Wiktionary:Word of the day/2023/October 1

Word of the day
for October 1
antediluvian adj
  1. (biblical) Belonging or pertaining to, or existing in, the time prior to the great flood described in Genesis, or (by extension) to a great or destructive flood or deluge described in other mythologies.
  2. (by extension) Of animals and plants: long extinct; prehistoric.
  3. (figurative, hyperbolic, chiefly humorous)
    1. Of a person or thing: very old; ancient.
    2. Of attitudes, ideas, etc.: extremely old-fashioned, especially to a laughable extent; antiquated.

antediluvian n

  1. (biblical) A person who lived in the time prior to the great flood described in Genesis, especially one of the biblical patriarchs.
  2. (figurative, hyperbolic, chiefly humorous)
    1. A very old person.
    2. A person with extremely old-fashioned attitudes, ideas, etc., especially to a laughable extent; a fogey or old fogey.

Today is the International Day of Older Persons, which is recognized by the United Nations to appreciate the contributions that older persons make to society, and to raise awareness of issues affecting them.

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