp) vt. to sew
tok pron. we
toldok n. rice milk
t-oɢʕ-an; oɢʕ-do (imp), nə-du (imp), n-oɢʕə-yin (proh) vi. to die
toɢʕon adv. day before yesterday
tu n. snake, bug, insect
tuba-o (imp) vt. to extinguish
t-ug-un; əga (imp), n-ug-in (proh) vi. to come
t-uk-an; n-ukan (imp) vt. to know
tul-tsi-n; tul-ni-n (2nd); tul-to (imp), tulə-yin (proh) vi. to dress
tul-a-d-n̩, tul-a-d-i / tul-a ə-go (imp) vt. to dress someone
tumbə-d-n̩, tumbə-d-i vt. to finish
tut n. bow
twi n. bee
twi-yi gidaŋ n. honey
tʰəwə / tʰəwa n. place
tʰal (Nep.) n. plate
tʰamdzi pp. between
tʰamdzi vt. to pierce (by a thorn)
tʰumən yeŋgu n. mortar
ts-ə ə-d-n̩, ts-ə ə-d-i; n-ə ə-n-i (2nd) vi. to talk, speak
ts-əg-ən; n-əg-ən (2nd); d-əg-əi (3rd); da (imp), n-iw-ən (proh) vi. to go
tsə-mi-n, tsə-mi-di; ni-mi-di (2nd); miː-to (imp), ni-mi-n (proh) vt. to forget
tsəmaq n. steel for striking fire
tsəmaq tʰagən yeŋgu n. flint (lit. steel striking stone)
tsəmək n. tinder, fire fibers
ts-aɴʕ-dzi; ɲ-aɴʕ-dzi (2nd); g-aɴʕ-dzi (3rd); gaɴʕ-no (imp) vt. to see, look
tsi vi. to be (locational)
tsi, tən-da pron. I
tsidan n. credit
ts-iw-ən, ts-i-d-i; əiga (imp), n-iw-ən (proh) vt. to fetch; to bring
ts-ig-ən; n-ig-ən (2nd) vt. to put in (Nep. hal-nu)
tsi-gimdzi pron. my own
tsilip ə-g-ən (3rd); tsilip ə-go (imp) vt. to squeeze, wring, to milk
tsim tsim ə-g-ən v. to feel
tsimə-d-i, tsimə ə-go vt. to touch
tsini (Nep.) n. sugar
tsinu n. a kind of tree
ts-ip-n̩; n-ip-n̩ (2nd); g-ip-n̩ (3rd); ip-to (imp) vi. to sleep
tsirma-t-n̩, tsirma-d-i; tsirma ə-go (imp) vt. to recognize
ts-it-n̩; n-it-n̩ (2nd); i-dzi (3rd) vi. to say (quotative)
ts-iw-ən vt. to bring
tsi-yi pron. mine
ts-oɢʕ-on; n-oɢʕ-on (2nd); g-oɢʕ-on (3rd) vt. to put, set aside
ts-oɴʕ-on; at-to (imp) vt. to say
ts-oɴʕ-ən; qon (imp), n-oɴʕ ə-yin (proh) vt. to drink
tsu / tsiu vi. to be (existential)
tsula (Nep.) n. firepit
tsya n. tea
tsʰãːn, tsʰãː-d-i, tsʰãː ə-g-ən vt. to tie, bind
tsʰut ə-g-ən vt. to cross river
ubə-go (imp) vt. to blow
uhu, u.u n. tooth
ukʰi-q-n̩ vi. to ruin
ukʰə ə-g-ən vt. to ruin
ulum-to (imp) vi. to roam
umbə a-t-n̩, umbə a-d-i; umbə ə-go (imp) vt. to call
un n. trail, road
un, uŋ n. road, path, trail
unda-d-n̩, un-da-d-i; unda ə-go (imp) vt. to show
unibai uŋnibai n. eldest sister
upto / opʈo n. knee, kneecap
uris (Nep.) n. bedbug
usni n. girl
wak (Nep.) n. vomit
waŋ n. firefly
wen, weyən adj. good
wi / uhi, ui n. house
witʰu / oitʰəu adj. slippery
witʰu dum n. mud
yəi / ei n. father
ya ə-go vt. to spread, make a bed
ya.a / yakʰ, yaχ n. straw mat (Nep. ghundro)
yaɢʕsi, yaːqsi / yase n. lower back, waist
yaɢʕu, yaːʕu / yaχəu adj. cold (weather)
yaq n. hail, snow
yaqa, yakʰa, yaχa n. porcupine
yaŋ n. shit, dung
yaŋ ə-g-ən / yã ə-g-ən (3rd); yã ə-go (imp), yã ə-yin (proh) vt. to defecate
yaŋbəru / yaŋburu n. Kumal
yãtsa n. father’s younger brother
yebu n. yam
yegəmba n. civet cat
yegəmbu n. Magar
yekʰolak, yakələk adj. dumb
yen n. foot, leg
yen amba n. thigh (lit. 'leg meat')
yen gidət / yen gitət n. shoe (lit. 'foot leather')
yeodze adv. now, one moment
yerəŋ ə-go vt. to make tight
yeŋ dəi ə-g-ən vt. to kick (lit 'hit with leg')
yeŋgu n. coin (lit. stone)
yeŋgu / yiŋgu n. stone, pestle
yeŋgu əota n. cave (lit. stone door)
yeŋgut / yiŋgut n. rat, weasel, mouse
-yi, -hi, -gi aff. genitive
yibiu ə-g-ən vt. to scratch
yiː / ihi n. tree
yolaq adj. soft
yowən vi. to ripen
yuŋ-tsi-n, yuŋ-tsi-du; yuŋ-to (imp) vi. to lie down
yuŋsũ / gusuŋ n. tail

