as much as possible (not comparable)
- As much as is possible.
This is not an idiom. It is a particularly common instance of the general construction: "as X as Y", where both X and Y have a large range of possibilities. X can be an adjectival, an adverbial, or a quantifier determiner (much, little, many, few) and Y can a clauses or an ellipsis of a clause. The full clause for which "possible" is an ellipsis depends on the preceding verb. "He ate as much as possible" is an ellipsis for "He ate as much as it was possible for him to eat." When Y is a noun ("He ate as much as John."), the ellipsis is still for a clause ("He ate as much as John ate.").
as much as is possible
- Arabic: قَدْر اَلْمُسْتَطَاع (qadr al-mustaṭāʕ), قَدْر اَلْإِمْكَان (qadr al-ʔimkān)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 儘量 / 尽量 (zh) (jǐnliàng), 盡可能 / 尽可能 (jìnkěnéng)
- Dutch: zo veel mogelijk
- Finnish: niin paljon kuin mahdollista, mahdollisimman paljon
- French: autant que possible (fr), le plus possible (fr)
- Galician: todo o posíbel
- German: so viel wie möglich, möglichst viel
- Hebrew: ככל האפשר (kekhol ha'efshar)
- Hindi: जितना हो सके (jitnā ho sake), जितना हो सकें (jitnā ho sakẽ)
- Hungarian: (for quantity) minél többet, amennyit csak lehet, a lehető legtöbbet; (for degree) minél inkább, minél jobban, amennyire csak lehet
- Ido: tam multa kam posible
- Japanese: できるだけ (ja) (dekiru dake), 有らん限り (あらんかぎり, aran kagiri), 成るべく (ja) (なるべく, naru-beku)
- Norwegian:
- Bokmål: så mye som mulig
- Ottoman Turkish: ممكن مرتبه (mümkin mertebe)
- Persian: تا جای امکان (tâ jây-e emkân), حتیالامکان (hattal-emkân), حتیالمقدور (hattal-maqdur)
- Polish: jak (pl) (used with a superlative)
- Portuguese: todo o possível, o máximo possível
- Romanian: cât de mult posibil
- Russian: как мо́жно бо́льше (kak móžno bólʹše)
- Serbo-Croatian:
- Roman: što je više moguće
- Spanish: todo lo posible
- Swedish: så mycket som det går, (please verify) så mycket som (pronoun) får
- Tagalog: hanggang maaari
- Telugu: వీలైనంతవరకు (vīlainantavaraku)
- Turkish: mümkün mertebe (tr)
- Vietnamese: càng thêm càng tốt, nhiều nhất có thể
- Volapük: mögiküno (vo)