
a deal is a deal: # What has been agreed should be adhered to.
abashable: # which can be [[abash]]e
acidogenic: # Which generates [[acid]] or [[acidity]].
adjusted: # Which has been compensated in order to avoid bias.
ajog: # Whilst [[jog]]ging; with a jogging motion; with [[agitation]].
alkalinogenic: # Which generates [[alkalis]] or [[alkalinity]].
an insult to one is an insult to all: # When individuals are insulted based on their characteristics, that insult also applies to everybody who shares them
antechoir: # Where a choir is divided, as in some Spanish churches, the division that is further away from the [[sanctuary]].
anthropophagous: # Who practices [[anthropophagy]]; [[cannibal]].
apprehensible: # Which can be [[apprehend]]ed (usually in the sense of being understood).
apuff: # While apuff.
at the sight of: # When [[see]]ing.
backset: # Whatever is thrown back in its course, such as [[water]].
barking: # Who or that [[bark#Verb|barks]] or bark.
basogenic: # Which generates [[bases]] or [[basicity]].
battle-tested: # Which has been tested on the [[battleground]].
beauty is only skin deep: # What matters is a person's [[character]], rather than his/her appearance.
beforemath: # What [[precedes]] or [[produces]] a particular [[outcome]]; [[events]] that have yet to [[occur]], or are in the [[process]] of occurring.
bellyaching: # Whining and complaining, often contrived to evoke pity or shirk responsibility.
blackmailable: # Who can be [[blackmail]]ed
blindedly: # While [[blinded]]
blinker: # Whatever obstructs [[sight]] or [[discernment]].
blinkingly: # While [[blink]]ing, or as if blinking
blueshifted: # Whose frequency/wavelength has been changed by a [[blueshift]]
bogglingly: # While [[boggle|boggling]]
broken-down: # Which has [[break down|broken down]] and, [[as a result]], is [[no longer]] in [[working order]].
buzzingly: # While [[buzz]]ing, or in a buzzing fashion
by comparison: # When compared to something else; [[in comparison]].
call of duty: # What one's [[duty]] [[oblige]]s one to do.
cancellable: # Which can be [[cancel]]led.
cetacea: # Whale-like mammals.
chemochromic: # Whose [[colour]] depends on its [[chemical]] [[environment]
chokingly: # While or as if [[choke|choking]], or in such a way as to cause one to choke.
chortlingly: # While [[chortle|chortling]]; with muffled [[laughter]]
churchless: # Who does not attend churc
communicatory: # Whose function is to [[communicate]
comparatively: # When [[compare]]d to other entities.
completist: # Which attempts to collect something [[completely]].
confessed: # Which one [[admit]]s or [[avow]]s.
conservedly: # While remaining [[conserved]
consolatory: # Which [[console]]s.
covetable: # Which may be [[covet]]ed
crashingly: # While [[crash]]ing, or as if [[crash]]ing
criterial: # Which is based on, pertains to, or constitutes [[criteria]].
cross-handed: # While [[cross#Verb|crossing]] the hand to the other [[side#Noun|side]] of the [[body]].
cryingly: # While [[cry]]ing; with [[tear]]s.
cussingly: # While [[cuss]]ing; with the use of [[profane]] [[language]].
cut in: # When [[paint]]ing, to paint [[edges]], [[corners]], or [[trim]] in preparation for [[rolling]] larger areas.
dallyingly: # While [[dally]]ing
daydreamingly: # While [[daydream]]ing
daylong: # Which lasts a [[day]], or approximately so.
deathward: # which leads toward [[death]
delaminated: # Whose [[lamination]]s have been removed.
departing: # while leaving
deregressed: # Whose [[regression]] has been reversed
diamonds are a girl's best friend: # While love is a luxury, material wealth (particularly jewellery) is more valuable to a girl.
diaphragmic: # Which uses, or is located in or near, the [[diaphragm]].
disenriched: # Whose previous [[enrichment]] has been reverse
display tearing: # When the image on a [[display]] appears to horizontally "tear" in two due to lack of synchronization between the video feed and the display's refresh rate.
dissipatively: # Whilst undergoing [[dissipation]
dissociatively: # Whilst undergoing [[dissociation]
dissoluble: # which can be [[dissolved]] or [[disintegrated]]
distavorous: # Who eats [[food]] that was not grown or produced [[locally]]
ditheringly: # While dithering; [[indecisively]]
divorce rape: # When one partner in a relationship, usually female, is awarded by [[family court]] exorbitant [[alimony]] and/or [[child support]], complete or almost complete [[custody]] over the [[child|children]] produced from the union, and so on.
