Appendix:Proto-Kartvelian reconstructions

Proto-Kartvelian (i.e., Proto-South Caucasian) reconstructions by Klimov (1998):[1]

Note: "Level uncertain" means that Klimov (1998) is not sure whether the reconstructed form is at the Proto-Kartvelian or Proto-Georgian-Zan level. Proto-Kartvelian includes linguistic evidence from Svan, while Proto-Georgian-Zan does not include linguistic evidence from Svan.

Klimov (1998)

English gloss Proto-Kartvelian Proto-Georgian-Zan level uncertain Page
pronominal stem, proximal (opposed to distant *i-) *a- 1
verbal prefix of causative *a- 1
suffix of deverbative action noun *-a 1
affix of adverbial derivation *-ad 1
azalea (pontica) *ad-l//had- 1
early, fast *adr-a(d) 2
circumfix of the causative verbs *a- -en//-in 2
ten *at- 2
verbal thematic affix *-am : -m 2
that, this *a-ma- 2
elder *anc̣₁l- 3
to be *a-r- 3
eight *arwa- 3
chamois *arčw- 3
daughter *asul- 4
deictic stem *a-s₁- 4
hundred *as₁ir- 4
here *a-k- 4
preverb of direction *aɣ- 5
gourd *aq̣are- 5
henceforth, from now on *a-c̣- 5
now, recently *axl-a(d) 5
near (adverb) *axlo- 5
to pour *b- 6
to tie, bind *b- 6
sheep-pen, goat-pen; floor of pen; crib *baga- 6
net, cobweb *bade- (?) 6
sweet cherry *bal- 7
to tie, bind *b-am- : b-m- 7
to wash, wash oneself *ban- 7
to interweave, plait *band- (?) 7
to twist, tie together *bandɣ- 8
washed *ban-il- 8
to wash *bar- : br- 8
to reel, stagger *barbac- 8
blackthorn, sloe *bard- 8
thigh, haunch *barḳ- (?) 9
barren, dry *barc̣₁- 9
brace, prop; stake, picket *ba(r)ǯ- 9
thigh, haunch *baq̣w- (?) 9
to utter; sound, ring *bger- 9
to set, catch fire *bdw- 10
to set fire *bdw-in- 10
to trash, belabor *bez- 10
to fill; to get full, sated *bez- : bz- 10
to beat strongly *betk- 11
to trample down *beḳ- 11
to blow; inflate, distend *ber- 11
to hoe *berg- 11
blowing *ber-w-a 12
to beat out; shake *berṭq̣- 12
wild pear; wild plum(-tree) *berq̣en- (?) 12
leg, step *berq- 12
to be enough, suffice *beɣ- : bɣ- 12
barn, storehouse *beɣ-el- 13
sparrow *beɣ-ur- 13
to move by touch, grope *bec- 13
to push, shove *beʓg- 13
to scold, rail; be angry *beʓ₁ɣ- (?) 14
to crumble, breakǃ *beč̣- : bič̣- 14
to lean (on); rest (against) *beʓ̌- : bʓ̌- 14
to crack *bzar- 14
to stretch, pull out *bz-eḳ- : bz-iḳ- 15
to hum, buzz *bzu- 15
shoots, sprouts; edge *bibil- 15
stick, cudgel *biga- 15
to entice, lure *bir- 15
push, bump *biʓg- 16
step, support *biʓ̌- 16
blunt, obtuse *blagw- 16
kind of fern *blanc- 16
fist *bliḳw- (?) 16
to rave *bod- 17
stump, stub *boḳw- 17
spider *borbal- 17
to twirl, whirl *br- 17
to sing *br- 17
crash, din *brag-un- 18
to wrestle *brg- 18
to pluck (bird) *brdɣ-wn- 18
to growl, grumble *brdɣw-en- 18
to strike, knock; make a noise *breg- 19
flat *brṭq̣-el- 19
to pluck (bird) *brṭq̣-wn- 19
to spin, whirl *brun- 19
pomegranate (small) *brc̣aml- 20
nest *bude- 20
fly *buz(w)- 20
to muffle up, wrap up; darken *bur- 20
down, plumage *burdɣa- 20
down and plumage *burṭq̣l- 21
kind of weed *burc₁x- 21
to bristle (up); ruffle *burʓg- 21
bristle *burʓga- 21
inflorescence, leaf *buṭḳa- 21
bee *buṭḳ-ar- 22
to eat (roughly), gorge *buq̣-wn- 22
to low, moo; to yell *bɣa(w)- 22
to bend, curve *bɣwen- : bɣwn- 22
to curve, twist *bɣwen-ḳ- : bɣwn-ḳ- 23
to growl, look sternly *bɣwer- : bɣwr- (?) 23
to frown, grin *bɣn-eʓ̌- : bɣn-ʓ̌- 23
owl *b(ɣ)u- 23
to nip, pinch *bc̣ḳ-wn- 23
to prop up; lean, rest *bʓ̌-en- : bʓ̌-in- 24
pronominal base of unclear deictic function (cf. *a-k-, *e-g-, *-k-) *-g- 24
to build, construct *g- 24
to string, thread; put through *g- 24
to acquire, gain, win *g- 24
to cook, boil *gab- : gb- 25
to resemble *gaw- : gw- 25
to sweep *gaw- : gw- 25
to tear, pick; to break, burst *gal- : gl- 26
complex preverb of direction 'outwards toward the speaker *ga-mo- 26
side *gan- 26
preverb of direction 'outside outwards *ga(n)- 26
to soil, dirty; get dusty *gangl- 27
hammered in, stuffed *ga(n)-č̣ed-il 27
to make suck (calf before milking of cow) *gen- 27
calf (suckling) *gen- 27
to hear, learn *gen- : gn- 27
to be (of drought) *gwal- 28
to go *gwal- (?) 28
body, fore-part (of body) *gwam- 28
to resemble *gw-an- 28
to lead, conduct *gwar- : gwr- 29
snake *gwel- 29
side, flank *gwerd- 29
fern *gwimra- 29
to kindle, set fire *gz- (?) 30
way, path *gza- 30
to smear, spread *gl-es- : gl-is- 30
to tear, to break *gl-eʓ̌- : *gl-iʓ̌- : gl-ʓ̌- 30
to grieve, deplore *glo(w)- 31
to think, remember *gon- 31
to roll, wallow *gor- : gr- 31
mount, hill *gora- 31
to lay eggs *gr- 32
round artefact, ring *grgw- 32
to thunder *grgw-in- (?) 32
to roll, twist *gr-ex- : gr-ix- 32
twisted, rolled *grex-il- 32
ring, hoop *grḳ-al- 33
to be long, to be high *grʓ- (?) 33
long, high *grʓ-el- 33
flea *grc̣q̣-il- 33
branchy bough *grʓ̌ɣa- (?) 33
to get accustomed, train *gu- 34
core, kernel *guga- 34
cuckoo *gugul- 34
leather bag, wineskin *guda- 34
heart, core *gul- 35
to weave *gus₁- : gs₁- 35
clitic of condition *-da 35
and (conjunction) *da 35
preverb of direction 'down(wards) on surface *da- 36
sister *da- 36
cornfield, village, hamlet *dab(a)- 36
elder sister *da-did- 37
bear *datw- 37
to be unfit, bad *dar- : dr- 37
to put, stand *dg-am- : dg-m- 37
to put *dg-en- : dg-in- 37
to eat (with champing) *dgw(l)ep- : dgw(l)ip- 37
to din, rumble *dgr- 38
to stand *deg- : dg- 38
mother *deda- 38
female *deda-l- (?) 38
wife's/ husband's mother *deda-mtil- 39
to lie, lay *dew- : dw- 39
to bend, curve *der- : dr- 39
