User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-x

Xanthi {prop} (city in Greece) :: Ksanti
xanthous {adj} (yellow-brown) :: żółtobrązowy {m}
Xavier {prop} (male given name) :: Ksawery
Xbox {n} (video game console manufactured and distributed by Microsoft) :: Xbox {m}
xebec {n} (transport ship) :: szebeka
Xenia {prop} (female given name) :: Ksenia {f}
xenial {adj} (hospitable) :: gościnny {m}
xenocide {n} (genocide of entire alien species) :: ksenocyd
xenon {n} (chemical element) :: ksenon {m}
Xenophanes {prop} (a Greek philosopher and a poet) :: Ksenofanes
xenophobe {n} (hater of foreigners) :: ksenofobem
xenophobia {n} (a pathological fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners) :: ksenofobia {f}
xenophobic {n} (xenophobe) SEE: xenophobe ::
Xenophon {prop} (historian and philosopher) :: Ksenofont {m}
xerostomia {n} (dry mouth) SEE: dry mouth ::
xerox {v} (to make photocopies) :: kserować, skserować
xerox copy {n} (photocopy) :: ksero {n}, kserokopia {f}, fotokopia {f}
xeroxcopy {n} (xerox copy) SEE: xerox copy ::
Xerxes {prop} (Xerxes I of Persia) :: Kserkses I {m}
Xerxes {prop} (Xerxes II of Persia) :: Kserkses II {m}
Xerxes {prop} (given name) :: Kserkses {m}
Xhosa {n} (Xhosa language) :: xhosa
Xi'an {prop} (a city of China) :: Xi'an {n}
Xianggang {prop} (Hong Kong) SEE: Hong Kong ::
Xinjiang {prop} (autonomous region of China) :: Sinkiang {m}
xiphias {n} (xiphias) SEE: swordfish ::
xiphoid process {n} (cartilaginous extension) :: wyrostek mieczykowaty {m}
Xizang {prop} (Tibet) SEE: Tibet ::
xor {n} (exclusive OR) :: albo
X-ray {n} (the letter "X" in ICAO spelling alphabet) :: x-ray
xylograph {n} (engraving in wood) SEE: woodcut ::
xylograph {n} (print taken from an engraving in wood) SEE: woodcut ::
xylographer {n} (person) :: drzeworytnik {m}, drzeworytniczka {f}
xylography {n} (art of making xylographs) SEE: woodcut ::
xylophone {n} (musical instrument) :: ksylofon {m-in}
xylophonist {n} (xylophone player) :: ksylofonista {m}, ksylofonistka {f}
xylose {n} (wood sugar) :: ksyloza {f}