
This module will transliterate Classical Persian text. The module should preferably not be called directly from templates or other modules. To use it from a template, use {{xlit}}. Within a module, use Module:languages#Language:transliterate.

For testcases, see Module:fa-cls-translit/testcases.


tr(text, lang, sc)
Transliterates a given piece of text written in the script specified by the code sc, and language specified by the code lang.
When the transliteration fails, returns nil.


This template transliterates Persian based how it would be read in Classical Persian. So keep in mind that this template should be used with classical-style vocalization, a guide explaining Classical vocalization can be seen here.

This template may also be used for most eastern dialects of Persian, which do not have any standard vocalizations, but commonly use the classical vocalization. However it will show vowel length for all dialects, even for dialects that no longer possess vowel length such as Hazaragi.

This template should not be used for Modern Iranian Persian, for which Module:fa-ira-translit should be used instead. However, classical Iranian texts should use this module (all Iranian texts before the 13 or 16th century).

Usage notes

  1. In this module, when two semi-vowel characters are near each other the first one becomes the consonant and the second character becomes the vowel. To prevent this, pairing any vowel diacritic to the secondary semivowel will turn it into a consonant.
    • Example: خْویش (xwēš) vs خویْش (xōyš)
  2. Alif must be proceeded by a zabar, to prevent false positives.
  3. The Sukoon/Jazm diacritic is required for consonant clusters or else the module will return nil.
  4. This module can transliterate izāfa diacritics by finding when the diacritic zēr is followed by a space instead of a he.
  5. supports assimilations for Arabic al-
  6. ma'rūf vowels (āīū) should be denoted with their corresponding short vowel as they would in Arabic; majhūl vowels (ēō) should not have any proceeding vowel diacritics.
  7. "xwV" can be distinguished from "xV" (silent waaw) with a sukoon, without a sukoon the waaw will be silent.
    • Example: خْویش (xwēš) vs خویش (xēš)



گُرُسْنَه چِه کَارِی کُنَد چِهِل نَر، کِه دَهْ لَک بَرْآیَد بَر او بی‌خَبَر، کِه پَیْمَان‌شِکَسْت بی‌دَرَنْگ آمَدَنْد، مِیَانِ تیغ و تِیر و تُفَنْگ آمَدَنْد


gurusna či kārī kunad čihil nar, ki dah lak bar'āyad bar ō bē-xabar, ki paymān-šikast bē-darang āmadand, miyān-i tēğ u tīr u tufang āmadand


gurusna či kārī kunad čihil nar, ki dah lak bar-āyad bar ō bē-xabar, ki paymān-šikast bē-darang āmadand, miyān-i tēğ u tīr u tufang āmadand

Test cases

All tests passed. (refresh)

TextExpectedActualDiffers at
Passedکورِیَایِ شُمَالِیkōriyā-yi šumālīkōriyā-yi šumālī
Passedبَرَادَرِ بُزُرْگbarādar-i buzurgbarādar-i buzurg
Passedقُرُونِ وُسْطیٰqurūn-i wustāqurūn-i wustā
Passedبَازِیِ شَطْرَنْجbāzī-yi šatranjbāzī-yi šatranj
Passedدُروغ گویْdurōğ gōydurōğ gōy
Passedو u u
Passedبَه نَامِ خُدَاba nām-i xudāba nām-i xudā
Passedمیوَهٔ جَاپَانِیmēwa-yi jāpānīmēwa-yi jāpānī
Passedبَچَّهٔ لَطِیفَه کَلَان اَسْتbačča-yi latīfa kalān astbačča-yi latīfa kalān ast
Passedمَعْرُوف و مَجْهُولma'rūf u majhūlma'rūf u majhūl
Passedمَعْرُوف وَ مَجْهُولma'rūf wa majhūlma'rūf wa majhūl
Passedبرادر بزرگ(nil)(nil)N/A
Passedقرون وسطی(nil)(nil)N/A
Passedبویِ تُوbō-yi tūbō-yi tū
Passedبِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الْرَّحْمٰنِ الْرَّحِیمbismi l-lāhi r-rahmāni r-rahīmbismi l-lāhi r-rahmāni r-rahīm
Passedاِیَالَاتِ مُتَّحِدَهiyālāt-i muttahidaiyālāt-i muttahida
Passedدَارُ الخَلَافَهdāru l-xalāfadāru l-xalāfa
Passedاَبُو الهَوْدabū l-hawdabū l-hawd

