Wiktionary:Word of the day/2022/November 9

Word of the day
for November 9
gleam v
  1. (transitive) Chiefly in conjunction with an adverb: to cause (light) to shine.
  2. (intransitive)
    1. To shine, especially in an indistinct or intermittent manner; to glisten, to glitter.
    2. (figuratively) To be strongly but briefly apparent.

gleam n

  1. (countable) An appearance of light, especially one which is indistinct or small, or short-lived.
  2. (countable, figuratively)
    1. An indistinct sign of something; a glimpse or hint.
    2. A bright, but intermittent or short-lived, appearance of something.
    3. A look of joy or liveliness on one's face.
  3. (obsolete)
    1. (countable) Sometimes as hot gleam: a warm ray of sunlight; also, a period of warm weather, for instance, between showers of rain.
    2. (uncountable) Brightness or shininess; radiance, splendour. [...]
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