
  This entry needs quotations to illustrate usage. If you come across any interesting, durably archived quotes then please add them!
Particularly: “Classical, mediaeval, or earlier New Latin authors”



Possibly a back-formation from cōnscrībillō, or else from scrībō (I write) +‎ -illō (diminutive suffix).





scrībillō (present infinitive scrībillāre, perfect active scrībillāvī, supine scrībillātum); first conjugation

  1. (New Latin) to scribble or write of trivial matters
    • 1876, Léon Cahun, The Adventures of Captain Mago: Or a Phoenician Expedition, B. C. 1000 Ch. 1, para. 40, (morphology note: scribillatores is a transparent substantive form of scribillo):
      He has lived among women and scribblers until he had no more pluck in him than a garden-tortoise.
      • 1914 translation by Arcadius Avellanus
        Hic enim vitam medio inter scribillatores mulierculasque degere sciens est usque adeo, ut animo virili haud plus testudine hortensi polleat.
    • 2012, Nemo Nusquam, Verba et Facta[1] De donis in Christi Nativitatem emendis:
      ...ut tempus tererem quo deberem potius aliquid academicum scribillare. waste time which I should rather spend scribbling some journal article.


   Conjugation of scrībillō (first conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present scrībillō scrībillās scrībillat scrībillāmus scrībillātis scrībillant
imperfect scrībillābam scrībillābās scrībillābat scrībillābāmus scrībillābātis scrībillābant
future scrībillābō scrībillābis scrībillābit scrībillābimus scrībillābitis scrībillābunt
perfect scrībillāvī scrībillāvistī scrībillāvit scrībillāvimus scrībillāvistis scrībillāvērunt,
pluperfect scrībillāveram scrībillāverās scrībillāverat scrībillāverāmus scrībillāverātis scrībillāverant
future perfect scrībillāverō scrībillāveris scrībillāverit scrībillāverimus scrībillāveritis scrībillāverint
passive present scrībillor scrībillāris,
scrībillātur scrībillāmur scrībillāminī scrībillantur
imperfect scrībillābar scrībillābāris,
scrībillābātur scrībillābāmur scrībillābāminī scrībillābantur
future scrībillābor scrībillāberis,
scrībillābitur scrībillābimur scrībillābiminī scrībillābuntur
perfect scrībillātus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect scrībillātus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect scrībillātus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present scrībillem scrībillēs scrībillet scrībillēmus scrībillētis scrībillent
imperfect scrībillārem scrībillārēs scrībillāret scrībillārēmus scrībillārētis scrībillārent
perfect scrībillāverim scrībillāverīs scrībillāverit scrībillāverīmus scrībillāverītis scrībillāverint
pluperfect scrībillāvissem scrībillāvissēs scrībillāvisset scrībillāvissēmus scrībillāvissētis scrībillāvissent
passive present scrībiller scrībillēris,
scrībillētur scrībillēmur scrībillēminī scrībillentur
imperfect scrībillārer scrībillārēris,
scrībillārētur scrībillārēmur scrībillārēminī scrībillārentur
perfect scrībillātus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect scrībillātus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present scrībillā scrībillāte
future scrībillātō scrībillātō scrībillātōte scrībillantō
passive present scrībillāre scrībillāminī
future scrībillātor scrībillātor scrībillantor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives scrībillāre scrībillāvisse scrībillātūrum esse scrībillārī scrībillātum esse scrībillātum īrī
participles scrībillāns scrībillātūrus scrībillātus scrībillandus
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
scrībillandī scrībillandō scrībillandum scrībillandō scrībillātum scrībillātū


  • scribillo in Ramminger, Johann (2016 July 16 (last accessed)) Neulateinische Wortliste: Ein Wörterbuch des Lateinischen von Petrarca bis 1700[1], pre-publication website, 2005-2016