Catalan edit

Etymology edit

From es- +‎ pell +‎ -ifar.

Pronunciation edit

Verb edit

espellifar (first-person singular present espellifo, first-person singular preterite espellifí, past participle espellifat)

  1. (transitive) to wear out, to shred (especially of clothing)
    • 1962, Manuel Ibáñez i Escofet, Kubala, un barceloní de Budapest:
      La senyora Anna no sempre col·laborava en la confecció de la pilota, que durava fins que les puntades de peu de la quitxalla l'espellifaven i la convertien en el trist i esventrat cadàver del que, més o menys perfecta, havia estat una esfera.
      Mrs Anna didn't always collaborate in the fashioning of the ball, which lasted until the kicks of the mob of children wore it out and converted into a sad, disemboweled corpse what had been a more-or-less perfect sphere.
  2. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to wear out, fray

Conjugation edit

Synonyms edit

Derived terms edit

Further reading edit