Chinese edit

small; tiny; few
small; tiny; few; young
high-maintenance; pretentious to lighten one's heart; to cultivate the mind
trad. (小作怡情) 怡情
simp. #(小作怡情) 怡情

Etymology edit

Built on the existing 小酌怡情 (xiǎozhuóyíqíng, “drinking a small amount of alcohol keeps the mood light”), using the similar-sounding slang term (zuō, “high-maintenance; pretentious; etc.”).

Pronunciation edit

Idiom edit


  1. (neologism) being “moderately high-maintenance” (i.e. affected and drama queen-like, yet coquettish) keeps the love relationship fun

Usage notes edit

Often followed by 傷身 (“being a big drama queen is deadly”).