log, beam; squared beam *dwire- 40
big, large *did- 40
to mumble, mutter *didɣ-in- 40
spring wheat *diḳa- 40
propolis *dindg-el- 41
fertile soil *diɣwam- 41
elbow *d(l)aq̣w- 41
to melt, thaw *dn- 41
hornless *dola- 42
to bend, curve; stoop *dr-eḳ- : dr-iḳ- : dr-ḳ- 42
bent, curved *dreḳ-il- 42
tip *dud- 42
to be(come) silent *dum- 43
to boil, cook *duɣ- 43
to soil, dirty; to botch, bungle *dɣab- : dɣb- 43
day *dɣe- 43
to churn *dɣweb- : dɣwib- 44
to be liquid, fluid *dɣl- 44
to tear, rend (roughly) *dɣl-ez- : dɣl-iz- 44
pronominal element *e- 45
verbal thematic suffix *-eb 45
pronominal stem *e-g- 45
root element, underlying ethnonym *egr- 45
a verbal extension *-ed- : -id 45
a toponymic affix *-et (?) 46
a verbal extension *-et 46
a verbal extension *-eḳ : -i(ḳ) 46
affix of noun derivation *-el 46
to sparkle (of lightning) *el- 46
derivatory affix of causative verbs *-en : -in 47
one *ert- 47
a verbal extension *-es : -(i)s 47
pronominal stem *e-s₁- 47
six *eks₁w- 48
wild boar, pig *ešw- 48
hatchet *ečw- 48
a verbal extension *-ex : -ix 48
to go *wal- : wl- 49
to comb *warcx-wn- 49
kneading trough *warc₁l- 49
to sit *warʓ- : wrʓ- 49
to lend, borrow *wasx- (?) 50
apple *wašl- 50
Caucasian goat *wac₁- 50
to go, walk *wed- : wid- 51
valley, field *wel- 51
vine *wenaq- 51
negation particle *wer 51
silver *werc₁xl- 52
male, ram *werʓ₁- 52
aspen *werxw- 52
to fill, be filled *wes₁- : ws₁- 52
mineral spring *weʓ₁- 53
who *win- 53
to forget *wic̣₁q̣- 53
walk *wl-a- 54
to divide, separate *wlt- 54
to run away, escape *wlṭ- 54
to injure, harm; to torment, suffer *wn- 54
stem-forming enlargement *-wn 55
to be broad, wide *wrc₁- 55
broad, wide *wrc₁-el- 55
to press, squeeze *z- (?) 55
year, season *za- 56
to incite, instigate *zaḳu(w)- 56
winter *za-mtar- 56
to take care, keep *zar- : zr- 56
to grow *zard- : zrd- 57
to crumple, press, rub *zel- 57
to trash, flog *zep̣- 57
to look *zer- : zir- 57
to calve, fawn *zw- 58
to gather, collect *zwer- : zwr- 58
to drag, pull *zid- 58
to crowd (to overflowing) *zizin- 58
blood *zisxl- 59
to dream *zm- 59
to dream *zm-an- : zm-n- 59
to yelp, squeal *zmu- 59
to measure, be measured *zom- 60
to talk *zop̣- 60
grown up, brought up *zrd-il- 60
to perturb, excite *zrz-en- : zrz-in- 60
to be thick, clumsy *zrk- 61
thick, clumsy *zrk-el- 61
to weep, sob; cry *zu- 61
female *zura- (?) 61
sea *zɣwa- 62
to limit, restrict *zɣwan- 62
limit, bound *zɣwar- 62
to limit, enclose *zɣw-ed- : zɣw-d- 62
to pour (of heavy shower) *zɣwel- 63
to be lazy *z₁ar- : z₁r- 63
up(wards), upon *z₁e 63
upper *z₁e-da- 63
to strike, thrash, rumple *z₁ez₁- 63
upper; top *z₁e-mo- 64
upper *z₁e-n(a)- 64
to fall; crush down *z₁wal- : z₁wl- 64
avalanche, snow-slip *z₁wa(w)- 64
to become damp, wet; freeze *z₁r- 65
to shiver, tremble *z₁rz₁- 65
to twitter, ring *z₁r-ial- 65
to tumble; plop down *z₁ɣap̣- : z₁ɣp̣- 65
mouse *tagw- 66
head *taw- 66
head over heels *taw-da- 66
to plane, shave, hew *tal- : tl- 66
honey *tapl- 67
light *te- (?) 67
to raise (of dough) *teb- : tb- 67
sucking-pig *tel- 67
to trample, to tighten *tel- : tl- 68
to become visible; be getting light *ten- : tn- 68
dawn *ten-eb-a- 68
to drag, pull *ter- : tr- 68
to drink (wine) *ter- : tr- 69
to sow, seed *tes- 69
seed *tes-l- 69
sowing *tes-w-a 70
to pour, exhaust *tex- : tx- 70
eye *twal- 70
to be thin *ttx- 70
thin, sparse *ttx-el- 71
grass *tib- 71
to mow *tib- 71
finger *tit- 71
to soil *titx-wn- 72
to replace *til- 72
soil, clay *tiqa- 72
to endure; to need *tm- 72
hair *tma- 73
to snow *to(w)- 73
snow *tow-l- 73
hoe *toq- 73
to tremble *trt- 74
moon *tute- 74
to scald, scald oneself *tutk- 74
to break out, burst *tkar- : tkr- 74
heavy shower *tkaš- 75
to speak, say *tkw- 75
to speak, say *tkw-am- : tk(w)-m- 75
you (plur.) *tkwen- (?) 75
your (plur.) *tkwen- (?) 76
to shake; to beat up *tkwep- : tk(w)ip- 76
to guzzle, champ *tk(w)lep- : tk(w)lip- 76
to plait, weave; to compose *txaz- : txz- 76
top *txam- 77
pus *txaml- 77
to dig; bury, bury oneself *txar- : txr- 77
to catch; to look for *txewl- 78
hazel-nut *txil- 78
to soil *txip- 78
sediment (of wine) *txl-e- 78
to tear up, cut in *txl-eš- : txi-iš- 79
alder *txmel- 79
to ask *txo(w)- 79
she-goat *tqa- 80
deictic stem (denoting remote objects in contrast to *a-) *i- 80
diminutive affix of substantive *-ia 80
diminutive affix *-iḳ (?) 80
an affix producing participles *-il 81
an affix producing a verbal noun *-il 81
a pronominal stem of demonstrative semantics (in contrast to *a-ma- it denotes remote objects) *i-ma- 81
snare (for catching birds) *ireč̣- 81
arrow *i-sar- 82
sedge *isl- 82
deictc element *i-s₁- 82
topoformative element *-(i)s₁ 82
affix producing adjectives of similarity *-is₁-eul- 82
wheat *i-pk-l- 83
fern *ipxl- 83
there, over there *i-k- 83
thight, narrow, strait *ic̣₁ro- 83
duck *ixwir- 84
to take *ḳaw- : ḳw- 84
wooden goblet *ḳatxa- 84
stone, kernel (of fruits) *ḳaḳa- 65
partridge *ḳaḳab- 85
to lack; to be short of *ḳal- : ḳl- 85
to chatter; to rattle with one's teeth *ḳap̣- : ḳp̣- 85
stick; pole, post *ḳap̣- 86
to strike, beat *ḳar- : ḳr- 86
to bind *ḳar- : ḳr- 86
man, male, husband *ḳac₁- 86
to bite *ḳb- 87
to bite *ḳb-en- : ḳb-in- 87
tooth *ḳb-il- 87
to build, construct *ḳed- : ḳd- 87
wall *ḳ(e)d-el- 88
to add; to mix *ḳet- 88
to stoke, poke (with beak) *ḳeḳ- 88
to peck, to eat little by little *ḳeḳ-wn- 88
to be lame, to limp *ḳel- : ḳl 89
