User:Sumiaz/Independence Argentina



[1] En la benemérita y muy digna ciudad de San Miguel de Tucumán a nueve días del mes de julio de mil ochocientos diez y seis, terminada la sesión ordinaria, el Congreso de las Provincias-Unidas continuó sus anteriores discusiones sobre el grande y augusto objeto de la independencia de los pueblos que lo forman.

[2] Era universal, constante y decidido el clamor del territorio entero por su emancipación solemne del poder despótico de los reyes de España; los representantes sin embargo consagraron á tan arduo asunto toda la profundidad de sus talentos, la rectitud de sus intenciones é interés que demanda la sanción de la suerte suya, pueblos representados y posteridad.

[3] A su término fueron preguntados si querían que las Provincias de la Unión fuesen una nación libre e independiente de los reyes de España y su metrópoli? Aclamáron primero, llenos del santo órden de la justicia, y uno á uno reiteráron sucesivamente su unanime y espontaneo decidido voto por la independencia del país, fixando en su virtud la determinación siguiente.

[4] Nos los representantes de las Provincias-Unidas en Sud-América, reunidos en congreso general, invocando al Eterno que preside el universo, en el nombre y por la autoridad de los pueblos que representamos, protestando al cielo, á las naciones y hombres todos del globo la justicia que regla nuestros votos, declaramos solemnemente á la faz de la tierra, que es voluntad unánime é indubitable de estas provincias romper los violentos vínculos que las ligaban á los reyes de España, recuperar los derechos de que fueron despojados e investirse del alto carácter de una nación libre é independiente del rey Fernando 7., sus sucesores y metropoli; quedar en consecuencia de hecho y de derecho con amplio y pleno poder para darse las formas que exija la justicia é impere el cúmulo de sus actuales circunstancias.

[5] Todas, y cada una de ellas, así lo publican, declaran y ratifican, comprometiendose por nuestro medio al cumplimiento y sosten de esta su voluntad baxo del seguro y garantía de sus vidas, haberes y fama. Comuníquese á quienes corresponda para su publicación, y en obsequio del respeto que se debe a las naciones, detállense en un manifiesto los gravísimos fundamentos impulsivos de esta solemne declaración.

[6] Dada en la Sala de sesiones, firmada de nuestra mano, sellada con el sello del congreso y refrendada por nuestros diputados secretarios.

Francisco Narciso de Laprida, diputado por San Juan, presidente.
Dr.Antonio Saenz, diputado por Buenos Ayres.



[1] In the meritorious and most honorable city of San Miguel de Tucumán on the ninth day of July of 1816, ending the ordinary session, the Congress of the United Provinces continued their previous discussions on the great and august subject of the independence of the people that constitute it.

[2] Universal, constant and determined was the clamor of the whole territory for its solemn emancipation from the despotic power of the kings of Spain; however the representatives devoted to such an arduous matter all the depth of their talents, the rectitude of their intentions, and interests that the sanction of their own fortune, represented peoples, and posterity demand.

[3] At its end they were asked if they wanted the Provinces of the Union to become a nation free and independent of the kings of Spain and its metropolis. First they acclaimed, filled with the holy order for justice, and one by one reiterated in succession their spontaneous, purposeful vote for the independence of the country, fixated in their virtue the following determination.

[4] We the representatives of the United Provinces of South America, reunited in general congress, invoke to the Eternal that presides over the universe, in the name and by the authority of the people that we represent, protesting to the heavens, to all nations and peoples of the globe, the justice ruled by our votes, solemnly declare to the face of the land, that it is the unanimous and indubitable desire of these provinces to break the violent ties that bind them to the kings of Spain, to recuperate those rights that were stripped, and to invest themselves with the high character of a nation free and independent of King Fernando VII, his successors, and metropolis;

to stay in consequence of doings and of taxes with extensive and broad power in order to give the forms that they demand the justice and reign of the culmination of their actual circumstances.

Nos los representantes de las Provincias-Unidas en Sud-América, reunidos en congreso general, invocando al Eterno que preside el universo, en el nombre y por la autoridad de los pueblos que representamos, protestando al cielo, á las naciones y hombres todos del globo la justicia que regla nuestros votos, declaramos solemnemente á la faz de la tierra, que es voluntad unánime é indubitable de estas provincias romper los violentos vínculos que las ligaban á los reyes de España, recuperar los derechos de que fueron despojados e investirse del alto carácter de una nación libre é independiente del rey Fernando 7., sus sucesores y metropoli; quedar en consecuencia de hecho y de derecho con amplio y pleno poder para darse las formas que exija la justicia é impere el cúmulo de sus actuales circunstancias.