-- Authors: Sameerhameedy

local U = mw.ustring.char
local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local export = {}

local fatHataan = U(0x64B) -- اً, tanvin-e nasb (تنوین نصب)
local Dammataan = U(0x64C) -- un
local kasrataan = U(0x64D) -- in
local zabar = U(0x64E)
local zer = U(0x650)
local pesh = U(0x64F)
local tashdid = U(0x651) -- also called shadda
local jazm = "ْ"
local he = "ه"
local zwnj = U(0x200C)
local highhmz = U(0x654)
local lrm = U(0x200e) -- left-to-right mark
local rlm = U(0x200f) -- right-to-left mark
local balticons = "ڃڇڑڗݜݨݩǩ"

local consonants = "بپتټٹثجچحخدډڈذرزژسشصضطظعغفقکگلمنؤهئء" .. balticons
local consonants2 = "ءبپتټٹثجچحخدډڈذرزژسشصضطظعغفقکگلمنوؤهیئywة" .. balticons -- including semivowels
local vowels = "āēīōū"
local semivowel = "یو"
local hes = "هح"
local diacritics = "َُِّْٰ"
local ZZP = "َُِ"
local alif_wasla = "ٱ"
local space_like = "%s'" .. '"'
local space_like_class = "[" .. space_like .. zwnj .. "]"

--- The characters ټ ٹ ډ ڈ ے are included only for Mughal Persian and Hazaragi.

local mapping = {
	["آ"] = "ā",
	["ب"] = "b",
	["پ"] = "p",
	["ت"] = "t",
	["ث"] = "s",
	["ج"] = "j",
	["چ"] = "č",
	["ح"] = "h",
	["خ"] = "x",
	["د"] = "d",
	["ذ"] = "z",
	["ر"] = "r",
	["ز"] = "z",
	["ژ"] = "ž",
	["س"] = "s",
	["ش"] = "š",
	["ص"] = "s",
	["ض"] = "z",
	["ط"] = "t",
	["ظ"] = "z",
	["غ"] = "ğ",
	["ف"] = "f",
	["ق"] = "q",
	["ک"] = "k",
	["گ"] = "g",
	["ل"] = "l",
	["م"] = "m",
	["ن"] = "n",
	["و"] = "ō",
	["ی"] = "ē",
	["۔"] = ".",

	["ه"] = "h",

	["ع"] = "'",
	["ء"] = "'",
	["ئ"] = "'",
	["ؤ"] = "'",
	["أ"] = "'",

	-- diacritics
	[zabar] = "a",
	[zer] = "i",
	[pesh] = "u",
	[jazm] = "", -- also sukun - no vowel
	[zwnj] = "-", -- ZWNJ (zero-width non-joiner)
	[highhmz] = "-yi",

	-- ligatures
	["ﻻ"] = "lā",
	["ﷲ"] = "allāh",

	-- kashida
	["ـ"] = "-", -- kashida, no sound

	-- alif_wasla
	[alif_wasla] = "", -- nothing

	-- numerals
	["۱"] = "1",
	["۲"] = "2",
	["۳"] = "3",
	["۴"] = "4",
	["۵"] = "5",
	["۶"] = "6",
	["۷"] = "7",
	["۸"] = "8",
	["۹"] = "9",
	["۰"] = "0",

	-- punctuation (leave on separate lines)
	["؟"] = "?", -- question mark
	["،"] = ",", -- comma
	["؛"] = ";", -- semicolon
	["«"] = "“", -- quotation mark
	["»"] = "”", -- quotation mark
	["٪"] = "%", -- percent
	["؉"] = "‰", -- per mille
	["٫"] = ".", -- decimals
	["٬"] = ",", -- thousan

	-- regional characters (FOR VERY SPECIFIC USECASES)
	["ټ"] = "ṭ",
	["ٹ"] = "ṭ",
	["ډ"] = "ḍ",
	["ڈ"] = "ḍ",
	-- balti
	-- cant do anything about ژ because it conflicts with persian
	["ڃ"] = "ž",
	["ڇ"] = "č̣",
	["ڑ"] = "ṛ",
	["ڗ"] = "dz",
	["ݜ"] = "ṣ",
	["ݨ"] = "ng",
	["ݩ"] = "ny",
	["ھ"] = "h",
	["ے"] = "e",

local punctuation = ":%(%)%[%]*&٫؛؟،ـ«\".'!»٪؉۔`,/–—"
local numbers = "۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹۰"

local ain = "ع"
local alif = "ا"
local malif = "آ"
local hamza = "ء"
local ye = "ی"
local ye2 = "ئ"
local vao = "و"
local dagger_alif = U(0x670)
local marbuta = U(0x629)
local te = "ت"
local ye3 = "ے"
local laam = "ل"
local vowel = "[" .. vowels .. ZZP .. jazm .. semivowel .. malif .. "]"
local sun_letters = "تثدذرزسشصضطظلن"

