User:Chuterix/Chuterix's Proto-Japonic Reconstruction Dictionary Project/Reconstructions by other linguists

These are Proto-Japonic reconstructions that are created by other linguists (I only created the page and lemma form), and not by me (and the community). From here on, I will now do self-made (and community driven) reconstructions, but not on this page.

Reconstruction Lists


Many of these reconstructions weren't possible without Samuel Martin. Check the descendants for other sources (such as particles and adverbs).

Also see here

Here's a current list of reconstructions I published that are currently listed (check status notes):

Available, with etymologies included to descendants

  • *n-anuy (what)
    • Notes: The reconstruction information and true lemma is under development. The hyphen is used to separate the reconstructed characters.
  • *mata (again)
    • Notes: None, as it's an easy reconstruction.
  • *imanta (yet)
    • Notes: Any Proto-Japonic element that has an *n- before a consonant experiences sound change. For example, *-nka (possessive particle).
  • *napay (seedling)
    • Notes: None
  • *takara (treasure)
    • Notes: One of Proto-Japonic compounds. See that entry for compound details. Ryukyuan lemmas are scarce. And I rushed and published that reconstruction.
  • *pitunsi (sheep)
    • Notes: Finally more than just an Okinawan lemma put into the descendants. Etymology unknown.
  • *təki (time)
    • Notes: The ultimate derivation of toki is still unclear. But possibly not from toko.
  • *sanpuysi (lonely)
    • Notes: None
  • *papay (fly)
    • Notes: None
  • *sənpa (buckwheat)
    • Notes: None, at least for now.
  • *pukuro (bag)
    • Notes: This is where I begin to analyze the Ryukyuan dialects and match them with it’s root language (for instance, Hirara dialect belongs to Miyako), although some dialects were hard to analyze (for instance Yamatohama belonging to Amami, but which part?). I will later analyze and add to other Proto-Ryukyuan reconstructions that are on the Eurasia Triangulation list, otherwise they’ll be left alone (with only 1 Okinawan descendant or only a few; at least 4). I also compare with a Proto-Indo-European term having meanings of bag, pack, pockets, and pouches. They sound phonetically similar, although unsure, so it may be coincidential.
  • *pama (beach)
    • Notes: More non-Japonic proto language comparison. This is the 2nd time and I'm getting hang of importing Ryukyuan terms into it
  • *pukoru (to swell)
  • *kara- (salty, spicy)
    • Notes: None
  • *kərəsu (to kill)
    • Notes: None

Proto-Japonic entry, but etymology hasn't been created for it's descendants

  • *anka- (rise)
    • Notes: This is one of Proto-Japonic roots that become transitive and intransitive verbs. Therefore, root forms, such as 逃ぐ (nigu, escape, root verb with no actual transitivity or archaic nidan[1]), will not be given an entry by me in standard Japanese, only Proto-Japonic as a root.
  • *nonka- (escape)
    • Notes: Descendants are completely messy, especially when using an old root nidan form.

One of it's descendants contain etymology but has no entry for Proto-Japonic


始まる (hajimaru, begin, intransitive) and 始める (hajimeru, begin, transitive) will not be listed here. See *pansima-.

  • *kosirapayru (make)
    • Notes: Another Proto-Japonic compound. See the Japanese descendant 拵える (koshiraeru) for compound details. Will not do *kosirapapu (make, root verb with no actual transitivity or exists only as archaic nidan[2])
  • *pantukasi (embarassing, shy)
    • Notes: -shiku adjective. Morpheme *pantu- (will not make at least for now).
  • *tətəj (pluralizer, see (たち) (tachi))
    • This suffix was reconstructed by comparing Korean (deul), analyzing and internally reconstructing Old Japanese tati and dwoti. The Korean suffix is then reconstructed and compared with the reconstructed Pre-Proto-Japonic, then derives it from a Proto-Japano-Koreanic word.
Not creating entry right now. Ryukyuan lemmas for that word are scarce, only Okinawan () exists (appears in compounds).
  • *naka (inside)
    • Notes: Won't do (at least for now).

Planned entries that don't exist yet

  • *pansima- (begin)
    • Notes: None
  • *naka (middle)
    • Notes: None
  • *korasu (chastise, kill)
    • Notes: comparative data searching and other quests - See my discussion page for details.
  • *eku (go)
    • Notes: Will take a while before I can actually go do it.

Don't feel like creating

  • *mamay (soybean)
    • Notes: Can't find attested bound form of (mame, bean).
  • *tumay-ta- (cold)
    • Notes: The ultimate derivation is already clear in Modern Japanese, from just a fusion.
  • *tinkapu (be wrong)
    • Notes: Sounds like modern simple compound. See 違う (chigau, wrong).
  • *sakura (cherry blossom)
    • Notes: Same reason as *tinkapu. See (sakura, sakura, cherry blossom).
  • *atataka (warm)
    • Notes: Reduplication of あつい (atsui, hot) and (ka, special adjective forming suffix). Maybe conflicting with etymology present at あたたかい (atatakai, warm).

This is still work in progress. I'll change it when I can, so there will be more.

Other Information

  • I get Ryukyuan information from JLect and also that random Transeurasian list (of Japonic words) mentioned in "Also see here".
  1. ^ 逃・迯”, in 日本国語大辞典 [Nihon Kokugo Daijiten]‎[1] (in Japanese), concise edition, Tokyo: Shogakukan, 2006
  2. ^ 拵・慰・喩・誘”, in 日本国語大辞典 [Nihon Kokugo Daijiten]‎[2] (in Japanese), concise edition, Tokyo: Shogakukan, 2006