documentary: # Which serves to document (record and:or illustrate) a subject.
dormantly: # While [[dormant]]
double-crossing: # Which {{l|en|double-cross|double-crosses}}.
downgraded: # Whose rating, status etc has been reduce
dryable: # Which can be [[dried]].
dyingly: # While, or as if, [[die|dying]].
edgingly: # While [[edge|edging]]; with short, timid steps.
emiction: # What is voided by the urinary passages; [[urine]].
entrancedly: # While [[entranced]]
equipment: # Whatever is used in equipping something or someone, for example things needed for an expedition or voyage.
eschewable: # Which can be [[eschew]]ed; possible to eschew.
everfalling: # Which [[fall]]s unceasingly
everfleeing: # which [[flee]]s unceasingl
everflowing: # which [[flow]]s unceasingl
evergoing: # which [[continue]]s for a long time, or foreve
evergrowing: # Which [[grow]]s without ceasing, with no end in sight.
everlearning: # who [[learn]]s unceasingly; especially who refuses to be content with their current level of knowledge, and always strives to [[learn]] mor
everliving: # Which [[live]]s or [[continue]]s forever; [[immortal]]; [[everlasting]].
everloving: # which is [[love]]d unceasingly
everloving: # which [[love]]s unceasingly or unconditionally
everrunning: # which [[run]]s without ceasin
exclusive: # Whole, [[undivided]], entire.
expiringly: # While [[expire|expiring]] or [[die|dying]]
face-to-face: # While [[physically]] present.
faintingly: # While [[faint]]ing; so as to faint.
fallingly: # While [[fall]]ing; with a falling motion.
female-dominated: # where [[woman|women]], as opposed to men, are in control or form the majority.
finders, keepers: # Whoever [[find]]s something is allowed to [[keep]] it.
findrinny: # White [[bronze]].
fireward: # Which faces a [[fire]]; which lies in the direction of a fire; etc.
fixatory: # which [[fixate]]s, or is [[fixate]]
for good or ill: # Whether it is a good or a bad thing; [[regardless]].
foremath: # What [[precedes]] or [[produces]] a particular [[outcome]]; [[events]] that have yet to [[occur]], or are in the [[process]] of occurring.
founding: # Who or that [[found#Verb|founds]] ([[establish]]es or [[start#Verb|starts]]) or founded.
front-page: # Which appears on the [[front page]] of a publication.
frosted tips: # White or light coloration at the ends of darker [[feather]]s or [[fur]] on a [[bird]] or [[mammal]].
frowningly: # While or as if [[frown]]ing
frozenly: # While, or as if, [[frozen]]; in a manner that is [[cold]], [[unfeeling]], [[unmoving]], etc
fulfilling: # Which causes [[fulfilment]]; emotionally or artistically [[satisfying]].
function: # What something does or is used for.
gain: # What is gained.
georeferenced: # Whose [[position]] is [[referenced]] by a [[coordinate]] [[system]
gibberingly: # While [[gibber]]ing; with wild, incoherent speech
gleamingly: # While [[gleam]]ing, or so as to gleam.
glowingly: # While giving off a [[glow]].
gnashingly: # While, or as if, [[gnash]]ing.
grain whisky: # Whisky made from unmalted [[barley]] mixed with [[maize]] or [[rye]].
gripping: # Which [[catch]]es someone's [[attention]]; [[exciting]]
grumblingly: # While or as if [[grumble|grumbling]]
half-hourlong: # which lasts [[half]] an [[hour]], or approximately so
hamletted: # Whose population lives in [[hamlet]]s.
handbuilt: # Which is [[built]] by [[hand]].
heavenward: # which leads toward [[heaven]]
hillward: # which faces a hill; which faces the [[hills]
hissingly: # While [[hiss]]ing; in a hissing fashion
hit one's stride: # when [[walking]] or [[running]], to reach a [[full]] or [[comfortable]] pace
hoary: # White or grey with [[age]].
holocryptic: # Wholly or completely [[conceal]]ing; incapable of being [[decipher]]ed.
holomycotrophic: # Wholly [[mycotrophic]]
holosteric: # Wholly [[solid]]; said of a [[barometer]], such as the [[aneroid barometer]], constructed of solid materials to show the [[variation]]s of [[atmospheric pressure]] without the use of [[liquid]]s.