to lack, to be short of *ḳel- : ḳl- 89
to peck out *ḳenḳ- 89
to tremble, to get frightened *ḳert- : ḳrt- 89
to pluck (out) *ḳerṭ- : ḳrṭ- 90
clay, clay vessel *ḳec- 90
to put together *ḳec₁- 90
track, footprint *ḳwal- 90
to smoke *ḳwam- : ḳwm- 91
smoke *ḳwam-l- 91
to lose (caused by death) *ḳwed- : ḳwd- 91
to chop, to cut off *ḳwet- : ḳwt- 92
chopped off, cut off *ḳwet-il- 92
marten *ḳwenr- 92
flat cake, cookie (round) *ḳwer- 92
crow *ḳwer- 93
stick *ḳwertx- 93
round object *ḳwer-ḳwer- 93
to break up, split, crush, smash *ḳwerc₁x- 93
to moan *ḳwes- : ḳws- 94
to strike (fire) *ḳwes₁- : ḳws₁- 94
to push, to fill in *ḳwex- 94
to astonish, surprise; to be astonished, be surprised *ḳwir- 94
to be awake, wake up *ḳwircx- 95
leg *ḳwi(r)c₁x- 95
mountain she-goat *ḳwic- 95
to cry *ḳi- 96
lobster *ḳibo- 96
to take; to hang *ḳid- 96
finger, toe *ḳit- 96
to ask *ḳitx- 97
to eat little by little, peck *ḳiḳ-wn- 97
rock *ḳlde- (?) 97
to hew, hollow *ḳod- 97
vessel made of one piece of wood, tub *ḳod- 98
woodpecker *ḳodal- 98
spoon *ḳowz- 98
to die together *ḳon- 98
top *ḳonc₁x- 99
scoop (for wine) *ḳop̣e- 99
gnat *ḳoɣo- 99
to shine *ḳr- 99
lamb *ḳraw- 99
to gather, to get together *ḳreb- : ḳrb- 100
to gather, pick (fruit, flowers) *ḳrep- : ḳrip- 100
to cut, cut off *ḳreč̣- : ḳrič̣- : krč̣- 100
moth *ḳrḳil- 100
acorn *ḳrḳo- 101
to cluck (about a sitting hen) *ḳrox- 101
brood hen *ḳrox- 101
to pluck (out), nip *ḳrṭ-wn- (?) 101
to scream *ḳ(r)čxi- 102
branchy knot *ḳrčxa- (?) 102
prickly (insect, animal) *ḳrčxib- 102
to grit *ḳrč̣- 103
tortoise *ḳu- 103
tail *ḳud- (// ḳwed-) 103
to moan (weakly) *ḳut- 103
angle *ḳutx(u)- 103
bud, burgeon *ḳuḳul- 104
to press (on lips, fist) *ḳum- 104
to moan, grumble *ḳumin- (?) 104
stone (of a fruit) *ḳurḳa- 104
hail *ḳurcx- (?) 104
boy, penis (pueri) *ḳuṭu- 105
drop, small scrap *ḳupx- 105
to shred (into small pieces) *ḳuc̣₁- 105
to become tender, soft; to moisten *lab- : lb- 106
to plant *lag- : lg- 106
to drive out the cattle to graze *lal- 106
to singe (a bird, a pig) *lal- 106
to bark *lal- 107
fig *laɣw- 107
rotten *laq̣e- 107
lip *laš- 107
softened, soft (about inanimate objects) *lb-il- 108
saliva *lez₁w- 108
puppy *leḳw- 108
cane *lel- 108
silly, stupid *lele- 108
reed *ler-c̣₁em- 109
to rub, sharpen *les- 109
to thaw, to melt *leqw- : lqw- 109
to fashion, model; to slip *lip̣- 109
to lick *loḳ- 110
to wet, to get wet *lṭw- 110
breakable buckthorn *luḳupxa- 110
to doze, sleep *lul- 110
to get wet *lumb- (?) 111
to eat (rudely) *lš-wn- 111
word-formation prefix *m- 111
word-forming circumfix *m- -e 112
word-formation circumfix *m- -el- 112
what (pronoun) *ma- 112
pronominal stem of the third person *ma- 112
word-forming element *ma- 113
verbal negative particle *mad 113
heavy *maḳe- 113
to get heavy, pregnant *maḳen- 113
father *mama- 114
male *mama-l- 114
father-in-law *mama-m-til- 114
badger *ma(n)čw- 115
young one *martwe- 115
strawberry *marc̣q̣w- 115
to conquer, overcome *marʓ̌w- 115
adroit, comfortable *marʓ̌w- 116
right hand *ma-rʓ̌w-en- 116
first-net *mase- 116
worm *ma-ṭl- 117
wool (of sheep), fleece *maṭq̣l- 117
blackberry *maq̣w- 117
sort of wheat *maxa- 117
word-forming prefix *me- 118
word-forming element *me- -al 118
word-forming element *me- -e 118
Megrelian *m-egr-el- 118
fox *mel- (?) 119
I *men 119
shallow (about water), rare *me-rčx-e 119
finger-ring *me-(r)č̣ed- 119
palisade; stake *meser- 120
owning, owner *me-up-e 120
clear sky, fine weather *me-px-e 120
milked, milch *me-c̣₁wel- 121
swallow *me-c̣₁rx-al- 121
sun *mz₁e- 121
sunny side *mz₁ware- (?) 121
to press, crumple, squeeze *mz₁ɣw- 122
cold'(?) *mt- 122
preverb of direction meaning 'aside from the speaker *mi- 122
grasshopper, locust *mḳal- 122
breast, chest *mḳerd- : mḳrd- 123
unripe, sour *m-ḳwax-e 123
deprived, lacking *m-ḳl-e 123
preverb of direction with the meaning of 'in the direction towards the speaker *mo- 124
grown, grown-up *mo-zrd-il- 124
ball, skein *mo-rgw- 124
to get dressed, put on *mos- 124
cut off *mo-č̣r-il- 124
to wither, fade *mžɣr- 125
safe, intact, healthy *m-rt-el- 125
point, thorn *m-(s)č̣w-al- 125
pear *msxal- 125
stout, big *(m)s₁xw-il- 125
dust, whirlwind of dust *mṭwer- 126
greens, vegetables *mṭil- 126
span, inch *mṭḳaw-el- 126
knee, corner *muql- 127
moth(?) *mɣ- (?) 127
strong, sound, solid *mq̣ar- 127
to graft *mq̣en- : mq̣n- 127
to be hungry *mš(i)- 128
child *m-šw-e 128
beautiful, beauty *m-šwen- 128
to shoot (an arrow) *mšwil- 129
bow *mšwild- 129
little, small *mcire- 129
to leave (to), charge, entrust *mc₁en- : mc₁n- 129
rancid (nut) *mʓaɣe- (?) 130
foundling (egg) *m-ʓ₁ew-al- (?) 130
fist *mʓ₁iɣ- 130
to soil, to make dirty *mc̣iḳw- (?) 130
salt, salted *mc̣q̣at- 131
bitter *mc̣₁are- 131
insect, fly *mc̣₁er- 131
to train (to), break in *mc̣₁q̣- 132
to pasture, shepherd (cattle) *mc̣₁q̣-es- : mc̣₁q̣-s- 132
shepherd *mc̣₁q̣es- 132
bread (of millet), churek *mč̣ad- 132
sour *mč̣axe- 133
smith, blacksmith *m-č̣ed-el- 133
lean, skinny, thin *mč̣le- 133
vegetables, greens *mxal- 133
to eat *mxar- 134
lizard *mxul- 134
shoulder *mqar- 134
to overthrow, overturn *mqw- 134
grey hair *mqc₁e- 135
hoary with age *mqc₁-oan- 135
to want, desire, wish *n- 135
word-formation affix of the past participle *na- 136
collective help (assistance) in agriculture *nad- 136
gone, done; covered; beaten *na-wal- 136
to shine, give light *nat- : nt- 136
light *nat-e- 137
