See also: altı






  1. plural of alto
    • 1857, James Lowe, transl., The Life of Handel, London: Trübner and Co., [], translation of original by Victor Schœlcher, page 147:
      The four parts of Trionfo del Tempo are for two sopranos and two alti.
    • 1858 April 24, “My Diary. No. 3”, in John S. Dwight, editor, Dwight’s Journal of Music, a Paper of Art and Literature, volume XIII, number 4 (Whole No. 316), Boston: Oliver Ditson and Co., [], published 1859, page 28, column 1:
      Another of his works which would be very attractive is the Psalm 23d for two soprani and two alti.
    • 1871 January 1, “Mr. Benedict’s “St. Peter” at St. James’s Hall”, in The Musical Times, and Singing Class Circular, volume XIV, London Sacred Music Warehouse: Novello, Ewer and Co., [], page 746, column 1:
      The new chorus of angels, “Fear thou not,” for two soprani and two alti, is a smooth piece of devotional writing, excellently adapted to its position in the work, Peter’s air, “The heavens are opened,” with its appropriate harp accompaniment, immediately following it with increased effect.
    • 1874 January 31, “Orchestral Service at St. Paul’s”, in The Musical Standard, volume VI, London: Reeves & Turner: [], page 67, column 1:
      Points of special effect were the music—for two first trebles and two alti—in which Mendelssohn has wrapped the words of the heavenly voice, “Saul! Saul! why persecutest thou Me?” the drums at the opening of “Arise and shine,” the brass interludes (as well as the general grandeur) of “Sleepers wake”—surely the finest treatment of a choral known to music—the well-known violoncello accompaniment to “Be thou faithful” (rendered by Mr. Pettitt); and the always fresh grace of “How lovely are the messengers.”
    • 1890, “PORPORA, NICCOLO (Niccola) ANTONIO”, in John Denison Champlin, Jr., William Foster Apthorp, editors, Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians, volumes III: “Naaman–Zwillingsbrüder”, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, page 144, column 1:
      [] Introduzione al salmo Miserere, for two soprani, two alti, and orchestra; []
    • 1900, Rosa Newmarch, Tchaikovsky: His Life and Works, with Extracts from His Writings, and the Diary of His Tour Abroad in 1888, London: Grant Richards, pages 101–102:
      M. Kashkin, who was staying with Tchaikovsky while he was engaged upon this, says that at first the composer found it extremely difficult, but after a few days he declared he had quite solved the mysterious art of writing for this special combination of instruments—two violins, two alti, and two violoncellos.
    • 1903, Dominicana: A Magazine of Catholic Literature, volume IV, page 377:
      My Lady Chlo’ a negro song harmonized for two soprani and two alti by H. Clough-Leighter.
    • 1904 November 1, The Monthly Musical Record, volume XXXIV, London: Augener & Co., page 202, column 1:
      This introduction, which, like the rest of the opera, is charmingly scored, is extended to over 60 bars; the chorus (two soprani and two alti,) then enter with the theme I have quoted.







alti f pl

  1. feminine plural of altu





From alta +‎ -i.





alti (present altas, past altis, future altos, conditional altus, volitive altu)

  1. (intransitive) to be high, be tall
    • Bertil Nilsson (translator), La Volo de l’Ĉielo by Artur Lundkvist,
      [...] li unuafoje vidis [...] arbojn kiuj tiom altis ke ili ŝajnis atingi ĝis inter la nuboj.
      [...] for the first time he saw [...] trees that were so tall that they seemed to reach among the clouds.
  2. (intransitive) to stand high, tower, loom, rise (over / above something)
    La monto altas super la urbo.The mountain looms over the city.
    • Sergio Pokrovskij (translator), La Majstro kaj Margarita (The Master and Margarita) by Mikhail Bulgakov, Part 2, Chapter 24,
      Antaŭ ŝi kuŝis la fajroronĝita kajero; apude altis la stako de sendifektaj kajeroj.
      The pages mutilated by the fire lay before her, and next to them rose a stack of untouched manuscripts. (Mirra Ginsburg translation, Grove, 1995)
  3. (transitive, intransitive) to be of (such-and-such) a height, be (so) tall
    La muro altas kvar metrojn.The wall is four metres high.
    • 1980, Johán Valano (Claude Piron), Ĉu li venis trakosme? Chapter 27,
      Ksandro altis preskaŭ same, kiel la ĵus vidita, sed li aspektis tute aliel.
      Xandro was nearly the same height as the person [he had] just seen, but he looked completely different.


Conjugation of alti
  present past future
singular plural singular plural singular plural
tense altas altis altos
active participle altanta altantaj altinta altintaj altonta altontaj
acc. altantan altantajn altintan altintajn altontan altontajn
passive participle altata altataj altita altitaj altota altotaj
acc. altatan altatajn altitan altitajn altotan altotajn
nominal active participle altanto altantoj altinto altintoj altonto altontoj
acc. altanton altantojn altinton altintojn altonton altontojn
nominal passive participle altato altatoj altito altitoj altoto altotoj
acc. altaton altatojn altiton altitojn altoton altotojn
adverbial active participle altante altinte altonte
adverbial passive participle altate altite altote
infinitive alti imperative altu conditional altus




  • IPA(key): /ˈal.ti/
  • Rhymes: -alti
  • Hyphenation: àl‧ti



alti m pl

  1. masculine plural of alto







From Proto-Turkic *altï (six).

Karakalpak cardinal numbers
 <  5 6 7  > 
    Cardinal : alti




  1. six






  1. inflection of altus:
    1. nominative/vocative masculine plural
    2. genitive masculine/neuter singular