Template:prg-noun declension -s ptv

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This table is for nouns that end in -s, occur in all numbers including the dual, but are masculine, and do not preserve an archaic vocative ending (-e) but have only the standard (-a); and have a partitive form. An example of a word with this declension is : pennings.

Case Singular m Dual m Plural m
Nominative {{{1}}}s {{{1}}}ai {{{1}}}āi
Genitive {{{1}}}as {{{1}}}eijan {{{1}}}an
Dative {{{1}}}u {{{1}}}eimas {{{1}}}ammans
Accusative {{{1}}}an {{{1}}}eis {{{1}}}ans
Vocative {{{1}}}a {{{1}}}ei {{{1}}}āi
Partitive {{{1}}}a {{{1}}}an {{{1}}}an