hourlong: # which lasts an [[hour]], or approximately so
hoveringly: # While [[hover]]ing; so as to hover.
how did he die: # What were the circumstances of his death? (cause, etc)
how much does it cost: # What is its price? How much money do you want for it?
how say you: # What do you say, with regard to a thing said or asked about, as when one asks an opinion.
huddlingly: # While [[huddle|huddling]]
hunger is the best spice: # When one is [[hungry]], [[anything]] will taste good.
hydrochromic: # Whose [[colour]] (or [[translucency]]) changes when [[wet]
idlingly: # While [[idle|idling]]; in an idle manner
if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull: # When you don't have all the [[fact]]s or have a [[brilliant]] [[explanation]], you can often [[convince]] people or [[win]] an [[argument]] by using [[bullshit]].
if you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging: # When finding oneself in a troubling situation, one should first make sure one is not making the situation worse by his own actions before addressing all other causes.
ill-boding: # which [[bode]]s [[evil]]; portending bad things
impregnatable: # Which can be [[impregnate|impregnated]].
in any case: # Whatever [[be the case|is the case]].
in due course: # When the time is right; [[presently]]; [[eventually]].
in flagrante delicto: # While performing sexual activity.
in reality: # When actually [[done]] or put into [[practice]].
in retrospect: # When looked back upon as a past event; as can be seen now, but not at the time.
in the face of: # when [[confronted]] with
in the hand: # When being held in the hands; when being handled.
inbye: # When above ground, pertaining to the direction towards the [[house]].
ingratiating: # Which [[ingratiate]]s; which attempts to bring oneself into the favour of another, often with [[flattery]] or [[insincerity]].
insolvently: # While [[insolvent]].
irrefragable: # Which cannot be [[refute]]d; [[clearly]] [[right#Adjective|right]], [[incontrovertible]], [[indisputable]], [[irrefutable]]. {{defdate|from 16th c.}}
ish ka bibble: # Why should I worry?; I don't care.
it ain't the meat, it's the motion: # When it comes to [[sexual]] [[satisfaction]], [[penis]] [[size]] doesn't matter, but [[technique]] does.
it's the thought that counts: # When giving someone a present or doing a [[favour]] for someone, the [[kindness]] behind the [[act]] is more important than any other consideration.
leucodermic: # white-skinned, [[Caucasian]]; [[pale]
literate: # Which is used in writing (of a language or dialect).
loafingly: # While loafing or idling.
longhauled: # Which has been [[transport#Verb|transported]] [[long]] [[distance]]s.
magic sauce: # Whatever it takes to be [[successful]] or [[distinctive]]
magnetosensitive: # Whose properties, or behaviour, is affected by the strength or orientation of a [[magnetic field]]
male-dominated: # Where [[men]], as opposed to women, are in control or form the majority.
malt whisky: # Whisky made only from malted [[barley]].
maturity: # When [[bodily]] [[growth]] has completed and/or [[reproduction]] can begin.
meditatingly: # While [[meditate|meditating]]
melting: # Which is melting, [[dissolving]] or [[liquefying]].
meum et tuum: # What is [[mine]] and what is [[yours]]; [[owned]] [[property]].
mi casa, su casa: # What is [[mine]] is [[yours]]; {{n-g|a [[friendly]] expression of [[sharing]].}
midbite: # While taking a [[bite]]; while eating.
midchew: # While [[chew]]ing
milk moustache: # white [[residue]] on one’s upper [[lip]] after taking a deep [[sip]] of [[milk]]
moltenly: # While, or as if, molten; [[incandescent]]ly.
monthlong: # which lasts a [[month]], or approximately so
moonward: # Which faces or points to or leads to the [[moon]].
mopingly: # While [[mope|moping]]; [[sulkily]]
more haste, less speed: # When one is in a [[hurry]], one often [[end up|ends up]] having less success and completes a task more slowly.
motorable: # Which can be traveled on by [[motor car]]s.
mummy wheat: # Wheat found in the ancient mummy cases of [[Egypt]]. It was once believed that it could still germinate in modern times
nameless: # Whose name is [[unknown]]; [[unidentified]] or [[obscure]]; [[anonymous]].
net pay: # What remains from [[gross pay]] after [[tax]]es and other [[deduction]]s have been taken away
never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake: # When you notice that an enemy is making an error, take care not to interfere with the enemy from completing it so you can take advantage at the right time
nonconfessing: # Who does not [[confess]].
