User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-z

za {n} (pizza) SEE: pizza ::
Zachariah {prop} (Zechariah) SEE: Zechariah ::
Zachariah {prop} (male given name) SEE: Zachary ::
Zacharias {prop} (Zechariah) SEE: Zechariah ::
Zacharias {prop} (male given name) SEE: Zachary ::
Zachary {prop} (male given name) :: زکریا, زکریا
Zagreb {prop} (capital of Croatia) :: زاگرب /zâgreb/
Zagros {prop} (a mountain range) :: زاگرس /zâgros/
Zakynthos {prop} (Greek island, the third largest of the Ionian Islands) :: زاکینتوس /zâkintos/
Zambia {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: زامبیا /zâmbiyâ/
Zamzam {prop} (well) :: زمزم
Zanjan {prop} (city in Iran) :: زنجان /zanjân/
Zanjan {prop} (province of Iran) :: زنجان /zanjân/
zany {adj} (ludicrously or incongruously comical) :: شفت /šeft/
Zanzibar {prop} (island region) :: زنگبار /zangebâr/
Zarathustra {prop} (Zoroaster) SEE: Zoroaster ::
Zarif {prop} (surname) :: ظریف /zarif/
Zawra' {prop} (Zawra) SEE: Zawra ::
Zawra {prop} (the city of Tehran and Ray) :: زورا /zowrâ/
Zazaki {prop} (language) :: زازاکی /zâzâki/
zeal {n} (fervor or devotion) :: غیرت /ğeyrat/, تعصب /ta'assob/
zebra {n} (African animal) :: گورخر /gurxar/, زبرا /zebrâ/
Zechariah {prop} (book of the Bible) :: زکریا /zakariyâ/
Zechariah {prop} (Hebrew prophet traditionally considered the author of the Book of Zechariah) :: زکریا /zakariyâ/
Zechariah {prop} (father of John the Baptist) :: زکریا /zakariyâ/
zed {n} (name of the letter Z, z) SEE: zee ::
zedoary {n} (Curcuma zedoaria) :: ژدوار /žadvâr/, جدوار /jadvâr/
zee {n} (name of the letter Z, z) :: زد /zed/, زی /zi/
Zelda {prop} (female given name) :: زلدا
zelkova {n} (kind of tree in the elm family) :: درخت آزاد /deraxt-e âzâd/, زلکوا /zelkovâ/
zen {adj} (denomination of Buddhism) :: ذن
Zen {n} (denomination of Buddhism) :: ذن
Zen {n} (philosophy) :: ذن
Zen Buddhism {n} (the Zen denomination of Buddhism) :: ذن /zen/
Zend {prop} (the Avestan language) :: زند /zand/
zenith {n} (astronomy: point vertically above a position or observer) :: سمت‌الرأس /samt-or-ra's/, سرسو /sarsu/
zenith {n} (highest point or state; peak) :: اوج /owj/
zeolite {n} (mineral) :: زئولیت /zeolit/
zephyr {n} (light refreshing wind; a gentle breeze, see also: breeze) :: باد فرودین /bād e forūdīn/, باد دبور /bād e dabūr/
Zephyr {prop} (The west wind personified) :: صبا /sabâ/
zepto- {prefix} (10−21) :: زپتو
zero {num} (cardinal number before 1, denoting nothing) :: صفر /sefr/, [numeral] ۰ /-/
zero-sum game {n} (system in which one player's winnings must equal losses of others) :: بازى مجموع-صفر /baazieh majmoo sefr/
zeroth {adj} (ordinal number corresponding to zero) :: صفرم /sefrom/
zeroth {adj} (corresponding to a position preceding the first) :: صفرم /sefrom/
zeta {n} (Sixth letter of the modern Greek alphabet (Ζ, ζ)) :: زتا /zetâ/
Zeus {prop} (supreme ruler of all Greek gods) :: زئوس /zeus/
Zhukov {prop} (Russian surname) :: ژوکوف /žukov/
ziggurat {n} (temple tower of the ancient Mesopotamian valley) :: زیگورات, ذیققورات /ziqqurat/
zigzag {n} (line or path) :: زیگزاگ /zigzâg/
zikr {n} (dhikr) SEE: dhikr ::
zillion {n} (unspecified large number) :: شونصد /šunsad/ [slang]
Zimbabwe {prop} (Republic of Zimbabwe) :: زیمبابوه /zimbâbve/
zinc {n} (element) :: روی /ruy/
Zion {prop} (hill ("mount") in Israel) :: صهیون /sahyun/
Zionism {n} (Jewish national liberation movement) :: صهیونیسم /sahyunism/
Zionist {n} (advocate of Zionism) :: صهیونی /sahyuni/
Zionist {adj} (of or relating to Zionism, a Zionist, or Zionists) :: صهیونی /sahyuni/
zip {n} (zip fastener) SEE: zip fastener ::
zip code {n} (postcode) SEE: postcode ::
zip fastener {n} (a fastener used in clothing, bags) :: زیپ /zip/
zipper {n} (zip fastener) SEE: zip fastener ::
zippy {adj} (quick, speedy) SEE: quick ::
zirconium {n} (chemical element) :: زیرکونیم /zirkoniyom/
zither {n} (musical instrument) :: سنتور
zonked {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
zoo {n} (park where live animals are exhibited) :: باغ وحش /bâğ-e vahš/
zoology {n} (science that studies the animal kingdom) :: جانورشناسی /jânvar-šenâsi/
zoosemiotics {n} (study of animal communication) :: زیا-نشانه‌شناسی /zia-neshane-shenas/
Zoroaster {prop} (founder of Zoroastrianism) :: زردشت /zardošt/, زرتشت /zartošt/
Zoroastrian {n} (a follower of Zoroastrianism) :: زرتشتی /zartošti/
Zoroastrianism {prop} (religion and philosophy ascribed to Zoroaster) :: زرتشتی‌گری /zartošti-gari/, مزدیسنا /mazdayasnâ/
zubr {n} (zubr) SEE: wisent ::
zucchini {n} (courgette) SEE: courgette ::
Zurich {prop} (city) :: زوریخ /zurix/
zurkhaneh {n} (traditional Iranian gymnasium) :: زورخانه /zurxâne/
zurna {n} (musical instrument) :: سرنا /sornâ/, سرنای /sornây/, سورنای /surnây/
ZWJ {n} (zero-width joiner) :: اتصال مجازی /ettesâl-e majâzi/
ZWNJ {n} (zero-width non-joiner) :: فاصله مجازی /fâsele-ye majâzi/
zygoma {n} (cheekbone) SEE: cheekbone ::
zygomatic bone {n} (cheekbone) SEE: cheekbone ::