

w:Haigh, Greater Manchester#History
  • Haigh is derived from the Old English haga, a hedge and means "the enclosure". The township was variously recorded as Hage in 1193, Hagh in 1298, and Haghe, Ha and Haw in the 16th century.
w:Hagen (Samtgemeinde)
cf. w:Cuxhaven (district)
w:Hagen im Bremischen#History
cf. Bremerhaven
  • Hagen im Bremischen belonged to the Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen, established as a territory of imperial immediacy in 1180. The prince-archiepiscopal fortress (Latin: Castrum Hagen, German: Burghagen) dates back to the 12th century, probably Prince-Archbishop Hartwig II initiated its construction. Since the 14th century the fortress became also used as a residential castle by the Bremian prince-archbishops.
w:de: Hagen im Bremischen#Name
  • Hag leitet sich von germanischen haga oder hagaz ab und bedeutet Umzäunung, oder Gehege. Es bedeutet auch Schutz wie in hegen und behaglich. Ein Hag war ein von Hecken eingehegtes , eingefriedetes Gelände. Der mittelniederdeutschen Wortbestandteil -ha(a)g(en) in Flur- oder Ortsname deutet auf eine solche Siedlungsform hin. Der Namen oder die Endsilbe Hagen findet sich häufig in Westfalen und in den von diesen besiedelten Mecklenburgischen Gebieten. [--KYPark (talk) 08:02, 29 June 2012 (UTC)]
w:de: Hag #Siedlungsgeschichte
  • Hag leitet sich von germ. *haga/*hagaz/*hagjô/*hagjôn: "Umzäunung, Gehege" ab und umfasst auch den Begriff "Schutz" wie in hegen und behaglich. [--KYPark (talk) 08:02, 29 June 2012 (UTC)]
w:Hagen, Osnabrück
also Hagen am Teutoburger Wald
w:Cotentin Peninsula#History
  • The migration of Vikings in the ninth century led to the area becoming part of the territory of the Northmen, or Normans, creating Normandy, in the early tenth century. This resulted in a number of placenames which were derived from the Norse. Examples include La Hague, and La-Hougue both derived from the Old Norse word haugr meaning a hill or mound. [1]
w:fr:La Hague#Préhistoire et étymologie
  • Le monument remarquable préhistorique du Hague-Dick (1000 av. J.-C.) qui barre la Hague d'ouest en est donnerait l'étymologie du mot Hague (bien attesté ailleurs en Normandie, seul ou dans des composés comme Etauhague "enclos pour les chevaux" ). En effet, en indo-européen *khag- signifie "enclos", d'où celtique *kagion "rempart, haie" gallois cae, breton kae et gaulois caio- qui a donné les mots "quai" (d'origine normande) et "chai" (d'origine poitevine), en germanique commun *hag- d'où en français "haye" > haie, mais avant en vieux norrois hagi, en francique haga ou hagja (haie ou hauteur boisée), en néerlandais haag, comme pour la ville de La Haye, appelée en anglais The Hague. Le nom peut donc être attribué tant aux Vikings qu'aux Saxons. Il est maintenant prouvé que le Hague-Dick servait à protéger les habitants de la pointe contre les attaques venant du continent. Le Hague-Dick(e) sépare la « pointe » du reste de la Hague. Il a été réutilisé à diverses époques à titre de défense, jusqu'aux Vikings. Ensuite sa ligne de crête a servi de chemin. Le meilleur endroit pour en voir les restes est sur la route de Digulleville à Beaumont.
The primary view is from the right and the barrier created by the ha-ha becomes invisible from that direction and sometimes from both directions, unless close to the trench
  • In its modern form, the concept and term are of French origin, with the term being attested in toponyms in New France from 1686 (as seen in modern times in Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha!), and being a feature of the gardens of the Château de Meudon, circa 1700. The technical innovation was presented in Dezallier d'Argenville's La theorie et la pratique du jardinage (1709), which was translated into English by the architect John James (1712):
    "Grills of iron are very necessary ornaments in the lines of walks, to extend the view, and to show the country to advantage. At present we frequently make thoroughviews, called Ah, Ah, which are openings in the walls, without grills, to the very level of the walks, with a large and deep ditch at the foot of them, lined on both sides to sustain the earth, and prevent the getting over; which surprises the eye upon coming near it, and makes one laugh, Ha! Ha! from where it takes its name. This sort of opening is haha, on some occasions, to be preferred, for that it does not at all interrupt the prospect, as the bars of a grill do."
  • The etymology of the term is generally given as being an expression of surprise – “ha ha” or “ah! ah!” is exclaimed on encountering such a [haha] feature. This is the explanation given in French, where it is traditionally attributed to Louis, Grand Dauphin, on encountering such features at Meudon, by d'Argenville (trans. James), above, and by Walpole, who surmised that the name is derived from the response of ordinary folk on encountering them and that they were "... then deemed so astonishing, that the common people called them Ha! Has! to express their surprise at finding a sudden and unperceived check to their walk."
w:Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha!#Origin of the name
  • The Commission de toponymie asserts that the parish's name refers to nearby Lake Témiscouata, the sense of haha here being an archaic French word for an unexpected obstacle or abruptly ending path, see ha-ha. The Louis may refer to Louis Marquis, one of the first colonists of the region, or Louis-Antoine Proulx, vicar of Rivière-du-Loup, or perhaps the abbot Louis-Nicolas Bernier.
w:Lake Témiscouata
  • The lake is theorized to be the inspiration for the nearby parish of Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha!. One explanation suggests the archaic French word , here meaning an unexpected obstacle or abruptly ending path, as the lake is an extremely long [2] and particularly formidable obstacle to travel. [c 1]
  • A ditch with one vertical side, acting as a sunken fence, designed to block the entry of animals into lawns and parks without breaking sightlines. See also: haha. [3]

