Chinese edit

phonetic phonetic blue; indigo plant; surname
trad. (普阿藍)
simp. (普阿蓝)

Etymology edit

Short for 普羅旺斯普罗旺斯 (Pǔluówàngsī) + 阿爾卑斯阿尔卑斯 (Ā'ěrbēisī) + 藍色海岸蓝色海岸.

Pronunciation edit

Proper noun edit


  1. Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (an administrative region of France)
    普阿藍大區地理位置得天獨厚經濟繁榮資源豐富擁有秀美自然風光深厚歷史文化底蘊 [MSC, trad.]
    普阿蓝大区地理位置得天独厚经济繁荣资源丰富拥有秀美自然风光深厚历史文化底蕴 [MSC, simp.]
    Pǔ'ālán dàqū dìlǐ wèizhì détiāndúhòu, jīngjì fánróng, zīyuán fēngfù, yōngyǒu xiùměi de zìrán fēngguāng hé shēnhòu de lìshǐ wénhuà dǐyùn. [Pinyin]
    Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur has a unique geographical location, a prosperous economy, rich resources, beautiful natural scenery and profound historical and cultural heritage.