Aaley & Bodt (2019)


Kusunda word list from Aaley & Bodt (2019):[2]

No. English gloss Kusunda Comments
1 above ɐɴ.ʣe
2 all swɐ.te
3 the ant
4 the armpit ka.kʰi < NEP कािख kākhi ‘armpit’
5 bad qo.lum
6 the bamboo pɐ.we
7 the barley (Tibetan or highland)
8 to be alive ə
9 the belly ge.mɐt
10 below, under ɐ.me
11 big bɐ.ʦʰe
12 the bird qo.tow
13 to bite kʰɐm
14 black sok.sok
15 the blood lɐ.pa
16 to blow (of wind) qɐj u WIND + COME
17 the body hair (hair or fur) gi
18 the bone
19 the branch ji o.moq TREE + UPPER ARM
20 the breast (female) ɐm.bu
21 to burn [intransitive] huɴ
22 to buy ʣɐk
23 to chew descriptive, repetition of ‘bite’ = chew
24 the child (young human) gə.ʦeː
25 the cloud bɐm
26 cold (of temperature) jɐ.ɢɐw cold of weather / temperature
27 to come u
28 correct (right) wen = GOOD; with /e/ realised [ɛ] following /w, j/
29 to count
30 to cry (weep) ʣʰɐm
31 dark concept does not exist, only ‘dusk’ (lit. SUN+NEG.EXIT.COP), midnight, evening etc.
32 the daughter niŋ gə.ʦeː DAUGHTER (?) + CHILD
33 the dew does not exist, new compounds are made based on FALL + WATER, STAY + WATER etc.
34 to die oɢ.da
35 to dig mek
36 dirty hu.ji.gɐn hu.jiː = ‘dirt, dust’, also verb ‘be dirty’
37 the dog ɐ.gəj
38 the dream maq
39 to drink qɔn
40 dry qɐj actually, root of the verb ‘dry, wither’. No consensus about adj. suffix.
41 the dust hu.ji = DIRT
42 the ear jəw
43 early
44 the earth (soil) dum = MUD
45 the earthworm
46 to eat ɐm
47 the egg gwa
48 eight at < NEP आठ āṭh ‘eight’
49 the eye i.nəŋ
50 far hun.tow
51 the father jej
52 the feather ɐ.hun = WING
53 to fight
54 the fire ʣa
55 firewood dəj.ʣi
56 the fish nɐ.sa
57 five
58 the flea bul.ʦʰum
59 to float concept does not exist?
60 to flow noun + verb compound WATER + GO
61 the flower ge.pan
62 to fly (move through air) hu
63 the fog concept does not exist?
64 the foot jen = LEG
65 the forest gi.lɐŋ
66 to forget mi
67 four
68 the fox qa.wəj act. any kind of wild dog, incl. dhole, wild dog, jackal
69 the frog bɐ
70 the front (front side) pin.da
71 the frost jaq = SNOW, HAIL, ICE
72 the fruit ʣoŋ.ʣɐŋ
73 full pʰ
74 to give e
75 the goat ɐj.ʣ also ‘goral’
76 good wen
77 the grass concept does not exist, either NEP loan or word derived from Gorkha vocabulary
78 green hɐ.rə.gun < NEP हिरयो hariyō ‘green’
79 the hail jaq = SNOW, ICE, FROST
80 the hair (of the head) i.pi gi = HEAD + HAIR
81 the hand a.wəj
82 hard pɐ.sɔw
83 he or she [third person singular] = THAT
84 the head i.pi
85 to hear mɐm.bə
86 the heart gɔ.blɔk
87 heavy liŋ.wa
88 here tə
89 to hide (conceal) hʲɔq
90 high / tall gʰ
91 to hold siː
92 the hoof do not remember
