a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Origin uncertain
Online Etymology Dictionary
  • bud
    1398, bodde, origin unknown, perhaps from O.Fr. boter "push forward, thrust," itself a Gmc. word (cf. Du. bot "bud," O.S. budil "bag, purse," Ger. Beutel), or from O.E. budd "beetle."
  • budge
    1590, from M.Fr. bougier "to move, stir," from V.L. *bullicare "to bubble, boil," from L. bullire "to boil."
  • budget
    1432, "leather pouch," from O.Fr. bougette, dim. of bouge "leather bag, wallet," from L. bulga "leather bag," of Gaulish origin (cf. O.Ir. bolg "bag," Bret. bolc'h "flax pod"), from PIE *bhelgh- (see belly).
  • bulge
    c.1230, from O.Fr. bouge "leather bag" (see budget). Sense of "swelling" is first recorded 1623.
  • burgeon
    c.1325, from O.Fr. burjoner "to bud, sprout," from burjon "a bud," of uncertain origin, perhaps from Gmc.
  • burglar
    from M.L. burgator "burglar," from burgare "to break open, commit burglary," from L. burgus "fortress, castle," a Gmc. loan-word akin to borough.

