Central Mansi
editAlternative forms
edit- лоу (lou) — Upper Konda
edit(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)
editлов (lov) (Upper Konda, Yukonda)
edit- Mansi Dictionary of Munkácsi and Kálmán, 2012 [1]
- E. A. Kuzakova (1994) “лов”, in Словарь манси (восточный диалект) [Mansi dictionary (eastern dialect)], Moskwa: Российская академия наук, Ин-т этнологии и антропологии им. Миклухо-Маклая
editFrom Proto-Mordvinic *lovə, from Proto-Uralic *lume ~ *lome (“snow”). Cognates include Finnish lumi, Livonian lum, Southern Sami lopme, Eastern Mari лум (lum), Komi-Permyak лым (lym).
editлов • (lov)
- snow
- васень лов ― vaseń lov ― the first snow
editsingular | plural | |
nominative | лов (lov) | ловт (lovt) |
genitive | ловонь (lovoń) | — |
dative | ловнэнь (lovnëń) | — |
ablative | ловдо (lovdo) | — |
inessive | ловсо (lovso) | — |
elative | ловсто (lovsto) | — |
illative | ловс (lovs) | — |
prolative | ловга (lovga) | — |
translative | ловкс (lovks) | — |
comparative | ловшка (lovška) | — |
abessive | ловтомо (lovtomo) | — |
edit- V. I. Ščankina (2011) Russko-mokšansko-erzjanskij slovarʹ [Russian-Moksha-Erzya Dictionary], Saransk, →ISBN
- Entry #496 in Uralonet, online Uralic etymological database of the Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics.
- Keresztes, László (1986) Geschichte der mordwinischen Konsonantismus II. Etymologisches Belegmaterial[2], Szeged: Studia Uralo-Altaica 26.
editFrom Proto-Permic *löl, from Proto-Uralic *lewle. Cognates include Finnish löyly (“steam”) and Hungarian lélek.
Permic cognates include Komi-Zyrian лов (lov) and Udmurt лул (lul).
editлов • (lov)
editDeclension of лов (stem: лол-) | |||
singular | plural | ||
nominative | лов (lov) | ловвез (lovvez) | |
accusative | I* | лов (lov) | ловвез (lovvez) |
II* | лолӧс (lolös) | ловвезӧс (lovvezös) | |
instrumental | лолӧн (lolön) | ловвезӧн (lovvezön) | |
comitative | ловкӧт (lovköt) | ловвезкӧт (lovvezköt) | |
caritive | ловтӧг (lovtög) | ловвезтӧг (lovveztög) | |
consecutive | ловла (lovla) | ловвезла (lovvezla) | |
genitive | ловлӧн (lovlön) | ловвезлӧн (lovvezlön) | |
ablative | ловлісь (lovliś) | ловвезлісь (lovvezliś) | |
dative | ловлӧ (lovlö) | ловвезлӧ (lovvezlö) | |
inessive | лолын (lolyn) | ловвезын (lovvezyn) | |
elative | лолісь (loliś) | ловвезісь (lovveziś) | |
illative | лолӧ (lolö) | ловвезӧ (lovvezö) | |
egressive | ловсянь (lovśań) | ловвезсянь (lovvezśań) | |
approximative | ловлань (lovlań) | ловвезлань (lovvezlań) | |
terminative | I | лолӧдз (lolödź) | ловвезӧдз (lovvezödź) |
II | ловви (lovvi) | ловвезви (lovvezvi) | |
prolative | лолӧт (lolöt) | ловвезӧт (lovvezöt) | |
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I. |
Possessive declension of лов | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
edit- R. M. Batalova, A. S. Krivoshchekova-Gantman (1985) Коми-пермяцко-русский словарь [Komi-Permyak-Russian dictionary][3], Moscow: Русский язык, page 224
editFrom Proto-Permic *löl, from Proto-Uralic *lewle. Cognates include Finnish löyly (“steam”) and Northern Sami lievla (“steam”).
