User:DCDuring/Latin words ending in -bilis

  • damnabilis - “damnabilis” in Lewis & Short, A Latin Dictionary - worthy of condemnation, damnable
  • habilis - “habilis” in Lewis & Short, A Latin Dictionary - easily handled, manageable, handy, suitable, fit, proper, apt, nimble, swift
  • habitabilis - “habitabilis” in Lewis & Short, A Latin Dictionary - fit for an abode, habitable
  • herbilis - “herbilis” in Lewis & Short, A Latin Dictionary - fed with grass
  • hinnibilis - “hinnibilis” in Lewis & Short, A Latin Dictionary - that neighs
  • honorabilis - “honorabilis” in Lewis & Short, A Latin Dictionary - that procures honor, estimable, honorable
  • horribilis - “horribilis” in Lewis & Short, A Latin Dictionary - terrible, fearful, dreadful, horrible
  • horrificabilis - “horrificabilis” in Lewis & Short, A Latin Dictionary - causing terror
  • [[illacerabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 that cannot be torn
  • [[illacrimabilis Lewis & Short 3 3 Unwept
  • [[illaesibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be hurt
  • [[illaetabilis Lewis & Short 17 17 a dead child
  • [[illatabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 without breadth
  • [[illaudabilis Lewis & Short 5 5 not worthy of praise
  • [[illibabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 incapable of diminution
  • [[illicibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 seductive
  • [[illocabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 that cannot
  • [[illuminabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that can be illuminated
  • imaginabilis - “bilis” in Lewis & Short, A Latin Dictionary - conceivable
  • imitabilis - “bilis” in Lewis & Short, A Latin Dictionary - that may be imitated, imitable
  • [[immaculabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 that cannot be stained
  • [[immarcescibilis Lewis & Short 3 3 unfading
  • [[immedicabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 19 19 incurable
  • [[immemorabilis Lewis & Short 3 3 unworthy to be mentioned
  • [[immensurabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 immeasurable
  • [[immersabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 2 2 not to be sunk, unconquerable
  • [[immiserabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 2 2 unpitied
  • [[immitigabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be softened
  • [[immobilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 303 301 immovable
  • [[immundabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be cleansed
  • [[immutabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 134 0 unchangeable, unalterable, immutable
  • [[immutabilis2 Lewis & Short 134 0 changed
  • [[impartibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 indivisible
  • [[impassibilis Lewis & Short 5 5 incapable of passion
  • [[impatibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 [unavailable]
  • [[impausabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 without ceasing
  • [[impeccabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 faultless
  • [[impenetrabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 20 20 not to be pierced, impenetrable
  • [[impermeabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be passed through
  • [[imperscrutabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 impenetrable
  • [[imperspicabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be seen through
  • [[imperturbabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be disturbed
  • [[impetibilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 4 2 insufferable, intolerable
  • [[impetibilis2 Lewis & Short 6 4 assailing
  • [[impetrabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 34 34 to be obtained, attainable, practicable
  • [[implacabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 98 98 unappeasable, implacable, irreconcilable
  • [[implebilis Lewis & Short 0 0 filling up
  • [[implorabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 that may be prayed to for help
  • [[importabilis Lewis & Short 8 8 that cannot be borne
  • [[impossibilis Lewis & Short 43 43 impossible
  • [[impotabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not drinkable
  • [[impraestabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 useless
  • [[impraevaricabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be transgressed
  • [[imprensibilis Lewis & Short 1 1 incomprehensible
  • [[impretiabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 priceless
  • [[improbabilis Lewis & Short 17 17 not deserving of approbation
  • [[improcreabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be procreated
  • [[impurgabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 that cannot be cleansed;
  • [[imputribilis Lewis & Short 1 1 not liable to decay
  • [[inaccessibilis Lewis & Short 2 2 unapproachable
  • [[inaccusabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 [unavailable]
  • [[inadibilis Lewis & Short 1 1 unapproachable
  • [[inadulabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 inaccessible to flattery
  • [[inaequabilis Elem. Lewis 11 7 uneven, unequal
  • [[inaestimabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 34 34 Inestimable, invaluable, incalculable
  • [[inamabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 25 25 unlovely, unattractive, repugnant, repulsive, odious
  • [[inamissibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be lost
  • [[inamplexibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be embraced
  • [[inapprehensibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 incomprehensible
  • [[inaspicabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 [unavailable]
  • [[inaudibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 inaudible
