User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-z

za {n} (pizza) SEE: pizza ::
zabaglione {n} /ˌzɑbəlˈjoʊni/ (custard-like dessert made with egg yolks, sugar and Marsala wine) :: zabajono
Zachariah {prop} (male given name) SEE: Zachary ::
Zacharias {prop} (male given name) SEE: Zachary ::
Zachary {prop} /ˈzækəɹi/ (male given name) :: Zeĥarja
Zagreb {prop} /ˈzɑːɡɹɛb/ (capital of Croatia) :: Zagrebo
Zagrebian {n} (someone from Zagreb) :: zagrebano [man or woman], zagrebanino [woman]
Zairean {n} /zɑˈɪɹi.ən/ (A person from Zaire) :: zairo [man or woman], zairino [woman]
Zakynthos {prop} /ˈzɑkɪnθɔs/ (Greek island, the third largest of the Ionian Islands) :: Zakinto
Zambia {prop} /ˈzæmbiə/ (country in Southern Africa) :: Zambio
Zambian {n} (A person from Zambia or of Zambian descent) :: zambiano [man or woman], zambianino [woman]
Zamenhofian {adj} (of or pertaining to L. L. Zamenhof) :: zamenhofa
zander {n} (Sander lucioperca) :: sandro {f}
zany {adj} /ˈzeɪni/ (ludicrously or incongruously comical) :: frenezeta
zap {v} /zæp/ (change channels repeatedly) :: zapi
Zaragoza {prop} (city in Spain) :: Zaragozo
Zarathustra {prop} (Zoroaster) SEE: Zoroaster ::
zeal {n} /zil/ (fervor or devotion) :: fervoro
Zealand {prop} (Dutch province) SEE: Zeeland ::
Zealand {prop} (Danish island) :: Zelando
zealot {n} /ˈzɛl.ət/ (zealous person) :: zeloto, fervorulo
zebra {n} /ˈzɛbɹə/ (African animal) :: zebro
zebra finch {n} (bird) :: kastanoto
zed {n} (name of the letter Z, z) SEE: zee ::
zee {n} /ˈziː/ (name of the letter Z, z) :: zo
Zeeland {prop} (province) :: Zelando
Zeelandic {prop} (language) :: zelanda
zelkova {n} (kind of tree in the elm family) :: zelkovo
zen {adj} (denomination of Buddhism) :: zena
zenith {n} /ˈzi.nɪθ/ :: zenito
zeolite {n} (mineral) :: zeolito
zephyr {n} /zɛfə(ɹ)/ (light refreshing wind; a gentle breeze, see also: breeze) :: zefiro
Zeppelin {n} /ˈzɛp.lɪn/ (a type of large German dirigible airship of the early 20th century) :: zepelino
zero {num} /ˈzɪɹ(ˌ)oʊ/ (cardinal number before 1, denoting nothing) :: nul
zero {n} (nothing, or none) :: nulo
zero {n} (point of origin on a scale) :: nulo
zero {n} (person of little importance) :: nululo
zeroth {adj} /ˈzɪɹ(ˌ)oʊθ/ (ordinal number corresponding to zero) :: nula, nulaj {p}
zero tolerance {n} (strict policy of enforcing all the laws or rules) :: nula toleremo
zeta {n} /ˈziː.tə/ (Sixth letter of the modern Greek alphabet (Ζ, ζ)) :: zeto
zetetic {adj} /zəˈtɛt.ɪk/ (proceeding by inquiry) :: zetetika
zettabyte {n} (270 or 1021 bytes) :: zetabajto, zetabitoko
zeugma {n} /ˈzjuːɡ.mə/ (using a word to apply to more than one noun) :: zeŭgmo
Zeus {prop} /zus/ (supreme ruler of all Greek gods) :: Zeŭso
Zheleznogorsk {prop} (town) :: Ĵeleznogorsk
zigzag {n} /ˈzɪɡ.zæɡ/ (line or path) :: zigzago
zigzag {adj} (moving in or having a zigzag) :: zigzaga
zigzag {v} (move in a zigzag manner) :: zigzagi
zigzag {adv} (in a zigzag manner or pattern) :: zigzage
zilch {n} /zɪltʃ/ ((informal) nothing) :: nenio
zillion {n} /ˈzɪljən/ (unspecified large number) :: umiliono
Zimbabwe {prop} /zɪmˈbɑːbweɪ/ (Republic of Zimbabwe) :: Zimbabvo
Zimbabwean {n} (а person from Zimbabwe or of Zimbabwean descent) :: zimbabvano [man or woman], zimbabvanino [woman]
zinc {n} /zɪŋk/ (element) :: zinko
Zionism {n} (Jewish national liberation movement) :: cionismo
zip {n} (zip fastener) SEE: zip fastener ::
zip code {n} (postcode) SEE: postcode ::
zip fastener {n} (a fastener used in clothing, bags) :: zipo
zipper {n} (zip fastener) SEE: zip fastener ::
zippy {adj} (quick, speedy) SEE: quick ::
zirconium {n} /zɜːɹˈkoʊniəm/ (chemical element) :: zirkonio
zit {n} (pimple) :: akno, aknero
zodiac {n} /ˈzoʊ.dɪ.æk/ (belt-like region in the sky) :: zodiako
zodiac {n} (twelve signs in astrology) :: zodiako
zombie {n} /ˈzɒmbi/ (the undead) :: zombio, sorĉkadavro
zombify {v} (To turn into a zombie) :: zombiigi
zone {n} /zoʊn/ (area distinguished on the basis of a particular characteristic etc) :: zono
zonked {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
zonohedron {n} (special case of convex polyhedron) :: zonopluredro
zoo {n} /zuː/ (park where live animals are exhibited) :: zoo, bestoĝardeno, zoologia ĝardeno
zoolatry {n} /zəʊˈɒlətɹi/ (worship of animals) :: zoolatrio
zoologist {n} /zoʊˈɑlədʒɪst/ (one who studies zoology) :: zoologo
zoology {n} /zoʊˈɑlədʒi/ (science that studies the animal kingdom) :: zoologio
zoonosis {n} /zoʊ.ˈɒn.ə.sɪs/ (animal disease that can be transmitted to humans) :: zoonozo
Zoroaster {prop} /ˌzɒɹoʊˈæstəɹ/ (founder of Zoroastrianism) :: Zaratuŝtro
Zoroastrianism {prop} /ˌzoʊɹ.oʊˈæs.tɹi.əˌnɪz.əm/ (religion and philosophy ascribed to Zoroaster) :: zaratuŝtrismo
Zouave {n} /zwɑv/ (Kabyle or French soldiers in Kabyle dress) :: zuavo
zubr {n} (zubr) SEE: wisent ::
zubrowka {n} /ˈzubɹəvkə/ (Polish liqueur of vodka and herbs) :: zubrovko
zucchetto {n} /(t)sʊˈkɛtoʊ/ (small skullcap worn by Catholic clergy) :: vertoĉapo, papoĉapo, pileolo, solideo
zucchini {n} (courgette) SEE: courgette ::
zui quan {n} (Drunken Fist) SEE: Drunken Fist ::
Zurich {prop} /ˈzɜɹ.ɪk/ (city) :: Zuriko
zygoma {n} (cheekbone) SEE: cheekbone ::
zygomatic {adj} /zaɪɡəˈmætɪk/ (Pertaining to the zygoma) :: zigoma
zygomatic bone {n} (cheekbone) SEE: cheekbone ::