editлов • (lov)
editDeclension of лов (stem: лол-) | |||
singular | plural | ||
nominative | лов (lov) | ловъяс (lovjas) | |
accusative | I* | лов (lov) | ловъяс (lovjas) |
II* | лолӧс (lolös) | ловъясӧс (lovjasös) | |
instrumental | лолӧн (lolön) | ловъясӧн (lovjasön) | |
comitative | ловкӧд (lovköd) | ловъяскӧд (lovjasköd) | |
caritive | ловтӧг (lovtög) | ловъястӧг (lovjastög) | |
consecutive | ловла (lovla) | ловъясла (lovjasla) | |
genitive | ловлӧн (lovlön) | ловъяслӧн (lovjaslön) | |
ablative | ловлысь (lovlyś) | ловъяслысь (lovjaslyś) | |
dative | ловлы (lovly) | ловъяслы (lovjasly) | |
inessive | лолын (lolyn) | ловъясын (lovjasyn) | |
elative | лолысь (lolyś) | ловъясысь (lovjasyś) | |
illative | лолӧ (lolö) | ловъясӧ (lovjasö) | |
egressive | ловсянь (lovśań) | ловъяссянь (lovjasśań) | |
approximative | ловлань (lovlań) | ловъяслань (lovjaslań) | |
terminative | лолӧдз (lolödź) | ловъясӧдз (lovjasödź) | |
prolative | I | лолӧд (lolöd) | ловъясӧд (lovjasöd) |
II | ловті (lovti) | ловъясті (lovjasti) | |
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I. |
Possessive declension of лов | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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edit- Bubrikh, Dmitry V. (1949) Грамматика литературного коми языка [Grammar of the literary Komi language] (in Russian), Leningrad: Zhdanov Leningrad State University, page 31
- L. M. Beznosikova, E. A. Ajbabina, R. I. Kosnyreva (2000) Коми-русский словарь [Komi-Russian dictionary], →ISBN, page 350
editInherited from Proto-Slavic *lovъ.
editлов • (lov) m
editsingular | plural | |
indefinite | лов (lov) | ловови (lovovi) |
definite unspecified | ловот (lovot) | лововите (lovovite) |
definite proximal | ловов (lovov) | лововиве (lovovive) |
definite distal | ловон (lovon) | лововине (lovovine) |
vocative | лову (lovu) | ловови (lovovi) |
count form | — | лова (lova) |
Further reading
edit- “лов” in Дигитален речник на македонскиот јазик (Digitalen rečnik na makedonskiot jazik) [Digital dictionary of the Macedonian language] − drmj.eu
- “лов” in Официјален дигитален речник на македонскиот јазик (Oficijalen digitalen rečnik na makedonskiot jazik) − makedonski.gov.mk (in Macedonian)
- лов in Makedonisch Info (germansko-makedonski rečnik, makedonsko-germanski rečnik)
Mariupol Greek
edit(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)
editлов • (lov) n
editDeclension of лов | |||||
singular | plural | ||||
nominative | лов (lov) | ло́вя (lóvja) | |||
oblique | лов (lov) | ло́вяс (lóvjas) | |||
*) Some dialects don't use the oblique plural form, instead using the nominative plural. |
edit- A. A. Diamantopulo-Rionis with D. L. Demerdzhi, A. M. Davydova-Diamantopulo, A. A. Shapurma, R. S. Kharabadot, and D. K. Patricha (2006) “ло́в”, in Румейско-русский и русско-румейский словарь пяти диалектов греков Приазовья, Mariupol, →ISBN
- G. A. Animica, M. P. Galikbarova (2013) “лов”, in Румеку глоса[4], Donetsk
editFrom Proto-Mordvinic *lovə, from Proto-Uralic *lome. Cognates include Erzya лов (lov).
editлов • (lov)
editDeclension of лов | |||
singular | plural | ||
nominative (...) |
лов lov |
лофт loft | |
genitive (of ...) |
ловонь lovoń | ||
dative (to ...) |
ловонди lovondi | ||
comparative (like ...) |
ловшка lovška | ||
ablative (than ...) |
ловда lovda | ||
lative (into ...) |
лову lovu | ||
illative (into ...) |
ловс lovs | ||
inessive (in ...) |
ловса lovsa | ||
elative (out of ...) |
ловста lovsta | ||
prolative (through ...) |
ловга lovga | ||
causative (for ...) |
ловонкса lovonksa | ||
translative (becoming ...) |
ловкс lovks | ||
abessive (without ...) |
ловфтома lovftoma |
Definite declension of лов | |||
singular | plural | ||
nominative (...) |
ловсь lovś |
ловне lovne | |
genitive (of ...) |
ловть lovť |
ловнень lovneń | |
dative (to ...) |
ловти lovti |
ловненди lovnendi |
editNorthern Mansi
edit100 | ||||
[a], [b] ← 1 | ← 9 | 10 | 11 → | 20 → |
1[a], [b] | ||||
Cardinal: лов (lov) Ordinal: ловит (lovit) A.o.: ловиттыг (lovittyg) Adverbial: ловпис (lovpis) Multiplier: ловписыӈ (lovpisyň) Distributive: ловыл (lovyl) |
editFrom Proto-Finno-Ugric *luka.
