See also: 杀身之祸

Chinese edit

to be killed; to lose one's life 's; him/her/it; this disaster
trad. (殺身之禍) 殺身
simp. (杀身之祸) 杀身

Etymology edit

兩班文武心懷不平幽王主意殺身之禍無益盡皆緘口 [Written Vernacular Chinese, trad.]
两班文武心怀不平幽王主意杀身之祸无益尽皆缄口 [Written Vernacular Chinese, simp.]
From: Ming dynasty, Feng Menglong, Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Kingdoms
Liǎngbān wénwǔ, xīnhuái bùpíng, zhī yōuwáng zhǔyì yǐ jué, tú qǔ shāshēn zhī huò, wúyì yú shì, jìnjiē jiānkǒu. [Pinyin]
Although the civil vassals and military vassals felt indignant, they knew King You wouldn't change his mind. If someone advise the king, he would only be killed and this would be no good for the matter. The vassals all said nothing.

Pronunciation edit

Idiom edit


  1. fatal disaster

Synonyms edit