User:Arne List/fo-news-070418

Just another Faroese news text as reading piece to check red links and usefull vocabulary:

Myndugleikarnir í Suðurkorea stúra fyri, at amerikanarar fara at gera seg inn á suðurkorearar, eftir at ein maður av suðurkoreiskum uppruna skeyt 32 fólk í Virginia.

Í einari roynd at sissa fólk hava suðurkoreisku myndugleiklarnir sent avvarðandi hjá teimum myrdu samkenslufjarrit.

Suðurkoreiska uttanríkisráðið sigur eisini, at stig eru tikin til tess at verja suðurkorearar, sum eru í USA.

Tann 23 ára gamli Cho Seung-Hui hevði flutti til USA í 1992. Foreldur hansara hava eitt vaskarí.


South Korea fears revenge


The authorities in South Korea fear, that Americans are going to offend South Koreans, after a man of South Korean origin shot 32 people in Virginia.

In an attempt to calm people down, have the South Korean authorities sent condolence telegrams to the affiliated of the murdered.

The South Korean foreign ministry says also, that steps are taken in order to protect the South Koreans, who live in the USA.

The 23 year old Cho Seung-Hui moved to the USA in 1992. His parents have a laundry.

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