Wiktionary:Word of the day/February 8

information From 2020, Word of the Day pages are in the format "Wiktionary:Word of the day/[year]/[month] [day]". This page, without a year in the title, is now used as a fallback if no Word of the Day has been set for this year, and generally should not need to be edited. However, if you wish to propose an amendment, please leave a message at Wiktionary:Beer parlour.
Word of the day
for February 8
pipe n
  1. (music) A wind instrument consisting of a tube, often lined with holes to allow for adjustment in pitch, sounded by blowing into the tube. []
  2. A rigid tube that transports water, steam, or other fluid, as used in plumbing and numerous other applications. []
  3. (Australia, colloquial, now historical) An anonymous satire or essay, insulting and frequently libellous, written on a piece of paper which was rolled up and left somewhere public where it could be found and thus spread, to embarrass the author's enemies.
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