trước sau như một

Vietnamese edit

Pronunciation edit

  • (Hà Nội) IPA(key): [t͡ɕɨək̚˧˦ saw˧˧ ɲɨ˧˧ mot̚˧˨ʔ]
  • (Huế) IPA(key): [ʈɨək̚˦˧˥ ʂaw˧˧ ɲɨ˧˧ mok̚˨˩ʔ] ~ [ʈɨək̚˦˧˥ saw˧˧ ɲɨ˧˧ mok̚˨˩ʔ]
  • (Hồ Chí Minh City) IPA(key): [ʈɨək̚˦˥ ʂa(ː)w˧˧ ɲɨ˧˧ mok̚˨˩˨] ~ [ʈɨək̚˦˥ sa(ː)w˧˧ ɲɨ˧˧ mok̚˨˩˨]
  • (file)

Phrase edit

trước sau như một

  1. (literal) before and after, one and the same
  2. (figurative) the person in question still stands by their opinion
  3. (figurative) the person in question remains committed/devoted/faithful/loyal to the promise they made/cause they were for/another person they pledged allegiance to
    Đừng lo. Anh đây trước sau như một.
    Don't worry. I'll keep my word. / I've still got your back. / I'd never betray you.