Category:Japanese terms modified by "noun + な"

The 連体形 (rentaikei, attributive form, adnominal form) of the copula (da, to be) is usually (na) after na-adjectives and (no) after nouns (including so-called no-adjectives). But before certain words listed below, the unusual combination "noun / no-adjective + (na)" is also found. In some cases the choice of (na) over (no) indicates "the fact that" (= である (de aru)) instead of genitive "-'s": 医者こと (isha na koto) means "the act or experience of being a doctor" while 医者こと (isha no koto) means "things of or regarding the doctor".

Pages in category "Japanese terms modified by "noun + な""

The following 22 pages are in this category, out of 22 total.