local before_diacritic_checking_subs = {
	------------ transformations prior to checking for diacritics --------------
	{ U(0x06E5), "و" },
	{ U(0x06E6), "ی" },
	{ "ہ", he }, -- get rid of balti he (allows balti to transliterate)
	{ "ک" .. highhmz, "ǩ" },
	{ "([" .. fatHataan .. ZZP .. dagger_alif .. "])" .. tashdid, tashdid .. "%1" },
	{ alif .. fatHataan, zabar .. "ن" },
	{ fatHataan .. alif, zabar .. "ن" },
	{ jazm .. ye .. dagger_alif, jazm .. ye .. zabar .. alif },
	{ zabar .. ye .. dagger_alif, zabar .. alif },
	{ ye .. dagger_alif, zabar .. alif }, -- the first letter is U+06CC
	{ ye3, ye },
	{ "[أإ]", ye2 },
	-- kashiida
	{ "^" .. "ـ" .. zabar .. alif , "ـ" .. malif },
	{ "^" .. "ـ" .. "([" .. ZZP .. "])" , "ـ" .. alif .. "%1" },
	{ zabar .. dagger_alif, zabar .. alif },
	{ dagger_alif, zabar .. alif },
	{ fatHataan, zabar .. "ن" }, -- fatḥatan
	{ Dammataan, pesh .. "ن" }, -- ḍammatan
	{ kasrataan, zer .. "ن" }, -- kasratan

	-- allah ligatures and arabic al
	{ alif_wasla .. laam , "l-" },
	{ alif_wasla, "" },
	{ "([" .. consonants2 .. "]" .. tashdid .. "?" .. "[" .. pesh .. zer .. "])" .. alif .. laam .. jazm .. "?" .. "([" .. consonants2 .. "])", "%1-l-%2" },
	{ "([" .. consonants2 .. "]" .. tashdid .. "?" .. "[" .. pesh .. zer .. "]" .. "[" .. vao .. ye .. "])" .. alif .. laam .. jazm .. "?" .. "([" .. consonants2 .. "])", "%1-l-%2" },
	{ "([" .. consonants2 .. "]" .. tashdid .. "?" .. "[" .. ZZP .. "]" .. space_like_class .. ")" .. alif .. laam .. jazm .. "?" .. "([" .. consonants2 .. "])", "%1l-%2" },
	{ "([" .. consonants2 .. "]" .. tashdid .. "?" .. "[" .. pesh .. zer .. "]" .. "[" .. vao .. ye .. "]" .. space_like_class .. ")" .. alif .. laam .. jazm .. "?" .. "([" .. consonants2 .. "])", "%1l-%2" },
	{ marbuta .. "([" .. ZZP .. "])" .. alif .. laam , te .. "%1-" .. laam .. "%-" },
	{ "l%-" .. "([" .. sun_letters .. "])" .. tashdid, "%1" .. jazm .. "-%1" },
	{ "l%-" .. laam .. tashdid, laam .. laam },
	{ "l%-" .. laam, laam .. laam },
	{ "l%-", laam .. "-" },
	{ marbuta .. "([" .. ZZP .. "])" .. alif, te .. "%1-" },
	{ marbuta .. "([" .. ZZP .. jazm .. "])", te .. "%1" },
	{ marbuta, he },
			.. consonants2
			.. "]["
			.. ZZP
			.. "])("
			.. space_like_class
			.. ")"
			.. alif
			.. laam
			.. "(["
			.. jazm
			.. laam
			.. "])",
		"%1%2" .. laam .. "%3",
	{ laam .. laam .. tashdid, laam .. tashdid },
	-- use jazm/sukoon to prevent this conversion
	{ "(خ)" .. vao .. zabar .. alif, "%1" .. zabar .. alif },
	{ "(خ)" .. vao .. zabar, "%1" .. pesh },
	{ "(خ)" .. vao .. ye .. "([^" .. ZZP .. jazm .. "])", "%1" .. ye .. "%2" },
	-- izāfa
	{ zwnj, "-" },
	{ jazm .. alif, jazm .. "-" .. alif }, -- vowel killing, invisible ZWNJ
	{ zabar .. jazm, "-" }, -- vowel killing, invisible ZWNJ