editлов (low)
editAlternative forms
edit- ловъ (lov) — Pre-reform orthography (1918)
editInherited from Proto-Slavic *lovъ, cognates include Czech lov.
editлов • (lov) m inan (genitive ло́ва, nominative plural ло́вы, genitive plural ло́вов)
editRelated terms
editFurther reading
edit- лов in Большой толковый словарь, editor-in-chief С. А. Кузнецов – hosted at gramota.ru
edit- вол (vol)
editInherited from Proto-Slavic *lovъ.
editло̑в m (Latin spelling lȏv)
editRelated terms
editFurther reading
edit- “лов”, in Hrvatski jezični portal [Croatian language portal] (in Serbo-Croatian), 2006–2025
editInherited from Proto-Slavic *lovъ.
editлов • (lov) m inan (genitive ло́ву, nominative plural ло́ви, genitive plural ло́вів)
editFurther reading
edit- Bilodid, I. K., editor (1970–1980), “лов”, in Словник української мови: в 11 т. [Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language: in 11 vols] (in Ukrainian), Kyiv: Naukova Dumka
- Shyrokov, V. A., editor (2010–2023), “лов”, in Словник української мови: у 20 т. [Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language: in 20 vols] (in Ukrainian), volumes 1–14 (а – префере́нція), Kyiv: Naukova Dumka; Ukrainian Lingua-Information Fund, →ISBN
- Central Mansi terms with IPA pronunciation
- Central Mansi lemmas
- Central Mansi numerals
- Upper Konda Mansi
- Yukonda Mansi
- Erzya terms inherited from Proto-Mordvinic
- Erzya terms derived from Proto-Mordvinic
- Erzya terms inherited from Proto-Uralic
- Erzya terms derived from Proto-Uralic
- Erzya lemmas
- Erzya nouns
- Erzya terms with usage examples
- Komi-Permyak terms inherited from Proto-Permic
- Komi-Permyak terms derived from Proto-Permic
- Komi-Permyak terms inherited from Proto-Uralic
- Komi-Permyak terms derived from Proto-Uralic
- Komi-Permyak terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Komi-Permyak/oʋ
- Rhymes:Komi-Permyak/oʋ/1 syllable
- Komi-Permyak lemmas
- Komi-Permyak nouns
- Komi-Zyrian terms inherited from Proto-Permic
- Komi-Zyrian terms derived from Proto-Permic
- Komi-Zyrian terms inherited from Proto-Uralic
- Komi-Zyrian terms derived from Proto-Uralic
- Komi-Zyrian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Komi-Zyrian/oʋ
- Rhymes:Komi-Zyrian/oʋ/1 syllable
- Komi-Zyrian lemmas
- Komi-Zyrian nouns
- kpv:Folklore
- kpv:Religion
- Macedonian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Macedonian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Macedonian 1-syllable words
- Macedonian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Macedonian oxytone terms
- Macedonian terms with audio pronunciation
- Macedonian lemmas
- Macedonian nouns
- Macedonian masculine nouns
- Macedonian masculine nouns with plurals in -ови
- Mariupol Greek terms with IPA pronunciation
- Mariupol Greek lemmas
- Mariupol Greek nouns
- Mariupol Greek neuter nouns
- grk-mar:Vegetables
- Moksha terms inherited from Proto-Mordvinic
- Moksha terms derived from Proto-Mordvinic
- Moksha terms inherited from Proto-Uralic
- Moksha terms derived from Proto-Uralic
- Moksha terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Moksha/ov
- Rhymes:Moksha/ov/1 syllable
- Moksha lemmas
- Moksha nouns
- Northern Mansi terms inherited from Proto-Finno-Ugric
- Northern Mansi terms derived from Proto-Finno-Ugric
- Northern Mansi lemmas
- Northern Mansi numerals
- Russian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Russian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Russian 1-syllable words
- Russian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Russian lemmas
- Russian nouns
- Russian masculine nouns
- Russian inanimate nouns
- Russian hard-stem masculine-form nouns
- Russian hard-stem masculine-form accent-a nouns
- Russian nouns with accent pattern a
- Serbo-Croatian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Serbo-Croatian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Serbo-Croatian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Serbo-Croatian lemmas
- Serbo-Croatian nouns
- Serbo-Croatian masculine nouns
- Ukrainian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Ukrainian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Ukrainian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Ukrainian lemmas
- Ukrainian nouns
- Ukrainian masculine nouns
- Ukrainian inanimate nouns
- Ukrainian hard masculine-form nouns
- Ukrainian hard masculine-form accent-a nouns
- Ukrainian nouns with accent pattern a