User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-w

w {letter} /v/ :: letter
W {letter} :: letter
Wachowski {prop} {mf} :: surname
Wada {prop} {mf} :: surname
Wade-Giles {prop} {m} :: Wade-Giles (transcription system for Mandarin)
wafer {m} :: wafer (type of biscuit)
wafer {m} [electronics] :: wafer (disk on which an electronic circuit is produced)
waffle {m} :: waffle (type of flat pastry)
Wagner {prop} {m} :: given name
Wagner {prop} :: Wagner (municipality)
Wakatsuki {prop} {mf} :: surname
wakf {mf} :: waqf (inalienable endowment for charity in Islamic countries)
Wako {prop} {mp} [historical] :: wokou (Japanese pirates in the late Middle Ages)
Waldemar {prop} {m} :: given name
Walhala {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Valhalla
walkie-talkie {m} :: walkie-talkie (portable communication radio)
walkman {m} :: walkman (portable cassette player)
wallaby {m} :: wallaby (any of several Australian species of marsupial)
Wallis e Futuna {prop} :: Wallis e Futuna (overseas territory)
Walpurgisnacht {mf} :: Walpurgis night (a feast of witchcraft in German folklore)
Walter {prop} {m} :: given name, alternative form of Valter
WAN {f} [networking] /ˈwɐ̃/ :: WAN (wide area network)
Wanderlei {prop} {m} :: given name
Wanderley {prop} :: Wanderley (municipality)
wanderlust {mf} :: wanderlust (a strong impulse or longing to travel)
wapiti {m} :: alternative spelling of uapiti
warholiano {adj} [art] :: Warholian (of or pertaining to Andy Warhol)
wasabi {m} :: wasabi (pungent Japanese condiment)
Washington {prop} {m} /ˈwɔ.ʃĩ.tõ/ :: Washington (state)
Washington {prop} {m} :: given name
Washington {prop} {f} :: Washington (capital city)
Washington D.C. {prop} {f} :: Washington D.C. (capital city)
Washington, D.C. {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Washington D.C.
Washiyama {prop} {mf} :: surname
wat {m} :: wat (a type of Buddhist temple common in Southeast Asia)
Watabe {prop} {mf} :: surname
Watanabe {prop} {mf} :: surname
Watremez {prop} {mf} :: surname
watt {m} :: watt (derived unit of power)
wattímetro {m} :: wattmeter (device for measuring electric power)
waw {m} :: alternative spelling of uau
WC {m} :: WC; water closet (room containing a toilet, especially one in a commercial establishment)
web- {prefix} [Internet slang, humorous] :: of, on, or through the Web, as opposing to the real life; virtually
web {f} :: the World Wide Web
webamigo {m} [neologism] :: a virtual friend; an online friend
webcam {f} [computing] :: webcam (video camera viewed over a computer network)
webconferência {f} [Internet] :: web conference (meeting, presentation or communication conducted via the World Wide Web)
weber {m} :: weber (derived unit of magnetic flux)
weberiano {adj} [sociology, economy] :: Weberian (of or relating to German sociologist and political economist Max Weber)
weberiano {adj} [anatomy] :: Weberian (of or relating to German anatomist and biologist Ernst Heinrich Weber)
webnamorada {f} [slang, nonstandard] /wɛb(i)namoˈɾada/ :: A girlfriend one knows entirely or mostly online
webnamorado {m} [slang, nonstandard] /wɛb(i)namoˈɾadu/ :: A boyfriend one knows entirely or mostly online
webnamorar {v} [slang, nonstandard] /wɛb(i)namoˈɾa(ɾ)/ :: To have a romantic relationship that happens entirely or mostly online
webnamoro {m} [slang, nonstandard] /wɛb(i)naˈmoɾu/ :: A romantic relationship happening entirely or mostly online
web site {m} :: alternative spelling of website
website {m} :: web site
Weinstein {prop} {mf} :: surname
Weintraub {prop} {mf} :: surname
Weishaupt {prop} {mf} :: surname
Wellington {prop} {f} /ˈwɛ.lĩ.tõ/ :: Wellington (capital city)
Wellington {prop} {m} :: given name