piece, cut, section; lump *na-ḳwet- 137
splinter, fragment *na-ḳwerc₁x-al- 137
mummy *nana- 137
splinter, chip; spark *na-p̣erc̣ḳ- 138
planted *na-rg- 138
broken; fragment(s) *na-ṭex- 138
powder *na-car- 138
spruce, fir(-tree) *naʓw- 139
scrap, lump *na-c̣₁qwed- 139
coal *na-qšir- 139
piece, portion, cut, section, lump *na-č̣er- 139
word-forming prefix *ne- 140
palm *neb- (?) 140
damp, moist, fresh *nedl- 140
female of small livestock *ne-zw- 140
maple *ne-ḳerčxa- 140
little finger *neḳ(u)- 141
needle *nems₁- 141
tongue, word *nena- 141
planted, seedling *ne-rg- 141
saliva, spittle *ne-rc̣₁q̣w- 142
nostril *ne-sṭw- 142
word-forming prefix *ni- 142
chin *ni-ḳap̣- 142
snout *niḳel- 142
boy, lad, adolescent *ninw-el- 143
beak *ni-(s)ḳrṭ- 143
mist, fog *nisl- (?) 143
snout, mug, lip *ničw- 143
lowland *noɣa- 144
no, not'(prohibitive particle) *nu 144
no, not (the prohibitive particle) *numa 144
two *jor- 144
spider *oboba- (?) 145
hardly, just; while *ode 145
four *otxo- 145
to wage war *om- 146
navel *o(m)p̣e- 146
sweat *opl- 146
hoopoe *opop- 146
twenty *oc₁- 147
solitary, lone (person) *oqar- (?) 147
grandfather *p̣ap̣a- 147
outgrowth, protuberance *p̣aɣw- 148
to find, to discover *p̣ew- 148
to scutch (wool) *p̣enṭ- : p̣nṭ- 148
lather *p̣er- 148
to fly *p̣er- 149
butterfly *p̣erp̣er- 149
to beat out, knock out *p̣erṭq̣- : p̣rṭq̣- 149
to crack, split *p̣erc̣ḳ- : prc̣ḳ- 150
to blink, wink *p̣eč̣- 150
copper *p̣ilenʓ₁- 150
edge *p̣ir- 150
to sharpen (scythe) *p̣ir- 151
flat *p̣rṭq̣-el- 151
to squelch *p̣ruc̣₁-in- 151
fragment, splinter, stone *p̣rc̣ḳa- 151
to chop, hack, cut to pieces *p̣u- 152
whisper, low muttering *p̣uṭ- 152
to pluck (poultry) *p̣uṭ-wn- 152
to crumple; to thrash *žež- 152
to be *r- 153
ditch *rabo- 153
to stretch out; break, disconnect *ratx- : rtx- 153
to gird, engird *raṭq̣- : rṭq̣- 154
to count, compute, calculate, to expect *racx- : rcx- 154
to be fit, be useful *rg- (?) 154
to plant *rg- 155
enclitic particle *-re (?) 155
to throw on, fall upon *regw- 155
to knock, tap, strike *reḳ- 155
foolish, stupid, silly; fool *reṭ(u)- 156
to cover *rekw- : rkw- 156
to say *rekw- : rkw- 156
to pour, pull down, destroy; fall in, collapse *reɣw- : rɣw- 156
to drive (multitude of objects) *req̣- : rq̣- 156
to oscillate, shake *req̣- : rq̣- 157
to purl, babble, murmur *rečx- : rčx- 157
to spread; make a bed *rec₁- : rc₁- 157
to wash, launder *rec₁x- : rc₁x- 158
to jingle, tinkle, ring *rec̣ḳ- : ric̣ḳ- 158
to beat, strike (with sth.) *rex- 158
to join, unite; to become united, whole *rt- 158
to cover *rtw- 159
to stretch (out); to break, disconnect *rtx-am- : rtx-m- 159
to be angry; to swear, to quarrel (with) *ris₁x- 159
to fight, wrestle *rḳen- : rḳin- (?) 159
to clean, sort out *rḳw- 160
to get dark *rum- 160
to cover, be covered *rkw-am- : rkw-m- 160
to listen (to), obey *rč- 160
to shake, swing *rc̣- 160
to believe *rc̣am- : rc̣m- 161
to vomit; to throw out, excrete, eject liquid *rc̣₁q̣aw- : rc̣₁q̣w- 161
to overcome, conquer *rʓ̌w- 161
interrogative pronominal stem *sa- 161
where *sa-d 162
steep *sal- 162
three *sam- 162
to throw *sar- : sr- 162
thrush (blackbird) *sašw- 163
to judge, try, punish *saʓ̌- : sʓ̌- 163
flax *sel- 163
to hear, to be heard *sem- : sm- 163
you (sing.) *sen 164
to slide, slip, glide *ser- : sr- 164
to stick in, stab, thrust *sw- 164
to pass over; to oil, smear (with) *sw- 164
to stick into, stab *sw-am- : sw-m- 165
to pass (over); to smear *sw-am- : sw-m- 165
wing, feather *swe- 165
to lay out; to arrange, order; to draw up *swer- : swr- 165
to break away, fall *stw- 166
bird *sir- 166
to tie (up), bind (up) *sḳw- 166
to lick, smack *slek- : slk- 166
to listen (to) *sm-en- : sm-in- 167
to destroy, exterminate *sr-eṭ- 167
to polish; to rub (in) *sr-es- : sr-s- (?) 167
sliding, slipping, twisting *sr-ial- 168
pimple, abscess *srsw-il- 168
to whistle; to pipe *sṭw- 168
to whistle; to pipe *sṭw-en- : sṭw-in- 168
ivy *sur- 169
to bear fruit; to grow *sx- 169
to slide, to glide; to hack, hew (down) *sxal- : sxl- 169
to bear fruit; to grow *sx-am- : sx-m- 169
to make a quick movement *sxep̣- : sxip̣- 170
to draw, stretch *sxerp̣- : sxirp̣- 170
to catch; to encompass *sxwerp̣- 170
to tear off, pick, break off *sxwe(r)ṭ- 171
to stumble, slip *sxl-eṭ- : sxl-ṭ- 171
medlar *sxmarṭl- 171
ceiling, roof *sqwen- 171
word formation prefix *(s)a- (?) 172
tie, leash *(s)a-bm-el- 172
breakfast (provision) for the way *(s)a-gz-al- 172
awl *(s)a-dg-is₁ 173
comb *(s)a-warcx-ar- 173
seat *(s)a-warʓ-el- 173
full, complete *(s)a-ws₁-e- 173
food, subsistence *(s)a-zrd-el- 174
small bell, bluebell *(s)a-reḳ-el- 174
roof *(s)a-rtw-l- 174
linen, clothes (for washing) *(s)a-rc₁x-el- 174
cradle *(s)a-rc̣-e- 174
head of the bed *(s)a-(s)tum-al- 175
drinking *(s)a-s₁wm-el- 175
sieve *(s)a-cer- 175
mortar *(s)a-c₁em-ar- 175
wine-press *(s)a-c̣₁nex-el- 176
food, meal *(s)a-č̣m-el- 176
house *(s)a-xl- 176
coupling, joint, articulation *(s)a-qs-ar- 176
to spin *(s)et- : (s)t- 177
word-forming affix *(s)i- 177
dream *(s)i-zmar- 177
milk *(s)ʓ₁e- 177
to drive, knock (in), stick in(to) *(s)č̣w- 178
pronominal stem *s₁- 178
to destroy, ruin *s₁ar- : s₁r- 178
to sharpen *s₁er- : s₁r- 178
to drink *s₁w- 179
to drink *s₁w-am- : s₁w-m- 179
Svan *s₁wan- 179
to breathe, sigh; to rest *s₁wen- : s₁wn- 179
sight, breath *s₁wer- 180
to sigh *s₁wer- : s₁wr- 180
to eat (champing, smacking one's lips) *s₁wl-ep̣- : s₁wl-ip̣- 180
