Wiktionary:Word of the day/2021/December 8

Word of the day
for December 8
moist adj
  1. Characterized by the presence of moisture; not dry; slightly wet; damp.
  2. Of eyes: wet with tears; tearful; also (obsolete), watery due to some illness or to old age.
  3. Of a climate, the weather, etc.: damp, humid, rainy. [...]
  4. (medicine)
    1. Characterized by the presence of some fluid such as mucus, pus, etc.
    2. Of sounds of internal organs (especially as heard through a stethoscope): characterized by the sound of air bubbling through a fluid.
  5. (sciences, historical) Pertaining to one of the four essential qualities formerly believed to be present in all things, characterized by wetness; also, having a significant amount of this quality.
  6. (obsolete)
    1. Fluid, liquid, watery.
    2. (also poetic) Bringing moisture or rain.

moist n

  1. (obsolete except US, regional) Moistness; also, moisture.

moist v

  1. (transitive)
    1. (obsolete except British, regional and US) To make (something) moist or wet; to moisten.
    2. (obsolete, figuratively) To inspire, to refresh (someone); also, to soften (one's heart).
  2. (intransitive)
    1. (US) To rain lightly; to drizzle.
    2. (obsolete) To have an effect of moistening or wetting.
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