User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-x

Xanthi {prop} (city in Greece) :: Xanti
xanthine {n} (group of alkaloids, including caffeine) :: xantina {f}
Xavier {prop} (male given name) :: Xavier
Xavánte {n} (one of the Xavánte people) :: xavante {m} {f}
Xavánte {prop} (language) :: xavante {m}
xebec {n} (transport ship) :: xaveco {m}
Xenia {prop} (female given name) :: Xenia {f}
xeno- {prefix} (having to do with foreigners) :: xeno-
xeno- {prefix} (relating to strangers or strangeness) :: xeno-
xeno- {prefix} (from a foreign place) :: xeno-
xenoglossy {n} (glossolalia) SEE: glossolalia ::
xenoglossy {n} (knowledge of a language one has never learned) :: xenoglossia {f}
xenolith {n} (geology: any piece of rock having a different origin to that of the igneous rock in which it is found) :: xenólito {m}
xenon {n} (chemical element) :: xenônio {m} [Brazil], xenónio {m} [Portugal]
Xenophanes {prop} (a Greek philosopher and a poet) :: Xenófanes
xenophobe {n} (hater of foreigners) :: xenófobo {m}, xenófoba {f}
xenophobia {n} (a pathological fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners) :: xenofobia {f}
xenophobic {n} (xenophobe) SEE: xenophobe ::
xenophobic {adj} (exhibiting or characterised by xenophobia) :: xenófobo, xenofóbico
xenotransplantation {n} (transplantation between species) :: xenotransplante {m}
xerophthalmia {n} (condition) :: xeroftalmia {f}
xerophthalmic {adj} (of or pertaining to xerophthalmia) :: xeroftálmico
xerostomia {n} (dry mouth) SEE: dry mouth ::
xerox {v} (to make photocopies) :: fotocopiar, xerocar
xerox copy {n} (photocopy) :: xerox {m}, fotocópia {f}
xeroxcopy {n} (xerox copy) SEE: xerox copy ::
Xerxes {prop} (Xerxes I of Persia) :: Xerxes {m}
Xhosa {n} (Xhosa language) :: língua xhosa {f}, xhosa {m}
xi {n} (Greek letter) :: xi {m}, csi {m}, ksi {m}
Xiamen {prop} (a sub-provincial city in southeastern China) :: Xiamen {f}
Xianggang {prop} (Hong Kong) SEE: Hong Kong ::
Xinjiang {prop} (autonomous region of China) :: Xinjiang, Sinkiang, Sinquião {m}
xiphias {n} (xiphias) SEE: swordfish ::
Xizang {prop} (Tibet) SEE: Tibet ::
xor {n} (exclusive OR) :: xor {m}, ou exclusivo {m}
X-ray {n} (short wavelength electromagnetic radiation) :: raio X {m}
X-ray {n} (photograph made with X-rays) :: raio X {m}, radiografia {f}, chapa {f}
X-ray {n} (X-ray machine) :: máquina de raio X {f}
X-ray {v} (to take a radiograph of) :: tirar (um) raio X (de), tirar uma chapa (de)
X-ray telescope {n} (instrument that detects X-rays originating from outside the Earth's atmosphere) :: telescópio de raios X {m}
X-ray vision {n} (enhanced vision) :: visão de raios-X {f}
xylem {n} (botany: vascular tissue in land plants) :: xilema {m}
xylemic {adj} (relating to xylem) :: xilemático
xylene {n} (di-methyl-benzene) :: xileno {m}
xylitol {n} (an alcohol) :: xilitol {m}
xylo- {prefix} (wood) :: xilo-
xylocaine {n} (lidocaine) SEE: lidocaine ::
xylograph {n} (engraving in wood) SEE: woodcut ::
xylograph {n} (print taken from an engraving in wood) SEE: woodcut ::
xylography {n} (art of making xylographs) SEE: woodcut ::
xylophone {n} (musical instrument) :: xilofone {m}
xylose {n} (wood sugar) :: xilose {f}