We, the representatives of the United Provinces of South America, assembled in a general congress, invoking the Eternal who presides over the Universe, in the name and by the authority of the people we represent, protesting to Heaven, to the nations, and to all men of the globe the justice that dominates our votes, declare solemnly in the face of the world, that it is the unanimous and unquestioned will of these Provinces to break those unnatural bonds which have bound them to the kings of Spain, to recover the rights of which they have been despoiled, and to invest themselves of the high qualities of a nation free and independent of King Ferninand VII, his successors and the mother country. They are therefore, in fact and by right with ample and full power to give themselves those forms that justice demands in response to the state of their present circumstances.

All and each of them so proclaim, declare, and ratify, engaging themselves by means of us to the accomplishment and support of this their will, under the security and guaranty of their lives and possessions and reputation. Let it be communicated to whomsoever that it may be published, and out of respect due to the nations let be set out in a manifest, the weighty reasons driving us to this solemn declaration.

Given in the hall of sessions, signed with our hands, sealed with the seal of the Congress and countersigned by our secretary deputies.

Francisco Narciso de Laprida, Representative of San Juan, President.
Dr. Antonio Saenz, Representative of Buenos Aires.

Quechua (1816)


Cai sumacc ancha camayocc San Miguel Tucmanmanta hatum llacctapi, waranccapusacc pachacc chunca socctayocc watacc ccanchis quillacc isckon ppunchaynimpi, llacctanchecc raycu cchawanancupacc Hamauttacuna hatun tantacuy, congreso nisccapi tantascca, tucui soncconcuwan, tucui yachaynincuwan unancharccancu ttaccacuynincheccta cunancama camachicquenchecc auccacunamanta: huc similla tucuyneccpi llacctanchecc cunacc cay ruracunanta munasccancu, uyaricun, huc munaylla hinantin ruraynincuwan, yuyaynincuwan, wañuy, wañuy, wañuy munapayasccancuta sutti suttipi ricuchincu; chaywampis, yuyaspa cay hatun simipi casccanta paycunacc, llacctancunacc, wawancunacc wawampapis cusisamin, ú chiquin, Hamautta Ranticuna alliy alliymanta huctawan huctawan cai hawa rimarccancu. Allin allinta unanchaspañari, tapuscca carccancu? Munanquichecchu tucui llacctacuna piraycuchus Ranti canquichecc España reycunamanta ttaccacuspa, payccunac quiquin atiyninpi, camachiynimpi cquheparinancuta? Caita uycariytawan, usccay usccayta hatarispa: munaycunnispa ccaparincuc; aswan callpayocc cai sutti munaynincu cananpaccri hucmanta hucmanta munaycu nerccancu; tucuipa yachayninman chayananpaccri cai hinata cquellccarccancu.

Ñoccaicu cai Americacc Anti suyumpi tantascca, llacctacunacc Rantin, ñoccaicuman Pacchacamaccta waccyaspa llacctaycucc sutimpi, llacctaycucc camachiynimpi hanac-pachaman cai pacha tucui llacctacunaman, tucui runacunaman soncoycucc llamppu, checcan unanchayninta, ricuchispa, rimariycu yachachiycu Muyu-pachacc ccaillampi; sutti huc munaynillan cai tucuy llactacunacc ccasccanta, lliqquiy saccra watanasta, imawanchus yanccalla España Reycunaman watascca carccancu: atiyninta suancunamanta ppataspari huc hatun llacta ruracunancu; paicuna quiquin cunan camachecc Rey Fernando ccanchismanta, wawancunamanta, llactanmantawan wiñaypacc ttaccascca; cairaycuri hatun sumacc atiywan sutippi cquecheparincu, imaynachus aswan allin cancca cusisamimpacc tucui imancu unanchascca, hina camachiyta paycuna quiquin maquinmanta ccocunanpacc; tucui tanta ñaupaccta, cquhepamanri hucmanta hucmanta hinata ccaparincu, yachachincu, huctawan huctawanri rincu; caita hunttanancupaccri, ñoccaycupi chura cuspa puraccmanta watanacuncu, causaynincuwan, tiyapuynincuwan, sumac sutincuwan. Picunamanchus yacha chicunan, yachachiscca cachun, tucuipa vincrinman chayanamanpacc; hawa llactacunacc unanchanampacri imaraycuchus ruranchecc cai sumacc checcan rurayta, sutti cquelccapi tucui churacuchum. Congreso wasipi rurasca selloycuwan sellasca, secretarioycucc cquellccanwan callpachascca. Cai hina juramentota tucui llacctancheccpi tiyacucc runacuna. ¿Juranquichu Pacha-camacc Apu Yayanchecc raycu santa cruz raycuwampis + ttimpurichiyta, hamachhaita, mayneccpipis camarichiyta cai Americacc Anti Suyumpi tantascca hatun llaxtacunacc ttaccacuyninta ccanchis Fernando España reymanta, wawasninmanta, llacctanmanta, tucui hawa llaccta camachecc cunamantawan? ¿Juranquichu Pacha-camacc Apu Yayancheccman, ari ninquichu llacctancheccman, atiyninraicu, camachiyninraicu tucui callpaquiwan sayariyta causainiyquita, sumacc sutiyquita, tucui imayquita chincarichinayquicamaypis? Ari, hinatan jurani. Hinata ruracctiyqui Pacha-camacc yanapasuchun, manari pai muchuchisuchun llaccta mamancheccri ñacasuchun.

