Chinese edit

heart; mind lenient; wide; broad
body; form; style
body; form; style; system
fat; plump
trad. (心寬體胖)
simp. (心宽体胖)

Etymology edit

From the Great Learning (《大學》) in the Book of Rites:

體胖君子 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
广体胖君子 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: The Book of Rites, c. 4th – 2nd century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
Fù rùn wū, dé rùn shēn, xīn guǎng tǐ pán, gù jūnzǐ bì chéng qí yì. [Pinyin]
Riches adorn a house, and virtue adorns the person. The mind is expanded, and the body is at ease. Therefore, the superior man must make his thoughts sincere.

Pronunciation edit

Idiom edit


  1. carefree and contented; fit and happy

Synonyms edit