to make noise, rustle *s₁i- 180
to swell, swell up *s₁i(w)- 180
to stuff oneself *s₁i(w)s₁i(w)n- 181
son-in-law, bridegroom *s₁iʓ₁e- 181
to hiccup *s₁loḳ- 181
to be wet *s₁ow- 182
wet, soaked *s₁ow-el- 182
to wet, make wet *s₁owl- 182
soul, spirit *s₁ul- 182
to be silent, be quiet *s₁us₁- 182
to grow stout, fat *s₁uq- 183
to dry up; to bake well *s₁uš- 183
to hang, to sit (about multitude) *s₁x- 183
to hang, to sit (about multitude) *s₁x-am- : s₁x-m- 183
to fence, hedge *s₁xaṭ- : s₁xṭ- (?) 184
to be fat, stout, large *s₁xw- 184
one; other *s₁xwa- 184
flint *ṭal- (?) 184
to break, to strike (on) *ṭax- 185
lake *ṭba- 185
to leave, let go *ṭe(w)- 185
to go in; to be contained *ṭe(w)- : ṭi(w)- 186
to fill, to stuff, pack (tight) with *ṭen- 186
bark, crust, peel *ṭep- (?) 186
to warm, heat; to warm oneself *ṭep- : ṭp- 186
to break *ṭex- : ṭx- 187
breaking *ṭex-a- 187
broken *ṭex-il- 187
to light (up) *ṭwar- : ṭwr- 187
brain *ṭwin- 187
louse *ṭil- 188
to seek for insects, examine clothes with the object of insects *ṭis₁-wn- 188
to stuff, fill (tight) *ṭiṭin- (?) 188
to press, press oneself *ṭḳeb- : ṭḳb- 188
to press, trample *ṭḳep̣- 189
to crack, crash *ṭḳerc₁- : ṭḳrc₁- 189
to skin, bark *ṭḳec- 189
to strike *ṭḳec₁- : ṭḳc₁- 189
to crack (a nut) *ṭḳwer- : ṭḳwr- 189
to champ, to smack one's lips (whilst eating) *ṭḳw(l)ep̣- 190
to eat up (about worms) *ṭl- 190
mud *ṭlap- 190
to lick, lick oneself *ṭleḳ- : ṭrḳ- 190
lower part of a leg *ṭli(n)ḳ- 190
to drag along, stagger *ṭnṭ-al- 191
to spawn *ṭop- 191
dove *ṭrad- 191
udder *ṭua- 191
ashes *ṭuṭa- (?) 192
warm *ṭp-il- 192
hide *ṭq̣aw- 192
pedere; to have diarrhoea *ṭq̣ar- : ṭq̣r- 192
forest, tree *tq̣e(n)- (?) 193
to report, to let know *ṭq̣w- 193
spleen *tq̣irb- 193
to hit strongly; to strike *ṭq̣l-eš- : ṭq̣l-iš- 193
to throw; to strike (with a crack) *ṭq̣oc- 194
twins *ṭq̣ub- 194
mushroom, fungus *ṭq̣u(r)b- 194
derivational affix of participles *u- 194
derivational affix of pejoratives *u- 195
derivational coaffixes of elative (in adjectives) *u- -es₁ 195
bosom, lap *ube//a- 195
affix of causative verbs *-un 195
large intestine *určx- 195
sacrificial ox, bull *usx- 195
to possess, own *up- 196
yoke *uɣ- 196
to know *uc̣q̣- 196
to hide, to bury *pal- : pl- 197
to throw about, disperse *panṭ- 197
to cover *par- : pr- 197
to flit, flutter *parpaṭ- 197
harrow *parc₁x- 198
to brag about, boast *parx-un- 198
milk porridge *papa- 198
mane *papar- 198
fuss, trouble *pac- 198
to fuss *pac-ur- 198
to scratch, claw *pacx-un- 199
to stroke *pac₁-un- 199
to break; to blow up *petk- : ptk- 199
to spread; to sraw *pen- : pin- 199
to shake; to knock out *pertx- : prtx- 200
to shake *pertx- 200
root *pesw- (?) 200
millet *peṭw- 200
to grind *pekw- : pkw- 201
to dehisce (noisily, with a crack) *peš- : pš- 201
to feel, touch; to caress *pešw- 201
lungs *pirṭw- 201
to make a hole *piṭ- : pṭ- (?) 202
dry brushwood *pic₁x- 202
to wear out *plet- : plit- : plt- 202
hoof *polo- 203
rake *pocx- 203
to rake *pocx- 203
to fly *pr-en- : pr-in- 203
to tear, rend *prec̣- : pric̣- 204
torn *prec̣-il- 204
to tremble; to rouse oneself *prtx- 204
to snort *prṭw-in- 204
nail, claw *prcxa- 204
to scratch oneself *prcx-en- 205
to peel *prc₁-wn- 205
to urinate *ps- 205
to urinate *ps-am- : ps-m- 206
to inflate; to rise *pu- 206
to boil *pu-wn- 206
cow *pur- 206
to whisper *pu(r)č- 206
foliage, husk *purc₁-el- 207
rotten (about fruit, trees), rot *puṭuro- 207
abscess *pupul- 207
to swear *puc₁- 208
oath *puc₁- 208
ground, flour *pkw-il- 208
to yawn *pknar- : pknr- 208
hop *pšala- 209
to crumble, make friable *pšw-en- : pšw-n- (?) 209
to be clear (of weather) *px- 209
frame, small bone *pxa- 209
to scrape *px-eḳ- : px-iḳ- 210
to scratch, to peck *pxoṭ- (?) 210
to tear (roughly) *pxrec̣- : pxric̣- 210
to pucker *pxuc̣₁- 210
pronominal stem *-k- 211
to know *kab- : kb- (?) 211
to make mistake, err *kad- : kd- 211
hen *katam- 211
to do *kam- : km- (?) 212
to wave, rock, swing *kan- : kn- 212
to disperse; to disappear *kar- : kr- 212
simple base underlying Georgian-Zan derivatives *kartw-el- and *kart-ul-. Similar Svan Kärt- 'Tbilisi' seems to be a later acquisition. *kart(w)- 213
Georgian *kartw-el- 213
Georgian (of non-human objects) *kart-ul- 213
sea buckthorn *kacw- 213
to tempt *kb-un- 213
to seduce *kd-un- 214
back of head; neck *ked- 214
to turn *ket- : kt- 214
to pick, dig into *ke(n)k- 214
to recover one's breath *kel- 214
dandruff *kerṭl- 215
scale *kerc₁l- 215
rind, scale *kec(u)- 215
to turn, convert *kec₁- : kc₁- (?) 215
stone *kwa- 215
cave *kwab- (?) 216
below, down *kwe 216
affirmative particle *kwe 216
to cut *kwec- : kwc- 216
breathing, spirit *kwin- 217
brother-in-law *kwis₁l- 217
anvil *kwrdeml- 217
to swing *kian- 217
midge *kinkl- 217
husband *kmar- 218
to make *km-en- : km-n- (?) 218
fat, brain *kon- 218
hawk *kor- 218
tear *kreml- 219
hornbeam *krcxml- 219
oat flour *kumel- 219
heel *kursl- 219
to peel, remove crust *kurc₁- 220
to do; to speak (loudly) *ɣad- : ɣd- 220
last night *ɣame- 220
to cry; to sing *ɣar- : ɣr- 221
gutter, furrow *ɣare- 221
goose *ɣarɣad- 221
to talk a lot *ɣarɣar- 221
cheek *ɣac̣₁w- 222
jaw *ɣač̣- 222
to paint, color *ɣeb- 222
to be nervous; to get frightened *ɣel- 222
ravine, gully *ɣelo- 222
stem, stalk *ɣer- 223
to stretch; to raise one's hand *ɣer- : ɣir- 223
to grind (coarsely); to gnaw *ɣerɣ- : ɣrɣ- 223
coarse-ground flour *ɣerɣ-il- 223
