Sarri.greektalk ref - audio - notes - nouns - verbs - αβγόαἴρω/αἱρῶΤ' αστέρι του βοριά (song)
CATpg.en :: @elpg.elfontstesttest1vern.labverbs.testtArT1·aT3, T4menu

Create audio pronunciations for Greek language.

2018.06.24. User:Sarri.greek at Commons & contributions

2018.06.26. @Commons recommends native script

audio help



  • I downloaded Audacity-win-2.2.2.exe. (2018.06.) and I followed instructions (from Help:Audio_pronunciations)
    • 1. record with Recording volume 80%
    • 2. trim, but not too much with Ctrl+T. Allow ample time after the word (as though pronouncing it twice)
    • 3. Effects - Amplify, i just click ok
    • 4. Export as .ogg, Save. Close.
    • 5. Play with VLC player to see if the WHOLE word is heard, unlike many .oggs in wikipedia and wiktionary, where the end of the word is cut off abruptly (cf InfoDesk2017Nov)

SOURCES-AUDIO as in 2018: