Slovenian in BabelBox

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua

You've done some good work with Slovenian. "Make simple phrases" doesn't say how many phrases and on what level. Can you make/understand phrases like "Ne razumem slovensko", "Kaj je to?" "Kam ideš?", "Mám rád sex". If you do, even without confidence, you can put "level 1" easily.

Anatoli (обсудить/вклад)01:22, 16 April 2014

I can understand the first two, struggling a bit with the third, and have no idea about the fourth but I'm guessing it's not so formal...

CodeCat01:24, 16 April 2014

No wonder, I stuffed it up! The third one should be "Kam greš?" and the fourth one "Všeč mi sex.". We should have an entry for všeč.

Anatoli (обсудить/вклад)01:54, 16 April 2014