to move apart, shovel aside *ɣeɣ- 224
to chew *ɣeč̣- (?) 224
to take, take away (of inanimate objects) *ɣ(w)- 224
weed, darnel, tare *ɣwarʓl- 224
to hurry; to chase *ɣwac̣₁- : ɣwc̣₁- 225
to weave, wattle *ɣweb- 225
belt, leash *ɣwed- (?) 225
to curve; to bend *ɣwel- : ɣwl- 226
to stream down *ɣwent- 226
to bend *ɣwer- : ɣwr- 226
juniper *ɣwi- 226
to smoulder; to twinkle *ɣwiw- 227
wine *ɣwino- 227
bent, curved *ɣwl- 227
to get crooked; to bend *ɣwl-az- 228
to get crooked; to bend *ɣwl-aʓ₁- 228
to twist, roll *ɣwl-arč̣- 228
to get crooked, get curved *ɣwl-eḳ- : ɣwl-iḳ- 228
earthworm *ɣwl-erč̣- 229
to crook (get crooked), curve (get curved) *ɣ(w)r-eḳ- : ɣ(w)r-iḳ- : ɣ(w)r-ḳ- 229
crooked, bent *ɣ(w)reḳ-il- 229
to weep *ɣi- 229
to tickle *ɣiṭin- (?) 229
to gnaw *ɣič̣-wn- 230
to speak (with a smile) *ɣiʓ̌-in- 230
to tear *ɣl- 230
to tear up *ɣl-eṭ- : ɣl-iṭ- : ɣl-ṭ- 230
torn, ragged *ɣleṭ-il- 230
armpit *ɣlia- (?) 231
to howl, roar *ɣmu- 231
wattle-fence *ɣob-e- (?) 231
horse sorrel *ɣolo- 231
fox-tail millet *ɣom(u)- 231
swine *ɣor- 232
to deceive *ɣor- 232
gob (fish) *ɣorʓ̌o- 232
to crumple *ɣoč̣- 233
to fade *ɣr- 233
to snarl *ɣr-en- : ɣr-in- 233
to frown *ɣr-eʓ̌- : ɣr-iʓ̌- : ɣr-ʓ̌- 233
hole, pit *ɣrma- 233
God *ɣrmat- 234
cartilage *ɣrṭil- (?) 234
to grunt *ɣru(n)ṭ- 234
to gnaw *ɣrɣ-wn- 235
to embrace *ɣrʓ₁- (?) 235
to gnash, grit the teeth *ɣrč̣-en- : ɣrč̣-in- 235
to cut (with a blunt knife) *ɣrʓ̌-wn- 235
gums, molars *ɣrʓ̌-il- 235
owl *ɣu- 236
to coo *ɣuɣ-un- 236
to lead, have *q̣aw- : q̣w- 236
to make *q̣aw- : q̣w- 236
to curdle (milk) *q̣aw- : q̣w- 237
wild cherry-plum *q̣amal- 237
cornfield, ploughed field *q̣ana- 237
to stink *q̣ar- : q̣r- 237
to pour, run out; to stream *q̣ar- : q̣r- 238
gullet, throat *q̣arq̣anṭ- 238
jaw *q̣ba- 238
neck *q̣el- 238
to thirst *q̣em- : q̣m- 238
wild cherry-plum *q̣emal- 239
to be quite full *q̣eq̣- 239
to conduct, bring (of animate objects) *q̣wan- 239
to love *q̣war- 239
brynza *q̣w-el- 240
hot ashes *q̣welp- 240
to oscillate, vacillate *q̣wenṭ- : q̣wnṭ- 240
testicle *q̣wer- 240
to geld, castrate *q̣wer- (?) 241
hearth *q̣werb- 241
to plunge (into smth) *q̣wint- 241
to raise, wake, be awake *q̣wiʓ₁- 241
liver *q̣wiʓ₁-l- 242
to strip off, scratch off; to fade *q̣w(l)ep- : q̣w(l)ip- : q̣w(l)p- 242
bone *q̣wl-iw- 242
to crow (of a rooster) *q̣i- 242
to acquire, gain *q̣id- 243
to cool, freeze *q̣in- 243
to swallow *q̣lap̣- : q̣lp̣- 243
penis *q̣le- 243
all, every *q̣owl- 244
to be late, tarry *q̣own- 244
throat, gullet *q̣orq̣- 244
calf of buffalo *q̣oq̣o- 244
to swallow *q̣rṭ(w)- // q̣nṭ(w)- 245
to howl *q̣u- 245
handle of an axe *q̣ua- 245
to put against; to stick *q̣ud- 245
house *q̣ud-e 245
to squat *q̣u(n)c- 246
ear *q̣ur- 246
to howl (of wolves, dogs) *q̣ur- 246
to become dumb; be silent *q̣urs- 246
to load oneself (heavily) *q̣urs₁- 246
deaf, dumb *q̣ur-u- 247
ear of the needle *q̣ur-c̣- 247
to squat *q̣uq̣- 247
into (preverb) *še- 247
to be proper *šed- : šd- 248
to give birth; to beget *šew- : šw- 248
to befit smb., be proper *šw- 248
to let somebody go; to leave *šw- 248
to choke; to suffocate, be suffocated; to drown, get drown *šwd- 249
to remain *šwed- : šwd- (?) 249
roe, chamois *šwel- 250
your (sing.) *š(w)en- 250
to decorate; to be proper, befit *šw-en- : šw-n- 250
to get dry; to become dim *šwer- : šwr- 250
seven *šwid- 251
born *šw-il- 251
to frighten, get frightened *š(w)in- 251
cornel *ši(n)d- 252
middle; in the middle *šowa- 252
Rhododendron ponticum *šor- (?) 252
to extinguish *šr-eṭ- : šr-iṭ- : šr-ṭ- 252
extinct *šrek-il- 253
forehead; front part *šubl- 253
to be in an awkward situation; fear *šur- 253
shame, envy *šur- 253
sling *šurdun- 254
to splash *šxep̣- (?) 254
to be refined, elegant *šxwerṭ- 254
to be seen *čan- : čn- 254
my *č(w)em- 255
to make visible *čen- : čin- 255
chaff *čerč- 255
to soften *čečw- : ččw- 255
to hollow; to break *čečk- 256
to get accustomed; to train, school *čw(e)- 256
we *čwen 256
our *čwen- 256
to cut, chop off *čig-wn- 257
goitre *čiq̣w- (?) 257
to dig in, rummage in *čičk-wn- 257
to appear, emerge *čn-d- 257
to calm down *čum- (?) 258
to tear into pieces *čkal- : čkl- 258
to well up, purl; to be agitated *čkep- 258
soft (of animate objects) *ččw-il- 258
fish *čxam- 259
magpie *čxartw- 259
to entangle, interlace *čxeb- : čxb- 259
to shake down (by pole) *čx-eḳ- 259
to pick (with stick) *čxer- : čxir- : čxr- 259
to prick, pierce *čxw- 260
brushwood *čxwe(r)ḳ- 260
to prick; to whip *čxw(l)-eṭ- : čxw(l)-iṭ- 260
pricked, pierced *čxw(l)eṭ-il- 260
jay *čxiḳw- 261
stick *čxir- 261
to pick (with stick) *čxr-eḳ- : čxr-ḳ- : čxr-ḳ- 261
sky *ca- 261
to toil, labor; to endeavour *cad- : cd- 262
part, piece *cal- 262
to sift; to disperse *car- : cr- 262
elm *caj- 262
scythe *cel- 262
to mow *cel- 263
to peel, strip off *cel- : cl- 263
to walk fumblingly; to grope one's way *cec- 263
to pull down; to break *ceck- 263
to remove stubble *cex- 264
to put on; to string *cw- 264
to change, replace *cwal- : cwl- 264
to put on; to hoist on *cw-am- : cw-m- 264
to walk (hopping) *cwar- 265
dew, drop of dew *cwar- 265
to smear *cwem- : cwm- 265
to pour, fall *cw(i)- 265
fat *c(w)m-el- (?) 265
span *cid(a)- (?) 266
to stick into *ciḳ- (?) 266
white (of egg) *cila- 266
wild cat *cic(o)- 266
to nibble *cick-wn- 267
cowberry *cmq̣wa- 267
sifted *cr-il- 267
to rub away; to fade *crec- : cric- 267
to draw out *ckwr-en- : ckwr-in- (?) 267