  • [[inaversibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be turned aside
  • [[incapabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 incomprehensible
  • [[incessabilis Lewis & Short 4 4 unceasing
  • [[incitabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 [unavailable]
  • [[inclinabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 that readily leans to
  • [[incogitabilis Lewis & Short 2 2 thoughtless
  • [[incognoscibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 incomprehensible
  • [[incohibilis Lewis & Short 5 5 that cannot be held
  • [[incommeabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not traversable
  • [[incommiscibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be mixed
  • [[incommunicabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 incommunicable
  • [[incommutabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 5 5 unchangeable, immutable
  • [[incomparabilis Lewis & Short 13 13 that cannot be equalled
  • [[incompassibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot suffer with another
  • [[incompellabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be named
  • [[incomplebilis Lewis & Short 0 0 [unavailable]
  • [[incomprehensibilis Lewis & Short 5 5 that cannot be overtaken
  • [[inconcessibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 inadmissible
  • [[inconculcabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not capable of being trodden under foot
  • [[inconfusibilis Lewis & Short 1 1 that cannot be embarrassed
  • [[incongelabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 that cannot be frozen
  • [[incongressibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 unapproachable
  • [[inconsolabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 2 2 inconsolable
  • [[inconsumptibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be consumed
  • [[incontaminabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be defiled
  • [[incontemplabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be looked upon
  • [[incontemptibilis Lewis & Short 1 1 not contemptible
  • [[incontradicibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be contradicted
  • [[inconversibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not convertible
  • [[inconvertibilis Lewis & Short 1 1 unchangeable
  • [[inconvincibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be convinced
  • [[incorporabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 incorporeal
  • [[incorrigibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be corrected
  • [[incorruptibilis Lewis & Short 4 4 imperishable
  • [[increabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not of a created nature
  • [[incredibilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 516 490 not to be believed, incredible, beyond belief, extraordinary, unparalleled
  • [[inculpabilis Lewis & Short 3 3 faultless
  • [[incunctabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that admits of no delay
  • [[incurabilis Lewis & Short 3 3 incurable
  • [[incurvabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not flexible
  • [[incusabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 blameworthy
  • [[indagabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 investigating
  • [[indeclinabilis Lewis & Short 21 21 inflexible
  • [[indefatigabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 that cannot be wearied
  • [[indeflebilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be lamented
  • [[indelebilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 25 25 imperishable
  • [[indemonstrabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be proved
  • [[indemutabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 unchangeable
  • [[indeprecabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 that cannot be averted by prayer
  • [[indeprehensibilis Lewis & Short 1 1 undiscoverable
  • [[indeterminabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be defined
  • [[indetribilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be rubbed
  • [[indicabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that indicates
  • [[indigestibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 indigestible
  • [[indiscriminabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be distinguished
  • [[indiscussibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that is not to be discussed
  • [[indispertibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 indivisible
  • [[indisputabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 indisputable
  • [[indissecabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 indivisible
  • [[indissimulabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 that cannot be dissembled
  • [[indissociabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 inseparable
  • [[indissolubilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 8 8 indestructible
  • [[indivisibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 indivisible
  • [[indocibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 unteachable
  • [[indomabilis Lewis & Short 4 4 that cannot be broken in
  • [[indominabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be mastered
  • [[indomitabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be subdued
  • [[indubitabilis Lewis & Short 8 8 that cannot be doubted
  • [[inductibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that may be drawn
  • [[ineffabilis Lewis & Short 14 14 unutterable
  • [[ineffigiabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be portrayed
  • [[ineffugibilis Lewis & Short 1 1 unavoidable
  • [[ineloquibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 unutterable
  • [[ineluctabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 11 11 not to be escuped, inevitable
  • [[ineluibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be washed out
