Wiktionary:Word of the day/2023/October 17

Word of the day
for October 17
emboss v (transitive)
  1. To cause (something) to stick out or swell; to extrude; also, to cause (someone or something) to be covered in swellings.
  2. To make (a design on a coin, an ornament on an object, etc.) stand out from a surface.
  3. To represent (a subject) on an object in relief; also, of a design or subject: to stand out on (an object) in relief.
  4. To decorate or mark (something) with a design or symbol in relief.
  5. To decorate (something) with bosses (ornamental convex protuberances); to boss; hence, to decorate (something) richly.
  6. (figurative)
    1. To cause (something) to be prominent or stand out.
    2. (obsolete) To make (speech, etc.) unduly bombastic or grand.

emboss n

  1. (obsolete, rare) Synonym of boss (a knob or projection) [...]
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