local has_diacritics_subs = {
	-- this ensure allah ligatures and al- work
	{ "l%-", "" },
	{ "[" .. sun_letters .. "]" .. jazm .. "%-" , "" },
	{ "[" .. consonants2 .. "]" .. "([" .. ZZP .. "])" .. space_like_class .. alif .. laam , "" },
	-- remove punctuation and tashdid
	{ "[" .. punctuation .. tashdid .. highhmz .. numbers .. fatHataan .. "]", "" },
	{ "[" .. consonants .. "]$", "" },
	{ "[" .. consonants .. "](" .. space_like_class .. ")", "%1" },
	{ "[" .. consonants .. "]%-", "-" },
	-- these are required for arabic al- to work
	{ "[" .. consonants2 .. "]" .. "([" .. zer .. pesh .. "])" .. alif .. laam, laam },
	{ "[" .. consonants2 .. "]([" .. zer .. pesh .. "])%-" .. alif .. laam, laam },
	-- remove CV pairs
	-- consonants paired to alif
	{ "[" .. consonants2 .. "]" .. jazm, "" },
	{ "[" .. consonants2 .. "]" .. jazm .. malif, "" },
	{ "[" .. consonants2 .. "]" .. zabar .. alif, "" },
	-- consonants paired to a semivowel
		"[" .. consonants .. alif .. "][" .. semivowel .. ZZP .. "]([" .. semivowel .. "])([" .. semivowel .. "])",
	{ "[" .. consonants2 .. alif .. "][" .. ZZP .. "][" .. semivowel .. "]", "" },
	{ "[" .. consonants2 .. alif .. "][" .. ZZP .. jazm .. semivowel .. "]", "" },
	{ "[" .. alif .. consonants2 .. "][" .. ZZP .. "][" .. semivowel .. "]", "" },
	{ malif, "" }, -- counts as a CV pair
	{ jazm .. alif .. "[" .. ZZP .. "]", "" },
	{ "[" .. consonants2 .. alif .. "][" .. ZZP .. "]", "" },
	{ "[" .. consonants2 .. alif .. semivowel .. "][" .. semivowel .. "]", "" },
	-- remove numbers, hamzatu l-waṣl, alif madda and ZWNJ
	{ "[" .. numbers .. "ٱ" .. "آ" .. "]", "" },
	{ "%s", "" },
	{ "%-", "" },
	{ "[" .. semivowel .. "]", "" },
	{ "(" .. vowel .. ")", "" },

local function has_diacritics(text)
	local count
	text, count = gsub(text, "[" .. lrm .. rlm .. "]", "")
	if count > 0 then
		require("Module:debug").track("fa-translit/lrm or rlm")
	for _, sub in ipairs(has_diacritics_subs) do
		text = gsub(text, unpack(sub))
	return #text == 0

function, lang, sc)
	if type(text) == "table" then
		local function f(x)
			return (x ~= "") and x or nil
		text, lang, sc, omit_i3raab, force_translit =
			f(text.args[1]), f(text.args[2]), f(text.args[3]), f(text.args[4]), f(text.args[5])
	for _, sub in ipairs(before_diacritic_checking_subs) do
		text = gsub(text, sub[1], sub[2])

	if not force_translit and not has_diacritics(text) then
		require("Module:debug").track("fa-translit/lacking diacritics")
		return nil

	--define the "end" of a word
	text = gsub(text, "#", "HASHTAG")
	text = gsub(text, "^", "#")
	text = gsub(text, "$", "#")
	text = gsub(text, " | ", "# | #")
	text = gsub(text, "%s", "# #")
	text = gsub(text, "\n", "#" .. "\n" .. "#")
	text = gsub(text, "([" .. punctuation .. "])", "#" .. "%1" .. "#")
	text = "##" .. gsub(text, " ", "# #") .. "##"
	text = gsub(text, "%-", "#-#")
	-- hastags now mark the beginning and end of a word
	--character reformatting and exceptions
	text = gsub(text, highhmz, "#" .. highhmz .. "#")
	--this ensures "and" is transliterated as a short vowel
	text = gsub(text, "#" .. vao .. "#", "#u#")
	text = gsub(text, "#" .. vao .. jazm .. malif, "#w-" .. malif )
	-- prevent izafa from converting until later

	-- Tashdeed
	text = gsub(text, "([" .. consonants .. "])" .. tashdid, "%1%1")
	text = gsub(text, "([" .. consonants .. "])" .. tashdid .. "([" .. ZZP .. "])", "%1%1%2")
	text = gsub(text, "([" .. consonants .. "])" .. "([" .. ZZP .. "])" .. tashdid, "%1%1%2")
	text = gsub(text, ye .. "([" .. ZZP .. "])" .. tashdid, "yy%1")
	text = gsub(text, vao .. "([" .. ZZP .. "])" .. tashdid, "ww%1")
	text = gsub(text, ye .. tashdid .. "([" .. ZZP .. "])", "yy%1")
	text = gsub(text, vao .. tashdid .. "([" .. ZZP .. "])", "ww%1")

