User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-z

-z- {interfix} /z/ :: used when an entire word, rather than the word’s stem, is connected to a suffix that begins with a vowel
z {letter} /z/ :: letter
Z {letter} :: letter
zabaglione {m} :: alternative form of zabaione
zabaione {m} /za.baˈ :: zabaglione (custard-like dessert made with egg yolks, sugar and Marsala wine)
zabumba {f} [music] :: zabumba
zaburro {m} :: A variety of corn / maize used for animal feed
Zacarias {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Zechariah (king of Israel)
Zacarias {prop} {m} [biblical] :: Zechariah (book of the Bible)
Zacarias {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Zechariah (father of John the Baptist)
Zacarias {prop} {m} :: given name
Zacarias {prop} {m} :: Zacarias (municipality)
zaga {f} [military, archaic] :: rear (the part of an army or fleet which comes last)
zaga {f} [sports] :: defence (portion of a team dedicated to preventing the other team from scoring)
Zagábria {prop} {f} [rare] :: Zagábria (capital city)
zagaia {f} :: alternative form of azagaia
zagal {m} /zɐ.ˈɣaɫ/ :: shepherd
zagal {m} :: strong lad
Zagrábia {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Zagábria
Zagreb {prop} {f} /za.ˈɡɾɛb/ :: Zagreb (capital city)
Zagrebe {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Zagreb
Zagros {prop} {mp} :: Zagros (range)
zagueiro {m} [football] /za.ˈɡe(j).ɾu/ :: back (player in a position behind most players on the team)
Zaire {prop} {m} [historical] :: Zaire (former country)
Zambese {prop} {m} :: obsolete spelling of Zambezi
Zambeze {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Zambezi
Zambezi {prop} {m} :: Zambezi (river)
Zambézi {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Zambezi
Zâmbia {prop} {f} /ˈzɐ̃.bjɐ/ :: Zâmbia (country)
zambiana {f} :: female equivalent of zambiano
zambiano {adj} :: Zambian (of, from or pertaining to Zambia)
zambiano {m} :: Zambian (a person from Zambia)
zanga {f} /ˈzɐ̃ɡɐ/ :: anger
zanga {f} :: quarrel
zangado {adj} /zɐ̃.ˈɡa.ðu/ :: angry
zangando {v} :: gerund of zangar
zangão {m} /zɐ̃.ˈɡɐ̃w̃/ :: drone (male bee)
zangão {m} [Magic: The Gathering] :: drone
zangão {m} :: someone who doesn’t mind his own business
zangão {m} [business] :: agent (one entrusted with the business of another)
zângão {m} /ˈzɐ̃.ɡɐ̃w̃/ :: alternative form of zangão
zangar {v} /zɐ̃.ˈɡaɾ/ :: to anger (to cause someone to become angry)
zanolho {adj} :: one-eyed (having only one functioning eye)
zanzar {v} [Brazil] :: to mooch; to roam (to wander around aimlessly)
Zanzibar {prop} {mf} :: Zanzibar (island)
-zão {suffix} /ˈzɐ̃w̃/ :: Variant of -ão, used especially when the preceding letter is a semivowel or when the word is an oxytone
zap {m} :: WhatsApp, the messaging service
zapar {v} :: alternative spelling of zapear
zapear {v} :: to zap (change TV channels repeatedly)
Zaporozhye {prop} {f} :: Zaporozhye (oblast)
Zaporozhye {prop} {f} :: Zaporozhye (city/administrative center)
zapping {m} :: zapping, channel hopping, channel surfing
zarabatana {f} /za.ˌɾˈtɐ.na/ :: blowgun
zaragata {f} :: quarrel; fight
zaragata {f} :: disorder
zaragatoa {f} :: a cotton swab used to take samples of bodily fluids and genetic material
zaragatoa {f} :: any of several plantain species used in herbal medicine to treat intestinal problems
Zaratustra {prop} {m} :: Zoroaster (founder of Zoroastrianism)
zarolho {adj} :: one-eyed (having only one functioning eye)
zarolho {adj} :: squinty; cross-eyed (suffering from strabismus)
zarolho {adj} [figurative] :: odd-looking; strange; weird
zarolho {m} :: a one-eyed person
zarolho {m} :: a cross-eyed person
zarpar {vi} [nautical] /zɐɾˈpaɾ/ :: to embark; to set sail
zarpar {v} :: to leave
zás {interj} /ˈzaʃ/ :: bang!
