the way to a man's heart is through his stomach





the way to a man's heart is through his stomach

  1. Cooking food for a man is a good way to win his affections.
    • 1899, Jerome K. Jerome, “On the Preparation and Employment of Love Philtres”, in The Second Thoughts of An Idle Fellow:
      Who invented that mischievous falsehood that the way to a man's heart was through his stomach? How many a silly woman, taking it for truth, has let love slip out of the parlour, while she was busy in the kitchen.
    • 1921, Ring Lardner Sr., chapter 1, in The Big Town:
      I have often heard it said that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but every time I ever seen men and women keep waiting for their eats it was always the frail sex that give the first yelp, and personally I've often wondered what would of happened in the trenches Over There if ladies had of been occupying them when the rations failed to show up.

