Wiktionary:Word of the day/2022/July 22

Word of the day
for July 22
sundry adj
  1. More than one or two but not very many; a number of, several.
  2. Of various types, especially when numerous; diverse, varied.
  3. Consisting of an assortment of different kinds; miscellaneous.
  4. (archaic) Chiefly preceded by a number or an adjective like many: of two or more similar people or things: not the same as other persons or things of the same nature; different, distinct, separate. (Contrast sense 5.2.)
  5. (obsolete)
    1. Relating to a single person or thing as opposed to more than one; individual, respective.
    2. Of a person or thing: not the same as something else; different. (Contrast sense 4.)
    3. (except Scotland) Not attached or connected to anything else; physically separate. [...]
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