
For pronunciation and definitions of あしもと – see the following entry.
[noun] at one's feet, underfoot, the ground
[noun] the bottom of the foot
[noun] a foothold, one's footing
[noun] gait, pace, step
[noun] someone's surroundings, the nearby
[noun] recent events
[noun] a post in the structure of a house: a vertical support running from the foundation to the roof joist
[noun] (theater) hakama, trousers, leg coverings in general
[noun] (theater) footlights in the backstage area to illuminate walkways
[noun] during the rice harvest, any grain that falls at one's feet
[noun] a fin, as of a fish, a seal, or similar marine animal
Alternative spellings
足元, 足許
(This term, あしもと, is the hiragana spelling of the above term.)