User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hi-q

qadi {n} (judge in Islam) :: क़ाज़ी {m}, काजी {m}
qasida {n} (Arabic or Persian poem) :: क़सीदा
Qatar {prop} (a country in the Middle East) :: क़तर
Q.E.D. {phrase} :: इ. सि.
Q fever {n} (infectious disease resembling influenza) :: क्यू बुखार
qibla {n} (direction of praying) :: किबला {m}
Qin {prop} (Ancient Chinese state) :: चिन
Qin {prop} (Ancient Chinese dynasty) :: चिन
quad {adj} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral ::
quadrangle {n} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral ::
quadrilateral {n} (polygon having four sides) :: चतुर्भुज
quadrilateral {adj} (having four sides) :: चतुर्भुजीय
quadruple {adj} (being four times as long, as big or as many of something) :: चहुरा {m}, चौघरा {m}, पाव {m}, चौगुना
quadruple {v} ((intransitive) to increase by a factor of four) :: चौगुना
quaffle {n} (ball used in Quidditch) :: तूफान {m}
quagmire {n} (swampy ground) :: दलदल {m}
quail {n} (any of several small game birds) :: बटेर {f}, वर्तक
quake {n} (earthquake) SEE: earthquake ::
quakebuttock {n} (coward) SEE: coward ::
quality {n} (level of excellence) :: गुण {m}
quantity {n} (fundamental, generic term used when referring to the measurement) :: मात्रा {f}, परिमाण {m}
quarantine {n} (sanitary measure isolating infected people) :: क्वारंटीन
quark {n} ((physics) In the Standard Model, an elementary subatomic particle which forms matter) :: क्वार्क {m}
quarrel {n} (verbal dispute or heated argument) :: झगड़ा {m}
quarrel {v} (to contend, argue strongly, squabble) :: झगड़ा करना
quarter {n} (one of four equal parts) :: चौथाई {f}
quarter {n} (coin worth 25 cents) :: पावली {f}, चवन्नी {f}
quarter {n} (period of three months) :: तिमाही {f}, फसल
quarter {n} (section of a town) :: मुहल्ला {m}
quartz {n} (mineral) :: क्वार्टज़ {m}, स्फटिक {m}
quasar {n} (An extragalactic object) :: कैसर
Quebec {prop} (province) :: केबेक
queen {n} (female monarch) :: रानी {f}, बेगम {f}
queen {n} (wife of a king) :: बेगम {f}, रानी {f}
queen {n} (chess piece) :: रानी {f}, वज़ीर {m}
queen {n} :: रानी
Queensland {prop} (Australian state) :: क्वींसलैंड
queer {adj} (weird, odd, different) :: अजीब, अनोखा, बेढंग
queer {n} (slang: homosexual) SEE: fag ::
quell {n} (transitive: to take the life of; to kill) SEE: kill ::
quench {v} (to extinguish or put out) :: bujhaana
quest {n} (journey or effort in pursuit of a goal) :: फ़िराक़
question {n} (talk; conversation; speech) SEE: talk ::
question {n} (sentence, phrase or word) :: सवाल {m}, प्रश्न {m}
questionary {n} (questionnaire) SEE: questionnaire ::
question mark {n} (punctuation mark) :: प्रश्नचिह्न
questionnaire {n} (form containing a list of questions) :: प्रश्नावली {f}
Quetta {prop} (city) :: क्वेटा
queue {n} (line of people) :: कतर, क्यू
quick {adj} (moving with speed) :: शीघ्र
quickly {adv} (rapidly, fast) :: झटपट, जल्दी से
Quidditch {n} (fictitious ball game) :: क्विडिच {m}
quiet {adj} (with little sound) :: ख़ामोश
quiet {n} (absence of sound) :: ख़ामोशी {f}
quince {n} (fruit) :: वीही {f}, बिही {f}
quince {n} (tree) :: वीही {f}, बिही {f}
quincunx {n} (coin) SEE: coin ::
quinine {n} (alkaloid used to treat malaria) :: कुनैन {m}
quinquangle {n} (pentagon) SEE: pentagon ::
quintal {n} (hundredweight) SEE: hundredweight ::
quintal {n} (one hundred kilograms) :: क्विंटल {m}, कुंटल {m}, कुंतल {m}
quintuple {n} (a fivefold amount) :: पचगुना, पाँचगुना
quintuple {adj} (fivefold) SEE: fivefold ::
quit {adj} (to leave) :: छोड़ना
quite {adv} (to the greatest extent; completely) :: काफ़ी
quite {adv} (in a fully justified sense; truly) :: बिलकुल
quite {adv} (to a moderate extent) :: काफ़ी
quod erat demonstrandum {phrase} :: इति सिद्धम्
quokka {n} (Setonix brachyurus) :: क्वोका
Qur'an {prop} (the Islamic holy book) :: क़ुरान {m}, कुरान {m}
Qur'an {n} (a copy of the Qur'an) :: क़ुरान {m}
QWERTY {adj} (denoting a standard layout of keys on a keyboard for typing) :: क्वर्टी