zás {interj} :: indication of a quick action
{m} [derogatory] /ˈzɛ/ :: pleb (common person)
{prop} {m} /ˈzɛ/ :: given name
{prop} {f} :: given name
{m} /ˈze/ :: zee/zed (name of the letter Z, z)
zebra {f} /ˈze.βɾɐ/ :: zebra
zebro {m} /ˈze.βɾu/ :: a wild horse or a wild ass (Equus hydruntinus, an extinct equine)
zebu {m} /ze.ˈbu/ :: zebu (domesticated ox native to Asia and Africa)
zé da véstia {m} [derogatory] :: a worthless or useless individual
zé dos anzóis {m} [derogatory] :: a worthless or useless individual
zé-droguinha {m} [slang] :: someone who consumes recreational drugs, especially if the person is young and does so largely for attention
Zefiro {prop} {m} :: obsolete spelling of Zéfiro
zéfiro {m} /ˈzɛ.fi.ɾu/ :: zephyr; breeze (light, refreshing wind)
zéfiro {m} :: zephyr (a light wind from the west)
Zéfiro {prop} {m} [Greek god] /ˈzɛ.fi.ɾu/ :: Zephyr; Zephyrus (god of the west wind)
Zefyro {prop} {m} :: obsolete spelling of Zéfiro
zeitgeist {m} [sociology] :: zeitgeist (the dominant set of ideals and beliefs of an era)
zelador {m} /zɨ.lɐ.ˈðoɾ/ :: caretaker (someone who takes care of something)
zelador {m} :: caretaker; janitor (person who keeps a place clean and in good repair)
zeladora {f} :: feminine noun of zelador
zelandês {adj} :: Zeelandic (from or relating to the Dutch province of Zeeland)
zelandês {adj} :: Zealandic (from or relating to the Danish island of Zealand)
zelandês {m} :: Zeelander (person from Zeeland)
zelandês {m} [uncountable] :: Zeelandic (Low Franconian lect spoken in Zeeland)
Zelândia {prop} {f} :: Zelândia (province)
Zelândia {prop} {f} :: Zelândia (island)
Zelândia {prop} {f} :: clipping of Nova Zelândia
zelando {v} :: gerund of zelar
zelar {v} /ze.ˈla(ɾ)/ :: to devotedly take care of something
zelar {v} :: to ensure that something takes place or exists
Zelda {prop} {f} /ˈzɛw.dɐ/ :: given name
zelha {f} /ˈze.ʎɐ/ :: Montpellier maple (Acer monspessulanum, a tree principally of the Mediterranean region)
zelo {m} /ˈ :: special care and dedication for someone or something
zelo {m} :: diligence (carefulness and attention in doing something)
zelo {m} [chiefly religion] :: zeal (fervour or devotion)
zêlo {m} :: obsolete spelling of zelo
zelosamente {adv} :: zealously (with zealotry)
zeloso {adj} /ze.ˈlo.zu/ :: jealous (careful in the protection of something one has or appreciates)
zeloso {adj} :: jealous; envious
zeloso {adj} :: zealous (exhibiting enthusiasm or strong passion)
zen {m} :: Zen
zen {m} [religion] :: denomination of Buddhism
zen {m} [colloquial] :: philosophy
zen {adj} :: zen
zen {adj} [religion] :: pertaining to the Zen denomination of Buddhism
zen {adj} [colloquial] :: extremely relaxing
zen {adj} [slang, of a person] :: calm, peaceful, not easily angered
zé-ninguém {m} :: nobody (unimportant person)
zénite {m} [European orthography, astronomy] /ˈ͡ʃi/ :: zenith (point vertically above a position or observer)
zénite {m} [European orthography, astronomy] :: zenith (highest point reached by a celestial body)
zénite {m} [European orthography, figurative] :: zenith; peak; apogee (highest or best point or state)
zênite {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of zénite
zeólito {m} [mineral] :: zeolite
zepelim {m} /zɨ.pɨ.ˈlĩ/ :: zeppelin
Zephiro {prop} {m} :: obsolete spelling of Zéfiro
Zéphiro {prop} {m} [rare] :: obsolete spelling of Zéfiro
Zephyro {prop} {m} :: obsolete spelling of Zéfiro
Zéphyro {prop} {m} [uncommon] :: obsolete spelling of Zéfiro
