
Documentation in progress


This is a base template called by {{hyw-conj-ել}}, {{hyw-conj-ալ}} and all other Western Armenian verb inflection templates. They all start with the prefix <hyw-conj>. It should not be used independently.



This template was designed based off of the Eastern Armenian verb inflection template {{hy-conj}}. Some major differences are the following:

  1. There are no simultaneous or perfective converbs. There is an evidential participle
  2. Indicative present/past use a prefix կը before consonants, կ before vowels/letters <ա է օ ու ե ի>, not the letter <ո> pronounced as [vo]
  3. The resultative and evidential participles are used for marking the present perfect and pluperfect
  4. The connegative is homophonous for negative present and negative past for -ել and -ալ verbs, but different for -իլ verbs
  5. There is no conditional
  6. Prohibitives never use aorist stems or irregular forms

Paradigms were checked against the ArmenianVerbs GitHub repo

  • If a verb has colloquial forms for the aorist, you have to list each form per person/number, like indaor1SGcoll etc, see խածնել

Copying from Eastern


When making new entries, use the following examples to guide you:

  1. If the Eastern is in reformed orthography or uses different vowels, and the Western form exists as a classical entry, then make an Armenian sub-entry like in երեւիլ
  2. If the Eastern is in reformed orthography or uses different vowels, and the Western form doesn't exist on Wiktionary even as a classical entry, then create a page like in իջնալ and խօսիլ. Cite the alternative form in the Eastern entry if it's not already there like in իջնել and խոսել

Check out the guidelines for the Western-only template Template:hyw-conj-իլ