to laugh *cc- 268
to laugh *cc-in- 268
brushwood *cxeḳ- 268
arrow, thorn *cxwi- (?) 268
to be older *c₁- 269
to give; to beat *c₁- 269
to have time; to wait *c₁ad- : c₁d- 269
to empty *c₁al- : c₁l- 269
to learn, know *c₁an- : c₁n- 270
to take care; to watch *c₁ew- : c₁w- 270
basket; body (with a sharp bottom) *c₁eḳa- 270
to give; to beat, smite *c₁-em- 270
to scratch *c₁em-in- 271
to grow, flourish (about plants) *c₁en- : c₁n- 271
thumb, big toe *c₁er- (?) 271
to crumble *c₁ec₁- 271
to wear out *c₁wet- : c₁wt- 271
wax *c₁wil- (?) 272
small insect, moth *c₁ic₁- 272
wife *c₁ol- 272
few, little (adv.) *c₁oṭa- 273
to climb *c₁oc₁- 273
besom *c₁oc₁x- 273
to ruminate *c₁ox- 273
to swim *c₁ur- 273
broken branch *c₁kip- 274
to send *c₁kw- 274
to oil *c₁x- 274
to burn; to scorch (of the sun) *c₁x- 274
heat *c₁x-e- 275
sheep *c₁xwar- (?) 275
nose *c₁xwir- 275
fat, grease *c₁xim- 276
to sneeze *c₁xi(n)ḳ- 276
animal, animated *c₁xow-el- 276
to save (soul) *c₁xo(w)n- 276
nine *c₁xra- 276
cold, chill; shivering *c₁xro- 277
to warm; to bake *c₁x-un- 277
kind of rat *ʓaml- 277
to be hung (with fruits) *ʓanʓ- 277
to take off (clothes) *ʓarc₁w- : ʓrc₁w- 278
lime (tree) *ʓacxw- 278
edge, brim *ʓga- 278
to stuff (tight), drive in *ʓgib- 278
to lie (of inanimate) *ʓew- : ʓw- 279
simple, simpleton; silly *ʓeḳ- 279
to add, increase *ʓen- : ʓin- 279
to scutch (flax) *ʓe(n)ʓ- 279
to be sated; be filled *ʓeɣ- : ʓɣ- 280
firewood *ʓeša- 280
fire *ʓec₁xl- 280
to crumple, press upon *ʓeʓg- 281
thistle, thorn (plant) *ʓeʓ(w)- 281
to pinch, nip, tweak (large portion) *ʓiʓg-wn- 281
to trot, jog (about walk) *ʓunʓul- 281
breast (female) *ʓuʓu- 281
to poison *ʓ₁ag- : ʓ₁g- 282
sinew, string *ʓ₁al- (?) 282
vein, sinew *ʓ₁arɣw- 282
dog *ʓ₁aɣl- 283
to call, be called *ʓ₁ax- : ʓ₁x- 283
name *ʓ₁ax-e- 283
birch *ʓ₁aqw- 284
to bang; to beat (against) *ʓ₁ger- 284
to strike *ʓ₁gwamb- (?) 284
blackthorn, sloe *ʓ₁egw- 284
tree, wood *ʓ₁el- 285
kite *ʓ₁er- 285
to lead, march at the head (of) *ʓ₁eɣw- : ʓ₁ɣw- 285
chain *ʓ₁ec̣₁w- 285
willow *ʓ₁ec̣₁(w)n- (?) 286
pouch of skin *ʓ₁eqw- 286
to be old (of things) *ʓ₁w- 286
decrepit, old (about things) *ʓ₁w-el- 286
to become old *ʓ₁w-en- : ʓ₁w-in- 286
to tremble, shiver *ʓ₁ig-ʓ₁ig- (?) 287
dream, sleep *ʓ₁il- 287
to sleep, fall sleep *ʓ₁in- 287
to look, see *ʓ₁in- 287
root, bottom *ʓ₁ir- 288
stump, stub *ʓ₁ir-ḳ(w)- 288
wooden spoon *ʓ₁ic₁x(w)- 288
fortified settlement *ʓ₁ixe- 288
brother *ʓ₁ma- 288
elder brother *ʓ₁ma-did- 289
vinegar *ʓ₁m-ar- 289
salt *ʓ₁m(u)- 289
to load burden *ʓ₁n- 290
to graze, pasture *ʓ₁ow- 290
bitch, female of beasts of prey *ʓ₁u- (?) 290
horse-hair *ʓ₁ua- 290
to be in heat (of animals) *ʓ₁u(w)an- : ʓ₁u(w)n- 291
to take; to send *ʓ₁ɣw-an- : ʓ₁ɣw-n- 291
bone *ʓ₁ʓ₁w-al- 291
communicate, inform, announce *c̣aw- : c̣w- 291
salted, pickled *c̣atx- 292
moment, instant *c̣am- (?) 292
to bequeath, charge *c̣am- 292
preverb of direction 'down, away, off *c̣ar- 292
to have time; forestall; to warn *c̣ar- : c̣r- 293
to study, to learn *c̣ap- 293
year *c̣el- 293
to touch *c̣ec̣- 293
to stretch, draw *c̣ec̣- : c̣ic̣- 294
to crack (into small pieces) *c̣ec̣ḳ- 294
to dip *c̣(w)- 294
to appear, be seen *c̣w- 294
dry stem, straw *c̣wel- 294
to see, show *c̣w-en- 295
little, small *c̣wl-il- 295
to squeak, cheep *c̣i- 295
mud, dirt (on body) *c̣id(a)- 295
to soil (oneself) *c̣iḳw- 296
to pick (fruit, flowers) *c̣il- 296
beech nut *c̣ip- 296
beech *c̣ip-l- 296
young snake *c̣ic̣il- (?) 297
to pinch, hack to small pieces *c̣ic̣ḳ-wn- 297
to get cleared, refined (of sediment) *c̣ḳand- : c̣ḳnd- 297
to exude, ooze *c̣ḳend- 297
to split, splinter *c̣ḳep̣- 298
twig, birch *c̣ḳep̣-l- 298
to cut into small pieces *c̣ḳer- : c̣ḳr- 298
to grind, clang *c̣ḳer- : c̣ḳr- 298
to screw up, narrow eyes *c̣ḳwar- : c̣ḳwr- 299
darkness, abyss *c̣ḳwar-am- 299
to twist *c̣ḳwerṭ- (?) 299
excrement, droppings (of birds) *c̣ḳinṭ-l- 299
flick *c̣ḳip̣- 300
flick, fillip *c̣ḳip̣arṭ- 300
thin stick; twig *c̣ḳir- 300
to whine (about dog) *c̣ḳmu- 300
calf (of leg) *c̣mart- 300
to suck *c̣ow- 301
to weigh *c̣on- 301
to filter, strain *c̣r-ed- : c̣r-id- : c̣r-d- 301
filtered, strained *c̣red-il- 302
to twist, weave; interlace *c̣r-ex- : c̣r-ix- 302
to cheep, peep *c̣rip̣- 302
to become wet, be soaked with water *c̣umb- // c̣ump̣- 302
to press, squeeze out; to flow out *c̣ur- 303
to sink; to fall; to bend, bow *c̣ur- 303
to suck, suck out *c̣uc̣-wn- 303
to feel hurt (by); to resent *c̣q̣- 303
to measure off *c̣q̣(a)- 304
water *c̣q̣a- 304
cherry-laurel *c̣q̣a(w)- 304
to pinch, squeeze; to press *c̣q̣ec̣q̣- 304
to lay; to pack, arrange *c̣q̣w- 305
to destroy, husk *c̣q̣w- 305
chestnut *c̣₁abl- (?) 305
to wish, desire *c̣₁ad- : c̣₁d- 306
cudgel *c̣₁at- 306
morning *c̣₁am- 306
grass *c̣₁am- // c̣₁em- (?) 306
to braid, plait, weave *c̣₁an- : c̣₁n- 307
to anger, be angry *c̣₁ar- 307
eyebrow *c̣₁arb- 307
to pull, stretch; to reach *c̣₁(e)- : c̣₁(i)- 307
to glue *c̣₁eb- 308
mistletoe, gum *c̣₁ebo- 308
gut(s), intestines *c̣₁el- (?) 308
to summon, invite *c̣₁en- (?) 308
weed'(?) *c̣₁enga- 309
to scratch, to depict *c̣₁er- : c̣₁r- 309
crane *c̣₁ero- 309
to tangle, get tangled; to string, thread *c̣₁ec̣₁- 309
to bake, fry *c̣₁w- 310
to run (adroitly); to exercise, train *c̣₁wart- : c̣₁wrt- 310
to give, to serve *c̣₁wed- : c̣₁wd- 310
to drip, drop *c̣₁wet- : c̣₁wt- 310
drop *c̣₁wet- 311
to milk *c̣₁wel- 311
daily yield of milk *c̣₁wel-a- 311