welwitschia {f} :: welwitschia (Welwitschia mirabilis, a desert plant of southwest Africa)
Wenceslau {prop} {m} :: given name
Wenceslau Braz {prop} :: Wenceslau Braz (municipality)
Wenceslau Guimarães {prop} :: Wenceslau Guimarães (municipality)
Wesak {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Vesak
Westfália {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Vestfália
Westfália {prop} {f} :: Westfália (municipality)
whatsapp {m} /ˌwatˈza.pi/ :: WhatsApp, a WhatsApp message
whatsapp {m} :: a WhatsApp number or account
whiskey {m} :: alternative form of uísque
whisky {m} :: alternative form of uísque
Whitehorse {prop} {f} :: Whitehorse (capital city)
whiterita {f} [mineral] :: witherite (mineral form of barium carbonate)
whorfiano {adj} [cognitive linguistics] :: Whorfian (relating to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis)
Wiesemann {prop} {mf} :: surname
wi-fi {mf} [networking] /ˌwaj.ˈfaj/ :: Wi-Fi (wireless data communication standard)
Wi-Fi {mf} :: alternative spelling of wi-fi
WiFi {mf} :: alternative spelling of wi-fi
Wikcionário {prop} {m} /ˌwik.sju.ˈna.ɾju/ :: Wiktionary
wiki {f} {m} :: wiki (website allowing collaborative editing of content)
wikificação {f} [neologism] :: the process of converting a website or system into a wiki
wikificar {v} [Internet slang, nonstandard] :: to wikify (to adapt text to a wiki)
Wikipédia {prop} {f} :: Wikipedia
wikipediano {m} [WMF jargon] :: Wikipedian (a person who contributes to Wikipedia)
wikipediano {adj} [Internet] :: of or relating to Wikipedia
wikipedista {mf} [WMF jargon] :: Wikipedian (a person who contributes to Wikipedia)
Wilczynski {prop} {mf} :: surname
Wiltshire {prop} :: Wiltshire (county)
Windhoek {prop} {f} :: Windhoek (city/capital city)
wireless {f} [networking] :: wireless (wireless connectivity to a computer network)
wireless {adj} [of hardware] :: wireless (communicating without wired connections)
Wisconsin {prop} {m} /vis.ˈkõ.sĩ/ :: Wisconsin (state)
Wisconsin {prop} {m} :: Wisconsin (river)
wishful thinking {m} [psychology] :: wishful thinking
Wisniewski {prop} {mf} :: surname
wisteria {f} [rare] :: wisteria (woody climbing vine of the genus Wisteria)
Witmarsum {prop} :: Witmarsum (municipality)
Wojtowicz {prop} {mf} :: surname
wok {f} {m} :: wok (large round pan used in Oriental cuisine)
Wolf {prop} /voɫf/ :: surname
Wolfgang {prop} {m} /ˈvowf.ɡɐ̃ɡ/ :: given name
wolfhound irlandês {m} :: Irish wolfhound (a sighthound used to hunt wolves)
wolfrâmio {m} [Brazil] :: alternative form of volfrâmio
wolframita {f} [mineral] :: wolframite
Wolinski {prop} {mf} :: surname
Wolkowicz {prop} {mf} :: surname
wollastonita {f} :: alternative form of wollastonite
wollastonite {f} [mineral] :: wollastonite (a grey inosilicate mineral)
wolof {m} [uncountable] :: Wolof (a Niger-Congo language spoken in Senegal and the Gambia)
wolof {m} :: a member of the Wolof people
wolof {adj} :: relating to the Wolof people
wolofe {m} :: rare form of wolof
wolofe {adj} :: rare form of wolof
wombat {m} :: alternative form of vombate
workaholic {mf} :: workaholic (person who feels compelled to work excessively)
workshop {m} /ˌwoʁk.ˈʃɔp/ :: workshop (intensive course of education in a specific subject)
workstation {f} [computing] /ˌwoʁks.ˈtej.ʃõ/ :: workstation (powerful desktop computer)
worm {m} [computer security] /ˈwoʁ.mi/ :: worm (self-replicating program)
Worms {prop} {f} :: Worms (city)
Wozniak {prop} {mf} :: surname
Wroclaw {prop} {f} :: Wroclaw (city)
Wuhan {prop} {f} :: Wuhan (subprovincial city/provincial capital)
wulfenita {f} [mineral] :: wulfenite
wushu {m} :: wushu (a Chinese martial art)
Wyoming {prop} {m} /waj.ˈo.mĩ/ :: Wyoming (state)