	-- distinguish initial alif from vowel alif
	text = gsub(text, "([" .. consonants2 .. "])" .. zabar .. alif, "%1ā")
	text = gsub(text, "([" .. consonants2 .. "])" .. alif, "%1ā")
	text = gsub(text, jazm .. malif, "'ā") -- invisible ZWNJ
	text = gsub(text, "([" .. consonants2 .. "])" .. malif, "%1'ā")
	text = gsub(text, alif .. ye, "ē")
	text = gsub(text, alif .. vao, "ō")
	text = gsub(text, alif .. zer .. ye, "ī")
	text = gsub(text, alif .. pesh .. vao, "ū")
	text = gsub(text, tashdid .. alif, tashdid .. "ā")

	-- convert semi vowels
	text = gsub(text, ye .. "ā", "yā")
	text = gsub(text, vao .. "ā", "wā")
	text = gsub(text, vao .. "([" .. diacritics .. ZZP .. "])", "w%1")
	text = gsub(text, ye .. "([" .. diacritics .. ZZP .. "])", "y%1")
	text = gsub(text, ye .. "([" .. semivowel .. "])([" .. semivowel .. "])", "ē%1%2")
	text = gsub(text, vao .. "([" .. semivowel .. "])([" .. semivowel .. "])", "ō%1%2")
	text = gsub(text, "([" .. diacritics .. ZZP .. "])" .. ye .. "([" .. semivowel .. "])", "%1y%2")
	text = gsub(text, "([" .. diacritics .. ZZP .. "])" .. vao .. "([" .. semivowel .. "])", "%1w%2")
	text = gsub(text, "([" .. consonants .. "])" .. ye .. "([" .. semivowel .. "])", "%1y%2")
	text = gsub(text, "([" .. consonants .. "])" .. vao .. "([" .. semivowel .. "])", "%1w%2")

	-- conversions for vaav/waaw/vao
	text = gsub(text, pesh .. vao, "ū")
	text = gsub(text, vao .. "([" .. diacritics .. ZZP .. "])", "w%1")
	text = gsub(text, "(" .. vowel .. ")" .. vao, "%1w")
	-- conversions for ye
	text = gsub(text, zer .. ye, "ī")
	text = gsub(text, ye .. "([" .. diacritics .. ZZP .. "])", "y%1")
	text = gsub(text, "(" .. vowel .. ")" .. ye, "%1y")

	--Alif with short vowel
	text = gsub(text, alif .. "([" .. ZZP .. "])", "%1")

	-- final changes
	-- izafa
	text = gsub(text, "ē" .. zer .. "#", "ē-yi#")
	text = gsub(text, zer .. "y" .. zer .. "#", "ī-yi#")
	text = gsub(text, "([^" .. consonants .. "])" .. "y" .. zer .. "#", "%1-yi#")
	text = gsub(text, "([" .. consonants2 .. "])" .. zer .. "#", "%1-i#")
	text = gsub(text, '("\'")' .. "##" .. zer .. "#", "%1-i#")
	-- do not count zer as izafa before silent alif
	text = gsub(text, "%-i" .. "##" .. "(" .. space_like_class .. ")" .. "##" .. "([" .. sun_letters .. "]" .. jazm .. "#%-#" .. ")", "i%1%2")
	text = gsub(text, "%-i" .. "#%-#" .. "([" .. sun_letters .. "]" .. "#%-#" .. ")", "i-%1")
	-- he deletion
	text = gsub(text, "([" .. ZZP .. "])" .. he .. "#" .. zwnj, "%1-")
	text = gsub(text, "([" .. ZZP .. "])" .. he .. "#", "%1#")
	text = gsub(text, "#" .. ain , "#")

	-- get rid of hashtags (not needed)
	text = gsub(text, "#", "")
	text = gsub(text, "HASHTAG", "#")
	text = string.gsub(text, lrm, "")
	text = string.gsub(text, rlm, "")
	-- convert all characters
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, ".", mapping)

	-- alif
	-- Final corrections
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "āa", "ā")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "aaa", "ā")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "āā", "ā")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "aa", "ā")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "ī" .. "([" .. vowels .. "])", "iy%1")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "ū" .. "([" .. vowels .. "])", "uw%1")

	text = mw.ustring.toNFC(text)

	return text

return export