(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)
しか • (shika)
- (binding particle) nothing but, only (followed by negative verb)
- 頑張るしかない。
- Ganbaru shika nai.
- All we can do is keep on trying our best.
- (literally, “There is nothing but trying our best.”)
- 品質が高すぎて本物にしか見えない。
- Hinshitsu ga takasugite honmono ni shika mienai.
- The quality is so high that it looks just like the real thing.
- (literally, “The quality is so high that I can't see it as anything except the real thing.”)
- 曖昧にしか語らなかった
- aimai ni shika kataranakatta
- only spoke vaguely
- (literally, “did not speak except vaguely”)
- (sentence ending particle) Used to express one's desire.
- Synonym: しが
- しか (shika, binding particle) is always used with a negative verb; as such, another interpretation could be "except for". It directly follows "the thing considered as the only choice", and always comes before the negative particle.
- 私しかこれを買わない
- watashi shika kore o kawanai
- Only I will buy this.
- 私はこれしか買わない
- watashi wa kore shika kawanai
- I will buy only this.
- 私はこれを買うしかない
- watashi wa kore o kau shika nai
- I have to buy this.
For pronunciation and definitions of しか – see the following entries.
- [noun] deer
- [noun] (historical) prostitute in the Osaka licensed quarter whose fee was 16 momme; the grade below the 太夫 (tayū), and the 天神 (tenjin)
(This term, しか (shika), is the hiragana spelling of the above term.) For a list of all kanji read as しか, see Category:Japanese kanji read as しか.)
(The following entry does not have a page created for it yet: 然.)
For pronunciation and definitions of しか – see the following entries.
- [noun] dentistry
- [noun] (by extension) a dentist's office
- [proper noun] a town in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan
- [proper noun] short for 志賀島 (Shikanoshima), an area north of Fukuoka city
(This term, しか (shika), is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.) For a list of all kanji read as しか, see Category:Japanese kanji read as しか.)
(The following entries do not have a page created for them yet: 史科, 四火, 四果, 四科, 市価, 死火, 糸価, 私家, 知客, 師家, 疵瑕, 紙花, 紙価, 翅果, 詞花, 詩家, 賜暇, 子夏.)
しか • (-shika)
- (Classical Japanese) realis form of き (ki, “-ed [past tense indicator]”)