  • [[inemendabilis Lewis & Short 6 6 that cannot be amended
  • [[inemeribilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be merited
  • [[inemigrabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not capable of removing
  • [[inenarrabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 44 44 indescribable
  • [[inenatabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 from which one cannot swim out
  • [[inenodabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 3 3 inexplicable
  • [[inenuntiabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 unspeakable
  • [[inequitabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1 1 unfit for riding over, impassable to horsemen
  • [[inerrabilis Lewis & Short 3 3 unerring
  • [[inerumpibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be torn
  • [[inevitabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 36 36 unavoidable, inevitable
  • [[inevulsibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be torn away
  • [[inexcitabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 from which one cannot be aroused
  • [[inexcogitabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 inconceivable
  • [[inexcusabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 4 4 without excuse
  • [[inexoptabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not desirable
  • [[inexorabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 72 72 not to be moved by entreaty, unyielding, inexorable
  • [[inexpedibilis Lewis & Short 1 1 unavoidable
  • [[inexpiabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 49 49 not to be atoned for, inexpiable
  • [[inexplacabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 implacable
  • [[inexplanabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 inexplicable
  • [[inexplebilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 29 29 not to be satisfied, insatiable
  • [[inexplicabilis Elem. Lewis 46 46 not to be loosened, inextricable, intricate
  • [[inexpugnabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 100 100 not to be stormed, impregnable
  • [[inexsaturabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 insatiable
  • [[inexsecrabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not execrable
  • [[inexsolubilis Lewis & Short 0 0 indestructible
  • [[inexstinguibilis Lewis & Short 6 6 unextinguishable
  • [[inexstirpabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 that cannot be rooted out
  • [[inexsuperabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 54 54 not to be crossed, insurmountable
  • [[inexterminabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 that cannot be exterminated
  • [[inextricabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 25 25 not to be unravelled, inextricable
  • [[infascinabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be bewitched
  • [[infastidibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be loathed
  • [[infatigabilis Lewis & Short 12 12 indefatigable
  • [[infavorabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 unfavorable
  • [[infigurabilis Lewis & Short 2 2 shapeless
  • [[infinibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 endless
  • [[inflabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that may be inflated
  • [[inflexibilis Lewis & Short 8 8 unchangeable
  • [[informabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 insusceptible of form
  • [[informidabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be feared
  • [[ingestabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 that cannot be borne
  • [[ingustabilis Lewis & Short 2 2 that cannot be tasted
  • [[inhabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 44 44 unmanageable, unwieldy
  • [[inhabitabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 34 0 uninhabitable
  • [[inhabitabilis2 Lewis & Short 34 0 inhabitable
  • [[inhonorabilis Lewis & Short 2 2 unhonored
  • [[inimitabilis Lewis & Short 5 5 that cannot be imilated
  • [[inintelligibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 unintelligible
  • [[ininterpretabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 inexplicable
  • [[ininventibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be found out
  • [[ininvestigabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 unsearchable
  • [[inlacrimabilis Elem. Lewis 0 0 unwept, unlamented
  • [[inlaetabilis Elem. Lewis 0 0 cheerless, joyless, gloomy, sad
  • [[innabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1 1 in which one cannot swim
  • [[innarrabilis Lewis & Short 3 3 that cannot be related
  • [[innascibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be born
  • [[innavigabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 3 3 not navigable
  • [[innominabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be named
  • [[innumerabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 330 322 countless, innumerable, immeasurable, immense
  • [[innutribilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not nourishing
  • [[inobscurabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be obscured
  • [[inobservabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 0 0 unavoidable, undiscoverable
  • [[inopinabilis Lewis & Short 8 8 not to be supposed
  • [[inoptabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 undesirable
  • [[inorabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 [unavailable]
  • [[inremeabilis Elem. Lewis 0 0 not to be retraced, from which there is no return
  • [[inreparabilis Elem. Lewis 0 0 irreparable, irretrievable
  • [[inrevocabilis Elem. Lewis 0 0 not to be recalled, irrevocable, unalterable
  • [[inritabilis Elem. Lewis 0 0 excitable, irritable
  • [[insanabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 81 81 not to be healed, incurable
