

name; fame; to describe
name; fame; to describe; place
not; no
just (right); main; upright
just (right); main; upright; straight; correct; principle; Chinese 1st month of year
(expresses contrast with a previous sentence or clause); standard; norm
(expresses contrast with a previous sentence or clause); standard; norm; rule; to imitate; to follow; then; principle
to speak; to say; talk
to speak; to say; talk; word
not; no
to obey; to follow; to arrange
to obey; to follow; to arrange; to make reasonable; along; favourable
trad. (名不正,則言不順)
simp. (名不正,则言不顺)



From the Analects, Book 13 (《論語·子路》):

名不正,則言不順;言不,則不成不成,則禮樂禮樂,則刑罰刑罰,則 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
名不正,则言不顺;言不,则不成不成,则礼乐礼乐,则刑罚刑罚,则 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: The Analects of Confucius, c. 475 – 221 BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
Míng bù zhèng, zé yán bù shùn; yán bù shùn, zé shì bù chéng; shì bù chéng, zé lǐyuè bù xīng; lǐyuè bù xīng, zé xíngfá bù zhòng; xíngfá bù zhòng, zé mín wú suǒ cuò shǒu zú. [Pinyin]
If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth of things. If language be not in accordance with the truth of things, affairs cannot be carried on to success. When affairs cannot be carried on to success, proprieties and music will not flourish. When proprieties and music do not flourish, punishments will not be properly awarded. When punishments are not properly awarded, the people do not know how to move hand or foot.






  1. You must first properly define an issue in order to talk about it intelligently.

