Category:Proto-Norse lemmas
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Proto-Norse lemmas, categorized by their part of speech.
- Category:Proto-Norse adjectives: Proto-Norse terms that give attributes to nouns, extending their definitions.
- Category:Proto-Norse adverbs: Proto-Norse terms that modify clauses, sentences and phrases directly.
- Category:Proto-Norse determiners: Proto-Norse terms that narrow down, within the conversational context, the referent of the following noun.
- Category:Proto-Norse morphemes: Proto-Norse word-elements used to form full words.
- Category:Proto-Norse nouns: Proto-Norse terms that indicate people, beings, things, places, phenomena, qualities or ideas.
- Category:Proto-Norse numerals: Proto-Norse terms that quantify nouns.
- Category:Proto-Norse particles: Proto-Norse terms that do not belong to any of the inflected grammatical word classes, often lacking their own grammatical functions and forming other parts of speech or expressing the relationship between clauses.
- Category:Proto-Norse prepositions: Proto-Norse adpositions that are placed before their objects.
- Category:Proto-Norse pronouns: Proto-Norse terms that refer to and substitute nouns.
- Category:Proto-Norse verbs: Proto-Norse terms that indicate actions, occurrences or states.
This category has the following 10 subcategories, out of 10 total.
- Proto-Norse adverbs (0 c, 5 e)
- Proto-Norse determiners (0 c, 1 e)
- Proto-Norse numerals (0 c, 3 e)
- Proto-Norse particles (0 c, 2 e)
- Proto-Norse prepositions (0 c, 3 e)
Pages in category "Proto-Norse lemmas"
The following 171 pages are in this category, out of 171 total.
- Reconstruction:Proto-Norse/ᚹᚢᚱᚲᛁᛃᚨᚾ
- Reconstruction:Proto-Norse/ᚹᚢᛚᚠᚨᛉ
- ᚹᚨᚱᚢᛉ
- ᚹᚨᚱᛁᛏᚢ
- Reconstruction:Proto-Norse/ᚹᚨᚱᛃᚨᛉ
- ᚹᚨᚲᚱᚨᛉ
- ᚹᚨᚷᚨᚷᚨᛊᛏᛁᛉ
- ᚹᚨᚷᛖ
- ᚹᚨᛃᛖᛗᚨᚱᛁᛉ
- ᚹᚨᛊ
- ᚹᚨᛚᚺᚨᚲᚢᚱᚾᛖ
- ᚹᛁᚹᚨᛉ
- ᚹᛁᚾᛁᛉ
- Reconstruction:Proto-Norse/ᚹᛁᛊᚨᛉ
- ᚹᛁᛞᚢᚷᚨᛊᛏᛁᛉ
- ᚹᛁᛞᚢᚺᚢᛞᚨᛉ
- Reconstruction:Proto-Norse/ᚹᛁᛞᚢᛉ
- Reconstruction:Proto-Norse/ᚹᛁᛞᚨᛚᚨᛞᛁᛉ
- ᚹᛖᚱᚨᛉ
- Reconstruction:Proto-Norse/ᚹᛖᛊᚨᚾ
- ᚹᛟᛞᚢᚱᛁᛞᛖ
- ᚹᛟᛞᛁᚾᚨᛉ
- Reconstruction:Proto-Norse/ᚺᚢᚷᛁᛚᚨᛁᚲᚨᛉ
- Reconstruction:Proto-Norse/ᚺᚢᛞᚨᛉ
- Reconstruction:Proto-Norse/ᚺᚨᚦᚢᛉ
- ᚺᚨᚱᚨᛉᚨᛉ
- ᚺᚨᚱᚨᛒᚨᚾᚨᛉ
- ᚺᚨᚱᚲᛁᛚᚨᛉ
- ᚺᚨᚱᛁᛃᚨ
- ᚺᚨᚱᛃᚨ
- ᚺᚨᚷᛁᚱᚨᛞᚨᛉ
- ᚺᚨᚷᛖᛋᛏᚢᛗᛦ
- ᚺᚨᛁᛏᛁᚾᚨᛉ
- ᚺᚨᛁᛏᛖ
- Reconstruction:Proto-Norse/ᚺᚨᛁᛗᚨᚾᚨ
- Reconstruction:Proto-Norse/ᚺᚨᛁᛗᚨᛉ
- ᚺᚨᛚᚨᛉ
- ᚺᚨᛞᚢᛚᚨᛁᚲᚨᛉ
- ᚺᚱᚨᛉᚨᛉ
- ᚺᚱᛟᛉᚨᛉ
- ᚺᚱᛟᛉᛖᛉ
- ᚺᚾᚨᛒᛞᚨᛉ
- ᚺᛖᚱᛡᛗᛡᛚᛡᛋᛡᛦ
- ᚺᛖᛚᛞᚨᛉ
- ᚺᛚᚨᛁᚹᚨ
- Reconstruction:Proto-Norse/ᚺᛚᚨᛁᚹᛁᛃᚨᚾ
- ᚺᛚᚨᛁᚹᛁᛞᚨᛉ
- ᚺᛚᛖᚹᚨᚷᚨᛊᛏᛁᛉ
- ᚺᛟᚱᚾᚨ
- ᚺᛟᛚᛏᛁᛃᚨᛉ
- ᚺᛡᚦᚢᚹᚢᛚᚨᚠᛉ
- ᚺᛡᚦᚢᚹᛟᛚᛡᚠᛦ
- ᚺᛡᚱᛁᚹᛟᛚᛡᚠᛦ
- ᚺᛡᛒᛟᚱᚢᛗᛦ
- ᚺᛡᛖᚱᚢᚹᚢᛚᚨᚠᛁᛉ
- ᚺᛡᛖᚱᛡᛗᛡᛚᛡᚢᛋᛉ