F.N.Laprida San Juan llacttacc rantin tucui rantista camachecc
Hamautta Antonio Saenz Buenos Ayres llacctacc rantin



Kay sumaq ancha kamayuq San Miguel Tukmanmanta hatun llaqtapi, waranqa pusaq pachak chunka suqtayuq watap qanchis killap isqun p'unchawninpi llaqtanchikrayku qhawanankupaq Hamawt'akuna hatun tantakuy, kunrisu ñisqapi tantasqa, tukuy sunqunkuwan, tukuy yachayninkuwan unancharqanku t'aqakuyninchikta kunankama kamachiqninchik awqakunamanta huk similla tukuy ñiqpi llaqtanchikkunap kay rurakunanta munasqanku, uyarikun, huk munaylla hinantin rurayninkuwan, yuyayninkuwan, wañuy, wañuy, wañuy munapayasqankuta sut'i sut'ipi rikuchinku; chaywanpis, yuyaspa kay hatun simipi kasqanta paykunap, llaqtankunap, wawankunap wawanpapis kusisamin, u chikin, Hamawt'a Rantikuna alliy alliymanta huktawan huktawan kay hawa rimarqanku. Allin allinta unanchaspañari, tapusqa karqanku? Munankichikchu tukuy llaqtakunapiraykuchus Ranti kankichik Ispaña Reykunamanta t'aqakuspa, paykunap kikin atiyninpi, kamachiyninpi qhiparinankuta? Kayta uyariytawan, usqhay usqhayta hatarispa: munaykum ñispa qaparinkuq; aswan kallpayuq kay sut'i munayninku kananpaqri hukmanta hukmanta munayku ñirqanku; tukuypa yachayninman chayananpaqri kayhinata qillqarqanku.

Ñuqayku kay Amirikap suti suyunpi tantasqa, llaqtakunap Rantin, ñuqaykuman Pachakamaqta waqyaspa llaqtaykup sutinpi, llaqtaykuq kamachiyninpi hanaqpachaman kay pacha tukuy llaqtakunaman, tukuy runakunaman sunquykuq llamp'u, chiqan unanchayninta, rikuchispa, rimariyku yachachiyku Muyupachap qayllanpi; sut'i huk munaynillan kay tukuy llaqtakunap kasqanta, llik'iy saqra watanasta, imawanchus yanqalla Ispaña Reykunaman watasqa karqanku: atiyninta suwankunamanta p'ataspari huk hatun llaqta ruraqkunanku; paykuna kikin kunan kamachiq Rey Fernando Qanchismanta, wawankunamanta, llaqtanmantawan wiñaypaq t'aqasqa; kayraykuri hatun sumaq atiywan sutipi qhichiparinku, imaynachus aswan allin kanqa kusisaminpaq tukuy imanku unanchasqa, hina kamachiyta paykuna kikin makinmanta qukunanpaq; tukuy tanta ñawpaqta, qhipamanri hukmanta hukmanta hinata qaparinku, yachachinku, huktawan huktawanri rinku; kayta hunt'anankupaqri, ñuqaykupi churakuspa puraqmanta watanakunku, kawsayninkuwan, tiyapuyninkuwan, sumaq sutinkuwan. Pikunamanchus yachachikunan, yachachisqa kachun, tukuypa uyarinman chayanamanpaq; hawa llaqtakunap unanchananpaqri imaraykuchus ruranchik kay sumaq chiqan rurayta, sut'i qillqapi tukuy churakuchum. Kunrisu wasipi rurasqa silluykuwan sillasqa, sikritaryuykup qillqanwan kallpachasqa. Kayhina huramintuta tukuy llaqtanchikpi tiyakuq runakuna. ¿Hurankichu Pachakamaq Apu Yayanchikrayku santa krusraykuwanpis + t'impurichiyta, hamach'ayta, mayñiqpipis kamarichiyta kay Amirikap Antisuyunpi tantasqa hatun llaqtakunap t'aqakuyninta Qanchis Fernando Ispaña reymanta, wawasninmanta, llaqtanmanta, tukuy hawa llaqta kamachiqkunamantawan? ¿Hurankichu Pachakamaq Apu Yayanchikman, ari ñinkichu llaqtanchikman, atiyninrayku, kamachiyninrayku tukuy kallpakiywan sayariyta kawsayniykita, sumaq sutiykita, tukuy imaykita chinkarichinaykikamaypis? Ari, hinatan hurani. Hinata ruraqtiyki Pachakamaq yanapasuchun, manari pay muchuchisuchun llaqta mamanchiqri ñakasuchun.

F.N.Laprida - San Juan llaqtaq rantin tukuy rantista kamachiq.
Hamau'ta Antonio Saenz, Buenos Ayres llaqtaq rantin.