Old Armenian




The stem is կից- (kicʻ-). A Georgian-Zan borrowing, ultimately from Proto-Kartvelian *ḳec₁- (to put together).

The attempts to derive from Proto-Indo-European *dwi-sk-, from *dwóh₁ (two), with Old High German zuiski (twofold) as a cognate,[1][2][3] are phonetically and semantically unconvincing.[4][5]



կցեմ (kcʻem)

  1. to join, to unite
    կցել զվէրսkcʻel zvērsto close, to cicatrize wounds
    եւ ես կցէի զամէննew es kcʻēi zamēnnamen I replied
  2. (music) to accompany
  3. (mediopassive, intransitive) to be joined, united; to cling or stick to, to hold fast by
    կցել վիրացkcʻel viracʻto close up, to cicatrize, to skin over, to heal (of a wound)
    կցել գետոցkcʻel getocʻto be frozen (of rivers)
    յաստեղս կցիyastełs kcʻiit reaches the stars



Derived terms



  • Armenian: կցել (kcʻel)
  • Middle Armenian: կուց (kucʻ)


  1. ^ Meillet, Antoine (1894) “De quelques difficultés de la théorie des gutturales indo-européennes”, in Mémoires de la Société de Linguistique de Paris (in French), volume 8, page 296 of 277–304
  2. ^ Pedersen, Holger (1907) “Neues und nachträgliches”, in Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der Indogermanischen Sprachen[1] (in German), volume 40, number 2, page 211 of 129–217
  3. ^ Kortlandt, Frederik (2003) Armeniaca: comparative notes, Ann Arbor: Caravan Books, pages 91–95
  4. ^ Meillet, Antoine (1912–1914) “De la composition en arménien”, in Mémoires de la Société de Linguistique de Paris (in French), volume 18, page 267 of 245–270
  5. ^ Viredaz, Rémy (2003) “The Great Armenian Puzzle is not Thorny”, in Annual of Armenian linguistics[2], numbers 22-23, page 64, footnote 22

Further reading

  • Ačaṙean, Hračʻeay (1973) “կից”, in Hayerēn armatakan baṙaran [Armenian Etymological Dictionary] (in Armenian), 2nd edition, a reprint of the original 1926–1935 seven-volume edition, volume II, Yerevan: University Press, pages 595–597
  • Klimov, G. A. (1998) Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages (Trends in linguistics. Documentation; 16), New York, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, page 90
  • Martirosyan, Hrach (2010) Etymological Dictionary of the Armenian Inherited Lexicon (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 8), Leiden and Boston: Brill, page 365
  • Марр, Н. (1901) Тексты и разыскания по армяно-грузинской филологии. Книга III. Ипполит. Толкование Песни песней. Грузинский текст по рукописи X в. [Texts and research in Armenian–Georgian philology. Book III. Hippolytus. Commentary on the Song of Songs. The Georgian text based on a 10th c. manuscript] (Издания Факультета восточных языков Императорского С.-Петербургского университета; 5)‎[3], Saint Petersburg: Academy Press, page LXV
  • Petrosean, Matatʻeay (1879) “կցեմ”, in Nor Baṙagirkʻ Hay-Angliarēn [New Dictionary Armenian–English], Venice: S. Lazarus Armenian Academy