  • [[insanibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 insane
  • [[insatiabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 91 79 not to be satisfied, insatiable
  • [[insaturabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 6 4 insatiable
  • [[inscrutabilis Lewis & Short 4 4 inscrutable
  • [[insecabilis Lewis & Short 5 5 atoms
  • [[insedabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 that cannot be stayed
  • [[inseducibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be drawn away
  • [[insenescibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not growing old
  • [[insensibilis Lewis & Short 4 4 that cannot be felt
  • [[inseparabilis Lewis & Short 13 13 that cannot be separated
  • [[insiccabilis Lewis & Short 2 2 that cannot be dried
  • [[insociabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 14 14 without social ties, not to be bound in friendship, unsociable
  • [[insolubilis Lewis & Short 22 22 that cannot be loosed
  • [[insopibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 inextinguishable
  • [[inspectabilis Lewis & Short 2 2 worth looking at
  • [[insperabilis Lewis & Short 2 2 that cannot be hoped for
  • [[instabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 276 82 not steadfast, unsteady, unstable, tottering, not firm
  • [[insubvertibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be overturned
  • [[insuperabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 46 46 that cannot be passed over, insurmountable
  • [[insupportabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 unsupportable
  • [[insuspicabilis Lewis & Short 2 2 not thought of
  • [[insustentabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 unbearable
  • [[intaminabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 undefilable
  • [[intellegibilis Lewis & Short 9 9 That can be understood
  • [[intemerabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 inviolable
  • [[intemperabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be moderated
  • [[intenibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be grasped
  • [[intentabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be tried
  • [[interemptibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that can be destroyed
  • [[interfectibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 deadly
  • [[interibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 perishable
  • [[interminabilis Lewis & Short 11 11 endless
  • [[interpretabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that can be explained
  • [[intestabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 40 0 infamous, execrable, detestable, abominable
  • [[intestabilis2 Lewis & Short 40 0 [unavailable]
  • [[intitubabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 firm
  • [[intolerabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 165 159 irresistible
  • [[intrabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 3 3 inaccessible
  • [[intractabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 25 25 unmanageable, intractable
  • [[intransgressibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be crossed
  • [[intransibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 impassable
  • [[intransmeabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 impassable
  • [[invendibilis Lewis & Short 1 1 unsalable
  • [[inveniabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not pardonable
  • [[investigabilis Lewis & Short 6 6 that may be searched into
  • [[investigabilis2 Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be traced
  • [[invincibilis Lewis & Short 3 3 Invincible
  • [[inviolabilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 38 38 inviolable
  • [[invisibilis Lewis & Short 26 24 when there was no human eye to see
  • [[invitabilis Lewis & Short 2 2 inviting
  • [[invitiabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 inviolable
  • [[invituperabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 unblamable
  • [[invulnerabilis Lewis & Short 10 10 invulnerable
  • [[irascibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 choleric
  • [[irrationabilis Lewis & Short 10 8 without reason
  • [[irrecordabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 not to be remembered
  • [[irrecuperabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 irrecoverable
  • [[irrecusabilis Lewis & Short 1 1 not to be refused
  • [[irreformabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 unalterable
  • [[irrefragabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 irrefragable
  • [[irrefutabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 irrefutable
  • [[irregibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 ungovernable
  • [[irregressibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 from which there is no return
  • [[irremeabilis Lewis & Short 14 14 the Styx
  • [[irremediabilis Lewis & Short 5 5 not to be checked
  • [[irremissibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 unpardonable
  • [[irremunerabilis Lewis & Short 2 2 that cannot be compensated
  • [[irreparabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 irreparable
  • [[irreposcibilis Lewis & Short 3 3 that cannot be demanded back
  • [[irreprehensibilis Lewis & Short 9 9 unblamable
  • [[irrequiebilis Lewis & Short 0 0 that cannot be allayed
  • [[irresolubilis Lewis & Short 1 1 indissoluble
  • [[irrespirabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 in which one cannot breathe
  • [[irretractabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 irrevocable
  • [[irrevocabilis Lewis & Short 34 34 uncontrollable
  • [[irrisibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 laughable
  • [[irritabilis Lewis & Short 3 3 Easily excited
  • [[irrumpibilis Lewis & Short 0 0 [unavailable]