zé-prequeté {m} [Brazil, derogatory] :: a worthless or useless individual
zerar {vt} /ze.ˈɾa(ɹ)/ :: to zero (to set a measuring instrument to zero)
zerar {vt} :: to zero (to cause or set some value or amount to be zero)
zerar {vt} [computing] :: to zero (to change a memory location to values of zero)
zerar {v} [em, .education] :: to receive or give someone a grade of zero in a test
zerar {vt} :: to pay off (to pay the entirety of a loan)
zerar {vt} [video games] :: to beat (to complete all levels of a video game)
zerar a vida {v} [idiom, jocular] :: To feel an extremely deep sense of accomplishment
zerésimo {adj} [rare] :: zeroth (ordinal number corresponding to zero)
zerinho ou um {m} :: A variant of the children's game of dois ou um in which the handshapes used are either 0 (closed hand) or 1 (index finger extended)
zero {adj} /ˈzɛ.ɾu/ :: zero
zero {m} :: zero (name of the digit 0)
zero absoluto {m} [thermodynamics] :: absolute zero
zero à esquerda {m} /ˈzɛ.ɾu a is.ˈkeʁ.dɐ/ :: A person of low worth or usefulness, a good-for-nothing
zero bala {adj} :: brand new (utterly new)
zeta {m} :: zeta (name of the Greek letter Ζ, ζ)
zettabit {m} [computing] :: zettabit (one sextillion bits)
zettabyte {m} [computing] :: zettabyte (one sixtillion bytes)
zeugma {m} [rhetoric] /ˈzewɡ(i).mɐ/ :: zeugma
Zeus {prop} {m} [Greek god] /ˈzews/ :: Zeus (supreme god of the Greek pantheon)
Zêzere {prop} {m} /ˈze.zɨ.ɾɨ/ :: Zêzere (river)
zhuang {prop} {m} :: member of the Zhuang ethnic group of southern China
zhuang {prop} {m} [uncountable] :: Zhuang (language spoken by the Zhuang people)
Zhukov {prop} :: alternative spelling of Jukov
zibelina {f} :: sable (animal)
zica {f} [Brazil] :: bad luck
zica {f} [Brazil] :: problem
zica {f} [Brazil] :: Zika disease
zica {f} [São Paulo, Santa Catarina] :: bicycle
zicar {vt} [São Paulo] :: To inflict bad luck
Zielinski {prop} {mf} :: surname
zigoma {m} [skeleton] /zi.ˈɡ :: cheekbone; zygoma
zigomático {adj} /zi.ɡo.ˈma.t͡ʃi.ko/ :: zygomatic
zigomático {m} [skeleton] :: cheekbone; zygoma
zigoto {m} [biology] /zi.ˈɡo.tu/ :: zygote (fertilized egg cell)
ziguezague {m} :: zigzag (a line or path that proceeds by sharp turns in alternating directions)
ziguezagueante {adj} :: zigzag; zigzagging (moving in or having a zigzag)
ziguezaguear {vi} :: to zigzag (move in a zigzag manner)
zilhão {m} [colloquial] /zi.ˈʎɐ̃w̃/ :: zillion (any very large number)
Zimbabué {prop} {m} /zĩbaˈβwɛ/ :: Zimbabué (country)
Zimbábue {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Zimbabué
zimbabueano {adj} :: alternative form of zimbabweano
zimbabueano {m} :: alternative form of zimbabweano
zimbabuense {adj} :: Zimbabwean (of, from, or pertaining to Zimbabwe)
zimbabuense {mf} :: Zimbabwean (person from Zimbabwe)
Zimbabwe {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Zimbabué
zimbabweano {adj} :: Zimbabwean (of, from, or pertaining to Zimbabwe)
zimbabweano {m} :: Zimbabwean (person from Zimbabwe)
zimbo {m} :: A particular univalve mollusc once used as currency
zimbório {m} [architecture] :: dome
zimbro {m} :: juniper (shrub or tree of the genus Juniperus)
zinco {m} :: zinc
zincografia {f} /ˌzĩ.ko.ɡɾa.ˈfi.a/ :: zincography
-zinho {suffix} /ˈzi.ɲu/ :: variant of -inho, used especially when the preceding letter is a semivowel or when the word is an oxytone
zinnwaldita {f} [mineral] :: zinnwaldite
zipar {vt} [computing] :: to zip (to convert a computer file into a smaller package)