- dry ditch, dry moat.
- dry moat outside a city wall.
- 해자황. 성밖에 둘러판 물없는 못. 
- 물있는 못은 라 함. cf. . 


The Treachery of Images [4]
This is not a pipe. [5]
Ceci n'est pas une pipe.   
The Hague is not the hedge.
  • The current lexical sense of (deprecated template usage) hedge may as usual obscure and obstruct the historical complex, implicit and explicit, dynamic and static, to be well understood. Thus it would be nonsensical and misleading to say simply that The Hague means "hedge" tacitly as "thicket" as commonsensical.
  • Simply or symbolically, The Hague is a hedge. Truthfully or symbologically, however, The Hague in context in historiography is not the hedge just in case or in island in lexicography. In corollary, simplistic symbolism and obscurantism may do harm and evil to mentality and morality.

--KYPark (talk) 07:57, 27 June 2012 (UTC) --KYPark (talk) 04:10, 28 June 2012 (UTC) --KYPark (talk) 09:49, 29 June 2012 (UTC)

The schematic sinusoidal cross-section of the historical Offa's Dyke, showing how it was designed to protect the eastern Mercia against attacks/raids from the western Powys.
The Hague and the hedge are a dyke anyway.

--KYPark (talk) 03:35, 26 June 2012 (UTC)

(Table closing brackets added because original formatting broke page) Smurrayinchester (talk) 13:30, 26 June 2012 (UTC)
Thanks a lot. So sorry to have broken the page. Shame on my absent mind. --KYPark (talk) 22:58, 26 June 2012 (UTC)


  1. ^ Twelve essential old Scandinavian words (old Norse) in placenames of Normandy (R. Lepelley. Caen University)
  2. ^ It is 45 km long and 5 km wide.
  3. ^ See also : (ditch without water) vs. (ditch filled with water)
  4. ^ René Magritte (1929)
  5. ^ The following image is my parody as first presented in wikiversity:1929/Magritte.
  1. ^ This "extremely long and particularly formidable obstacle" would rather be worth an Old English and Old French haga, hedge or moat in defense than a (deprecated template usage) haha, whether excavation or exclamation, in surprise, in the garden.