93 horizontal concept does not exist?
94 the horn (keratinized skin) do not remember
95 the horse pʰek.sɐm ‘pack animal’
96 hot gʰɐ.rɐw < NEP गरम gāram ‘hot’
97 the house wu.hi
98 hundred sɐj < NEP सय say ‘one hundred’
99 to hunt pɐ.də
100 the husband du.hi
101 I [first person singular] ʦi
102 the ice jaq = SNOW, FROST, HAIL
103 inside ɐɴ
104 to kill ɔɢ.da ɐ.go = DIE + DO (causative of ‘die’ = ‘kill’)
105 to knead ʣɔk
106 the knee
107 knife qo.le
108 to know (something) ʦ act. ‘know, recognise’? Root of ‘know’ is elusive.
109 the lake concept does not exist?
110 late mɐ.lɐŋ
111 to laugh ni.kʰe ni thought original
112 the leaf haq
113 to learn lɐ
114 left concept does not exist?
115 to lick lɐk
116 to lie down mu.roŋ
117 light (of weight) kaɴ.wər
118 the lip (the lips) concept does not exist?
119 the liver i.dow
120 long lɐŋ second syllable uncertain
121 the louse kiː
122 the lung no consensus, may be syn. with HEART?
123 the man (male human) du.hi gə.ʦe HUSBAND + CHILD
124 many mə.ni
125 to marry (a man marries a woman) nɐ.bə
126 the meat ɐ
127 middle gi.ʣat rhyme -at seen as original
128 the moon ni.ku
129 morning compounds / descriptive
130 the mosquito concept does not exist?
131 the mother mɐj
132 the mountain di.bɐŋ
133 the mouse or rat jɛŋ.gut
134 the mouth ɐ.ta
135 the mud dum = EARTH (SOIL)
136 the nail (fingernail or claw) ɐ
137 the name gi.ʣe
138 narrow concept does not exist, use SMALL
139 near is.ta
140 the neck hɐŋ.ki
141 the needle (for sewing) ər.ʦʰa
142 new ʣeŋ.n
143 nine nɐw < NEP नौ nau ‘nine’
144 the nit ʣoɴ.ok
145 noon oɴ.ʦa
146 the nose
147 old (of person) dəj.ja
148 one qɐs.ti
149 the otter do not remember
150 outside baɴ.ʣa
151 the pig hi
152 to plant (vegetables, rice) lɐ.bə
153 to play li.buŋ
154 to pull ru
155 to push dʰu.sə
156 the rain tɐŋ = WATER
157 the rainbow concept does not exist?
158 red kʰɐ.rə.gun
159 to reside (live) haɴ
160 the rice plant si.sin
161 right concept does not exist?
162 the river do not remember
163 the road un
164 the root go.dok
165 the rope su.ta
166 round gu.luŋ
167 to run pʰur.pʰur
168 the salt
169 salty ɐm SALT + EAT
170 the sand gə.li
171 to scratch no consensus
172 the sea concept does not exist
173 to see gɐɴ
174 the seed concept does not exist?
175 seven sat < NEP सात sāt ‘seven’
176 sharp qan
177 the sheep gʰo.loq
178 to shoot (an arrow) pʰo
179 short pʰok.tok
180 the shoulder do not remember
181 shy kʰe
182 the sickle ba.kʰa (also: woodpecker)
183 to sing mɐŋ.la
184 six ʦʰaː < NEP छ cha ‘six’
185 the skin gi.tət
186 the sky do not remember or does not exist?
187 to sleep ip
