User:Matthias Buchmeier/mk-en-0

´ {diacrit} :: A symbol used to denote the schwa sound
´ {diacrit} :: A symbol placed before a syllabic р at the beginning of a word
Ѕ {letter} :: The tenth letter of the Macedonian Cyrillic alphabet
ѝ {pron} :: Short indirect object form of таа
’рбет {m} :: spine, backbone
’рбетен {adj} :: spinal, vertebral
’рбетник {m} :: vertebrate
’рдоква {f} :: radish
’рѓа {f} :: rust
’рѓав {adj} :: rusty
’рѓоса {vi pf} :: to rust
’рѓосува {vi impf} :: to rust
’рж {f} :: rye (grass or grain)
’ржан {adj} :: rye (made with rye)
’ржи {vi impf} :: to growl
’рка {vit impf} :: spit, expectorate
’рмба {vi impf} :: to slog, toil
’рскавица {f} :: cartilage
’рскавичен {adj} :: cartilaginous
’рт {m} :: hound
’рт {m} :: [geography] cape
’рти {vi impf} :: to germinate
’рчи {vi impf} :: to snore
’ршум {m} :: mess, havoc, disorder
’шт {interj} :: shoo