User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-y

y {letter} :: The twenty-fifth letter of the Dutch alphabet
Y {letter} :: The twenty-fifth letter of the Dutch alphabet
yak {m} :: alternative spelling of jak
yam {m} :: yam, a tropical vine
yam {m} :: its edible root
yamswortel {m} :: The edible root of a yam
yamswortel {m} :: A plant which produces it, i.e. any vine of genus Dioscorea
yaoi {m} [anime, manga] :: yaoi
y-as {f} :: y-axis (vertical axis in 2-dimensional graphs; 2nd horizontal axis in 3-dimensional representations)
yell {m} :: yell, a slogan to be shouted, especially in sports or games [e.g. by players, cheerleaders or the audience]
yellen {v} :: To cry (e.g. a motto)
yen {m} :: yen, Japanese monetary unit and coin
yes {interj} [colloquial] :: yay (exclamation of happiness or enthusiasm)
yeti {m} [cryptozoology] :: yeti
-yl {suffix} [hydrocarbon chain suffix] :: -yl
-yn {suffix} [hydrocarbon chain suffix] :: -yne
ynghels {n} :: obsolete spelling of engels
yo {interj} [slang] :: yo (informal greeting, interjection similar to hey)
yocto- {prefix} :: yocto-
yoctoampère {m} :: yocto-ampere: 10-24 of an ampere
yocto-ohm {m} {n} :: yocto-ohm: 10-24 ohm
yoctoseconde {f} :: yoctosecond: 10-24 of a second
yoctosteradiaal {m} :: yoctosteradian: 10-24 of a steradian
yoga {m} :: yoga
yogaën {vi} :: to practice yoga
yoghurt {m} :: yogurt
yogi {m} :: yogi
yogini {f} :: yogini, female practitioner of yoga
yogisch {adj} :: yogic
yotta- {prefix} :: yotta-
yotta-ampère {m} :: yotta-ampere: 1024 amperes
yottaohm {m} {n} :: yotta-ohm: 1024 ohm
yottaseconde {f} :: yottasecond: 1024 seconds
youtuben {vi} :: to watch or upload videos on YouTube
ypsilon {f} :: upsilon
ysschots {f} :: obsolete spelling of ijsschots
ytterbium {n} :: ytterbium
yttrium {n} :: yttrium
yucca {f} :: yucca, evergreen of the genus Yucca
yup {m} :: yuppie (young upwardly mobile urban professional person)