188 small huŋ.kəj
189 to smell (perceive odor) [transitive] gən.ʣi
190 the smoke di.mi
191 smooth concept does not exist?
192 the snake tuk
193 the snow jaq = ICE, FROST, HAIL
194 soft jo.lɐq
195 the son duk.ʦi
196 the sparrow concept does not exist or don’t remember?
197 the spider pɐŋ.ga
198 to spit ɐ.ta gi.tɐŋ hur.rə = MOUTH + LIQUID + THROW AWAY
199 to stand dʰuŋ
200 the star sa.ɢɐm
201 to steal
202 the stick dəŋ.ga
203 the stone (a piece of) jeŋ.gu
204 straight concept does not exist, use descriptive?
205 the sun i.jəŋ
206 the tail suŋ first syllable is unclear
207 ten das < NEP दस das ‘ten’
209 there no consensus
210 thick gʰə
211 the thigh o.dok
212 thin (object) ke.kʰɐŋ
213 to think (reflect) im.bə
214 this na
215 thou [second person singular] nu
216 three da.hɐt
217 to throw hur.rə
218 the thunder concept does not exist or don’t remember?
219 the tiger meq
220 today no consensus
221 tomorrow gu.rɐq
222 the tongue i.ʣəŋ
223 the tooth (front)
224 the tree ji may be < i.jiː
225 twenty bis < NEP
226 two du.kʰu
227 to vomit concept does not exist or don’t remember?
228 to walk no consensus
229 the water tɐŋ = RAIN
230 we [first person plural inclusive] tok
231 wet ʣʰok
232 what nɐ.t.n
233 the wheat kʰɐ
234 where hɐ
235 white
236 who nə.ti
237 the wife neŋ.ɐ.di
238 the wind qɐj
239 the wing ɐ.hun = FEATHER
240 to wipe no consensus
241 the wolf concept does not exist, cf. FOX
242 the woman neŋ.ɐ.di gə.ʦe = WIFE + CHILD
243 the wood (material) specific concept does notexist? Either TREE or FIREWOOD?
244 to sow (broadcast, scatter seeds) concept does not exist
245 the year bɐr.saː < NEP बषर् barṣa ‘year’
246 yellow descriptive terms, noconsensus
247 yesterday pe
248 you [second person plural] nɔk
249 young ma.ɢa.ʦʰe
250 the shit jeŋ


  1. ^ Watters, David E. 2006. Notes on Kusunda Grammar: A Language Isolate of Nepal. Himalayan Linguistics Archive 3. (2006) 1-182.
  2. ^ Aaley, Uday Raj and Bodt, Timotheus Adrianus. 2019. Kusunda 250 Word List Audio Files (Version 1.1). (accessed 2020-04-08). 21pp.
Vocabulary lists of Indo-Pacific languages

p-Trans-New Guinea • p-Northern Adelbert • p-Sogeram • Bayono-Awbono • Paniai Lakes • Kolopom • Bulaka River • Pauwasi • p-South Bougainville • p-Lower Sepik • p-Watam-Awar-Gamay • p-Lakes Plain • p-North Halmahera • p-Timor-Alor-Pantar • p-Alor-Pantar • Tayap • Massep


North Australian (basic) • p-Nyulnyulan • p-Mirndi • p-Gunwinyguan • Limilngan • Umbugarla • Minkin • Tiwi • Malak-Malak • Pama-Nyungan • p-Pama-Nyungan • p-Arandic • p-Thura-Yura • p-Ngayarda


p-Dravidian • Dravidian • Kusunda • Nihali • Kenaboi • p-Ongan