Wiktionary:Word of the day/2023/May 12

Word of the day
for May 12
largesse n
  1. (uncountable)
    1. The trait of being willing to donate money, resources, or time; generosity, liberality.
    2. Often preceded by do, give, or make: the generous or liberal giving of gifts or money, especially by someone of high standing on a special occasion; also, excessive or wasteful giving.
    3. Money, etc., given in this way.
    4. (figuratively) Abundance of something (chiefly beneficial), regarded as having been given generously.
  2. (countable)
    1. An act of donating or giving generously.
    2. (also figuratively) A specific gift of money, etc., given in this way, specifically (historical) at harvest time; a donation, a gratuity.
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