tip, point *c̣₁wer- 311
to root out, stub out (a field) *c̣₁wer- 312
to set, disappear (of the sun) *c̣₁wer- 312
to rain *c̣₁wim- 312
rain *c̣₁wim-a- 312
to attain *c̣₁wis₁- 313
to redden, become red *c̣₁it- 313
red *c̣₁it-el- 313
tiny, wee; small things *c̣₁iḳu- 313
pus (in the eye) *c̣₁irp̣l- 313
to twitter, chirp (about swallow) *c̣₁irx- : c̣₁rx- 314
chick, chicken *c̣₁ic̣₁il- 314
to interlace, twist *c̣₁mas₁- 314
to press *c̣₁n- 314
twig *c̣₁n-el- 314
to press; to squeeze *c̣₁n-ex- : c̣₁n-ix- 315
cubit, ell *c̣₁rtxa- 315
to stretch; to reach *c̣₁rp- 315
stretched, narrow *c̣₁rp-el- 315
to hum, whistle *c̣₁u- 316
copper cauldron *c̣₁uḳ- 316
little, small *c̣₁uḳ- 316
baby, child (male) *c̣₁ul- 316
to purl, murmur; to stream *c̣₁urc̣₁ul- 316
to feel sorry (for), to regret; to spare *c̣₁q̣al- 317
to injure, be wounded, be injured *c̣₁q̣al- : c̣₁ql- 317
oak *c̣₁q̣an- 317
quail *c̣₁q̣ar- 317
to curse, damn *c̣₁q̣ew- : c̣₁q̣w- 318
to bore, pester; be tired *c̣₁q̣en- : c̣₁q̣in- 318
to take offense (at); to be angry (with) *c̣₁q̣er- : c̣₁q̣r- (?) 318
to begin *c̣₁q̣- 318
to break, tear *c̣₁q̣wed- : c̣₁q̣wd- 319
diabetes *c̣₁q̣urṭ- 319
to eat *č̣am- : č̣m- 319
to hammer in, nail *č̣ed- 320
wrought, forged *č̣ed-il- 320
to hold; to catch *č̣er- : čir- 320
to cut, chop, fell *č̣er- : č̣r- 321
to cut (fine) *č̣eč̣ḳ- 321
to crush; to squash, squeeze *č̣eč̣q̣- 321
nit *č̣il- 321
to need; to suffer a misfortune *č̣ir- 322
need, plague *č̣ir- (?) 322
to squeak; to chirp *č̣r- (?) 322
cut, chopped *č̣r-il- 322
to chirp, to squeak *č̣rč̣in- 323
vessel *č̣ur- 323
unripe *č̣q̣anṭl- 323
to scream, yelp *č̣q̣i- 323
unripe (fruit, produce) *č̣q̣inṭl- 323
to crumple, squeeze *c̣q̣l- 324
to press, squeeze *č̣q̣l-ep̣ : č̣q̣l-ip̣- : č̣q̣l-p̣ 324
to crumple, squeeze *č̣q̣l-eṭ- : č̣q̣l-iṭ- : č̣q̣l-ṭ- 324
to press; to knead, crumple *č̣q̣un- 325
to touch *x- 325
to be among, near (smth.) *xal- : xl- 325
to bend, bow, to be bowed *xar- : xr- 325
to gnaw *xar- : xr- 326
heap, pile (of stones, wood) *xarg- 326
saw *xarx- (?) 326
guffaw, loud laugh *xarxal- 326
to tear, break; crack, burst *xetk- : xtk- (?) 326
to break, to smash *xep̣- : xp̣- 327
to meet *xw- 327
male (of dog and other beasts of prey) *xwad- 327
great number, multitude *xwa(w)- 328
to meet; to be found *xw-ed- : xw-d- 328
to embrace; to wind (round) *xwe(w)- 328
to scrape *xweṭ- : xwṭ- 328
to peel *xwec̣- : xwc̣- 329
to gulp (down); to choke *xwl-ep̣- : xwl-ip̣- 329
to snore *xwr-en- : xwr-in- 329
to be glad, rejoice *xiar- 329
pebble *xinc̣₁ḳ- 330
to scrape *xoḳ- 330
only *xolo 330
to clip, shear *xoṭr- 330
to char, to become charred; to bend, wrap (in flames) *xr-aḳ- 331
to char, to become charred; to wrap (in flames) *xr-eḳ- : xr-iḳ- 331
warped *xreḳ-il- 331
to drink (with avidity) *xrup̣- 331
snore *xruṭ-un- 331
worse (than it) *x-u-dar-e 332
five *xut- 332
to fade; to lose color; to wither *xun- 332
to press oneself (to, against) *xuṭ- 332
older, larger *x-u-c₁-es₁- 332
to drive in; to push *qal- : ql- 333
skin (of legs) of sheep, goat *qaml- 333
to plough, till *qan- : qn- 333
bull, ox *qar- 334
pharynx, mouth *qarqa- 334
to close (up), to connect *qas- : qs- 334
hand, arm *qe- 334
to move, make movement; to bring; to go *qed- : qid- : qd- 335
ravine *qew- (?) 335
to dry, wither *qem- : qm- 335
to fell, hew *qeč- 336
to tear to pieces; to torture *qec₁- : qc₁- 336
flat cake, lozenge *qweza- 336
cough, cold (in the head), running nose *qwel- 336
to cough *qwel- 337
to guard; to watch for; to meet *qwemil- : qwmil- 337
to make holes, pierce; to gnaw through *qwer- : qwr- 337
to neigh (of a horse) *qwi- 338
to neigh (of a horse) *qwiqwin- 338
slit, hole *qwr-el- 338
to make holes, pierce *qwr-eṭ- : qwr-iṭ- 338
passage, path *qid- 338
to tear off, be torn off *qleč- : qlič- : qlč- 339
voice, sound *qma- 339
dry, dry hand *qm-el- 339
flesh, meat *qorc- 339
throat, pharynx; jaws *qorq- 340
to sweep; to wipe *qoc- 340
to crawl, creep *qoq- 340
pheasant *qoqob- 341
to corrode, be corroded; to crack, be cracked *qrc̣₁-wn- 341
beestings *qsen- 341
a simple verb stem with the general meaning to 'remind, to remember' *qs₁- 341
to remind; to inform, communicate *qs₁-en- 341
to remember *qs₁-o(w)- 342
stocks; trap *qund- 342
to exceed, overcome *ʓ̌- 342
to strike softly; to trample *ʓ̌eʓ̌g- 342
to defecate *ʓ̌w- 343
to defecate *ʓ̌w-am- : ʓ̌w-m- 343
stake, picket *ʓ̌war- 343
to patch up, sew (roughly) *ʓ̌il- 343
nettle *ʓ̌inč̣ar- 344
ant *ʓ̌inč̣wel- 344
to tear; nip, pinch (roughly) *ʓ̌iʓ̌g-wn- 344
black thrush *ʓ̌iʓ̌ɣ- 344
to crumple *ʓ̌ɣ(w)l-em- : ʓ̌ɣ(w)l-im- 345


  1. ^ Klimov, Georgij A. 1998. Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages. Trends in linguistics: Documentation 16. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. →ISBN.
Vocabulary lists of North Eurasian languages

European • Balkan • Hurro-Urartian • Hattic • Sumerian (Swadesh) • Elamite • Etruscan • Burushaski • Ural-Altaic • Paleosiberian • p-Japanese • p-Ainu • p-Nivkh • p-Chukotko-Kamchatkan • p-Yukaghir • p-Yeniseian


Caucasian • p-Northwest Caucasian • p-Nakh-Daghestanian • p-Kartvelian


p-Uralic (stable roots) • Finnic • Saami • Mordvinic • Mari • Permic • Ugric • Samoyedic

"Altaic" linguistic area

"Altaic" • "p-Altaic" • Turkic • Mongolic • Common Mongolic • Khitan • Taghbach


Germanic • Celtic • Romance • Baltic • East Slavic • West Slavic • South Slavic