zipe {m} :: alternative form of zíper
zíper {m} :: zip fastener (a type of fastener used in clothing, bags)
zíper {m} :: fly (strip that hides the opening of trousers/pants or underpants)
zircão {m} [mineral] :: zircon (a mineral of silica and zirconia)
zircónio {m} [Portugal] :: zirconium
zircônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of zircónio
ziriano {m} :: Zyrian (Finnic language spoken in the Komi Republic, Russia)
zirro {m} :: swift (small plain-colored bird of the family Apodidae that resembles a swallow)
zloti {m} :: alternative spelling of zloty
zloty {m} :: zloty (the currency unit of Poland)
zoar {v} [.colloquial, de] :: to mock (to make an object of laughter or ridicule)
zoar {vi} [colloquial] :: to kid; to joke (to say or do something without being serious)
zoar {vi} [colloquial] :: to fool around (to engage in frivolous behaviour)
zoar {v} [slang] :: to mess up; to disorganize
zodiacal {adj} [astrology] /zo.ˌd͡ʒi.a.ˈkaw/ :: zodiacal (of or pertaining to the zodiac)
zodíaco {m} [astrology] /zo.ˈd͡ʒi.a.ku/ :: zodiac (region of the celestial sphere corresponding to the apparent path of the sun)
zodíaco {m} [astrology] :: zodiac (the set of the twelve astrological signs)
zoeira {f} :: noise (various sounds, usually unwanted)
zoeira {f} [colloquial, Brazil] :: mockery; the act of mocking
zoeira {f} [colloquial, Brazil] :: a playful lie told with the intent of quickly revealing the truth afterwards
zoeiro {adj} :: Prone to mocking people
zoguista {adj} [historical, rare] :: Zogist (supporting or relating to King Zog I of Albania)
zoiar {v} :: eye dialect of olhar
zóio {m} :: eye dialect of olhos
zombando {v} :: gerund of zombar
zombar {v} [de] :: to taunt; to jeer; to mock; to make fun of
zombaria {f} :: mockery; ridicule; taunting; jeer
-zona {suffix} /ˈzo.nɐ/ :: feminine noun of -zão
zona {f} /ˈzonɐ/ :: zone (in a broad geographic or geometric sense)
zona {f} :: area, region (part of a city or country)
zona {f} [Brazil, colloquial] :: mess
zona {f} [Brazil, colloquial] :: red light district; brothel
zona abissal {f} [geography] :: abyssal zone (deep part of the ocean)
zona afótica {f} [oceanography] :: aphotic zone (part of an ocean or lake that receives insufficient sunlight for photosynthesis)
zona de abscisão {f} [botany] :: abscission zone (area where the abscission layer if formed)
zona erógena {f} :: erogenous zone
Zona Euro {prop} {f} :: Eurozone (those European Union members whose official currency is the Euro)
zonal {adj} :: zonal (pertaining or relating to zones)
zonal {adj} [historical] :: having transversal colorful strips
zonalmente {adv} :: zonally (in a zonal manner)
zonar {v} :: to zone; to divide into regions or zones
zoncá {m} :: Dzongkha (Sino-Tibetan spoken in Bhutan)
zoneamento {m} [urban planning] /ˌzonjɐˈmẽtu/ :: zoning (division of land into zones for particular uses)
zoo- {prefix} :: zoo-
zoo {m} /ˈzo.u/ :: clipping of zoológico
zôo {m} :: obsolete spelling of zoo
zoofilia {f} /ˌˈli.ɐ/ :: zoophilia (sexual attraction towards or sexual interaction with animals)
zoofobia {f} :: zoophobia (unusual fear of animals)
zoologia {f} /zo.o.lo.ˈʒi.ɐ/ :: zoology (science that studies the animal kingdom)
zoologicamente {adv} :: zoologically
zoológico {adj} /ˌzo.o.ˈlɔ.ʒi.ku/ :: zoological (of, or relating to animals)
zoológico {adj} :: zoological (of, or relating to zoology)
zoológico {m} :: zoo (park where live animals are exhibited)
