

Etymology 1


From Proto-Finnic *nëuvodak. Cognates include Finnish neuvoa and Veps nevoda.






  1. (transitive, usually atelic) to advise
Conjugation of nevvoa (type 1/ampua, no gradation)
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular nevvon en nevvo 1st singular oon nevvont, oon nevvonut en oo nevvont, en oo nevvonut
2nd singular nevvot et nevvo 2nd singular oot nevvont, oot nevvonut et oo nevvont, et oo nevvonut
3rd singular nevvoo ei nevvo 3rd singular ono nevvont, ono nevvonut ei oo nevvont, ei oo nevvonut
1st plural nevvomma emmä nevvo 1st plural oomma nevvoneet emmä oo nevvoneet
2nd plural nevvotta että nevvo 2nd plural ootta nevvoneet että oo nevvoneet
3rd plural nevvoot1), nevvovat2), nevvotaa evät nevvo, ei nevvota 3rd plural ovat nevvoneet evät oo nevvoneet, ei oo nevvottu
impersonal nevvotaa ei nevvota impersonal ono nevvottu ei oo nevvottu
Imperfekta Pluskvamperfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular nevvoin en nevvont, en nevvonut 1st singular olin nevvont, olin nevvonut en olt nevvont, en olt nevvonut
2nd singular nevvoit et nevvont, et nevvonut 2nd singular olit nevvont, olit nevvonut et olt nevvont, et olt nevvonut
3rd singular nevvoi ei nevvont, ei nevvonut 3rd singular oli nevvont, oli nevvonut ei olt nevvont, ei olt nevvonut
1st plural nevvoimma emmä nevvoneet 1st plural olimma nevvoneet emmä olleet nevvoneet
2nd plural nevvoitta että nevvoneet 2nd plural olitta nevvoneet että olleet nevvoneet
3rd plural nevvoit1), nevvoivat2), nevvottii evät nevvoneet, ei nevvottu 3rd plural olivat nevvoneet evät olleet nevvoneet, ei olt nevvottu
impersonal nevvottii ei nevvottu impersonal oli nevvottu ei olt nevvottu
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular nevvoisin en nevvois 1st singular olisin nevvont, olisin nevvonut en olis nevvont, en olis nevvonut
2nd singular nevvoisit, nevvoist1) et nevvois 2nd singular olisit nevvont, olisit nevvonut et olis nevvont, et olis nevvonut
3rd singular nevvois ei nevvois 3rd singular olis nevvont, olis nevvonut ei olis nevvont, ei olis nevvonut
1st plural nevvoisimma emmä nevvois 1st plural olisimma nevvoneet emmä olis nevvoneet
2nd plural nevvoisitta että nevvois 2nd plural olisitta nevvoneet että olis nevvoneet
3rd plural nevvoisiit1), nevvoisivat2), nevvottais evät nevvois, ei nevvottais 3rd plural olisivat nevvoneet evät olis nevvoneet, ei olis nevvottu
impersonal nevvottais ei nevvottais impersonal olis nevvottu ei olis nevvottu
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular 1st singular
2nd singular nevvo elä nevvo 2nd singular oo nevvont, oo nevvonut elä oo nevvont, elä oo nevvonut
3rd singular nevvokoo elköö nevvoko 3rd singular olkoo nevvont, olkoo nevvonut elköö olko nevvont, elköö olko nevvonut
1st plural 1st plural
2nd plural nevvokaa elkää nevvoko 2nd plural olkaa nevvoneet elkää olko nevvoneet
3rd plural nevvokoot elkööt nevvoko, elköö nevvottako 3rd plural olkoot nevvoneet elkööt olko nevvoneet, elköö olko nevvottu
impersonal nevvottakkoo elköö nevvottako impersonal olkoo nevvottu elköö olko nevvottu
positive negative
1st singular nevvonen en nevvone
2nd singular nevvonet et nevvone
3rd singular nevvonoo ei nevvone
1st plural nevvonemma emmä nevvone
2nd plural nevvonetta että nevvone
3rd plural nevvonoot evät nevvone, ei nevvottane
impersonal nevvottannoo ei nevvottane
Nominal forms
Infinitivat Partisipat
active passive
1st nevvoa present nevvova nevvottava
2nd inessive nevvojees past nevvont, nevvonut nevvottu
instructive nevvoen 1) Chiefly in the Soikkola dialect.
2) Chiefly in the Ala-Laukaa dialect.
*) For the imperative, the 2nd plural (nevvokaa) may be used for the 3rd person as well.
**) The interrogative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) to the indicative
***) The deliberative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) or -kse to either the indicative or the potential
****) In folk poetry, a long first infinitive can be formed by adding the suffix -kse-, followed by possessive suffixes, to the first infinitive. Note that sometimes gemination may be undone by this addition.
3rd illative nevvomaa
inessive nevvomaas
elative nevvomast
abessive nevvomata
4th nominative nevvomiin
partitive nevvomista, nevvomist
Derived terms

Etymology 2


See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.






  1. partitive singular of nevvo


  • Ruben E. Nirvi (1971) Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page 339