zoologista {mf} :: zoologist
zoólogo {m} /zo.ˈɔ.lo.ɡu/ :: zoologist (one who studies zoology)
zoom {m} /ˈzũ/ :: zoom (augmentation of an image)
zoom {m} [photography] :: zoom lens (lens whose focal length can be rapidly changed)
zoomorfo {adj} :: zoomorphic
zoopatologia {f} :: zoopathology (animal pathology)
zootecnia {f} /ˌzo.o.tɛk.ˈni.ɐ/ :: zootechnics; zootechny; animal husbandry (the study of livestock breeding)
zootécnico {m} :: zootechnician (one working in zootechnics)
zootécnico {adj} :: zootechnic (relating to zootechnics)
zootecnista {mf} :: zootechnician (specialist in zootechnics)
zoroastriana {f} :: female equivalent of zoroastriano
zoroastriano {adj} :: Zoroastrian
zoroastriano {m} :: Zoroastrian
zoroastrismo {m} :: Zoroastrianism (religion and philosophy ascribed to Zoroaster)
Zoroastro {prop} {m} :: Zoroaster (founder of Zoroastrianism)
Zorobabel {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Zerubbabel (Persian governor of Judah)
zorra {f} /ˈzo.ʁɐ/ :: sledge, dray
zorra {f} :: an old fox
zorra {f} :: a plodder
zorra {f} [colloquial, Brazil] :: a mess
zorra {f} [colloquial, derogatory, regional] :: a prostitute
Zortéa {prop} :: Zortéa (municipality)
zueira {f} :: eye dialect of zoeira
zueiro {adj} :: eye dialect of zoeiro
zuera {f} [Internet slang] :: eye dialect of zoeira
zuero {m} :: Someone who doesn't take things seriously
zulo {mf} :: alternative form of zulu
zulo {adj} :: alternative form of zulu
zulu {mf} /zu.ˈlu/ :: Zulu (individual member of the Zulu people)
zulu {mf} :: Zulu (the Bantu language of the Zulu)
zulu {adj} :: Zulu (pertaining to the Zulu people or culture)
zulu {adj} :: Zulu (pertaining to the Zulu language)
zum {interj} [onomatopoeia] :: the sound of something rushing by
zum {m} :: rare spelling of zoom
zumbi {m} [Brazil, historical] /zũ.ˈbi/ :: the leader of a quilombo (runaway slave settlement)
zumbi {m} :: Zumbi dos Palmares
zumbi {mf} [Brazil, fiction] :: zombie (the undead)
zumbi {mf} [Brazil, voodoo] :: zombie (person, usually undead, animated by unnatural forces)
zumbi {mf} [Brazil, figurative] :: zombie (human being in a state of extreme mental exhaustion)
zumbido {m} /zũ.ˈbi.du/ :: drone; buzz; hum (constant noise)
zumbido {m} :: tinnitus (perception of a constant buzzing noise in the ear)
zumbificar {vt} [fiction] :: to zombify (to turn into a zombie)
zumbir {vi} /zũ.ˈbiɾ/ :: to buzz (to make a low, humming or sibilant sound)
zunindo {v} :: gerund of zunir
zunir {v} :: to buzz
zunzum {m} :: hum
zunzum {m} :: tinnitus
zunzum {m} :: rumour
Zurique {prop} {f} :: Zurique (canton)
Zurique {prop} {f} :: Zurique (city/regional capital)
Zurique {prop} {m} :: Zurique (lake)
zurrapa {f} /zu.ˈʁa.pɐ/ :: plonk (poor-quality wine)
zurrar {vi} :: to bray (of a donkey: to make its cry)
zurro {m} :: bray (the cry of a donkey)
zwingliana {f} :: female equivalent of zwingliano
zwingliano {adj} :: Zwinglian (relating to Zwingli, Swiss Protestant reformer)
zwingliano {m} :: Zwinglian (a follower of Zwingli)
zwitterion {m} [chemistry] :: zwitterion (molecule that carries both a positive and a negative charge)
zwitteríon {m} :: alternative form of zwitterion
zygoma {m} :: obsolete spelling of zigoma
zygomatico {adj} :: obsolete spelling of zigomático
zygomatico {m} :: obsolete spelling of zigomático
zzz {interj} :: zzz (sleeping)
zzz {interj} [Internet slang] :: indicates that one doesn't care about or agree with what is being said