nondumping: # Where the dumping of waste is not permitted.
nonjogging: # Who does not [[jog]] for [[exercise]].
nonprogramming: # Who does not [[program]] a [[computer]].
nonsignifying: # Which does not [[signify]]; lacking [[significance]]
nonstuttering: # Who does not [[stutter]]
nuclear fratricide: # When [[nuclear weapon]]s damage or destroy [[each other]].
obscurable: # Which can be [[obscure]]d.
obsoletely: # When out of date or no longer in use.
obstructedly: # While being [[obstructed]]
offline: # While [[#Adjective|offline]]; with an offline system.
on command: # When it is [[order]]ed or [[desire]]d; through [[conscious]] [[volition]].
on one's feet: # While [[stand up|standing up]] or walking, running, etc.
on the way: # Whilst [[travelling]].
one man's trash is another man's treasure: # What is [[useless]] to one person is [[valuable]] to another.
online: # While online; while in a running or active state, or connected to the [[Internet]].
order of symmetry: # When being turned through a full revolution, the number of times a shape looks the same as in the initial [[orientation]].
out of sight, out of mind: # When something is not nearby, it is forgotten about.
out of turn: # When it is not one's turn.
overmastering: # Which [[overmaster]]s; [[dominating]], [[oppressive]], [[conquering]].
pantingly: # While, or as if, [[pant]]ing; [[eager]]ly, [[breathless]]ly.
passivisable: # Which can be [[passivise]]d, which can be made into the [[passive]].
passivizable: # Which can be [[passivize]]d, which can be made into the [[passive]].
peeringly: # While looking with difficulty.
pending: # While [[waiting]] for something; [[until]].
perspiringly: # While [[perspire|perspiring]]; with [[perspiration]] or [[sweat]]
photostructurable: # Whose [[structure]] may be modified by [[light]
piezocapacitive: # Whose [[electrical]] [[capacitance]] varies according to applied [[pressure]
pinhead oatmeal: # Whole [[oat]] [[groat]]s chopped into pieces
piningly: # While [[pine|pining]]; [[sorrowful]]ly
piping shrike: # White-backed Magpie, Gymnorhina tibicen telonocua
please turn left: # When giving [[direction]]s to a person (for example, a [[taxi]] driver), indicates that he or she should turn [[left]].
please turn right: # When giving [[direction]]s to a person (for example, a [[taxi]] driver), indicates that he or she should turn [[right]].
plunderable: # which can be plundered, [[rob]]bed
plunderable: # which is [[worth]] plundering, promising a rich [[prize]
pontifically: # Whilst [[pontificating]]; with [[pontification]].
positive: # Wholly what is expressed; ''colloquially'' [[downright]], entire, [[outright]].
powdered: # which has been covered with powder (typically referring to makeup)
powdered: # which has been made into a [[powder]]
predetonation: # When a [[nuclear bomb]] fails to produce full yield, due to the [[chain reaction]] starting prematurely, before the system is at optimum [[criticality]].
preservingly: # Whilst [[preserving]] some quantity or quality
public image: # What the general impression of a famous person or organization is; what most people think of a person or organization, which may differ from what they are like in private.
pureplay: # Whose [[sole]] [[business]] [[activity]] is over the [[Internet]]
push-button: # Which can be [[initiated]] or [[activated]] at the push of a button.
quadriconsonantal: # which consist of four consonants.
quaffingly: # While or by [[quaff]]ing
quick-frozen: # Whose [[temperature]] has been [[lowered]] [[rapidly]] to below the [[freezing point]].
quiveringly: # While [[quiver]]ing, or as if quivering
readable: # which can be read—i.e. accessed or played—by a certain technical type of device
rebuilt: # Which has been rebuilt
recedingly: # While [[recede|receding]] or moving away.
recollectingly: # While [[recollect]]ing or [[remember]]ing
reconditioned: # Which has been reconditioned
reconstructive: # which [[reconstruct]]s
reddeningly: # While turning [[red]].
remaining: # Which remains, especially after something else has been removed.
remains: # What is left after a person (or any organism) dies; a [[corpse]].
reputation: # What somebody is [[known]] for.
residue: # Whatever [[remain]]s after something else has been [[remove]]d.
resistant: # Which is not affected or [[overcome]] by a disease, drug, chemical or atmospheric agent, extreme of temperature, etc.
resistant: # Which makes [[resistance]] or offers [[opposition]].
reversingly: # While [[reverse|reversing]]
riffed: # Who has [[lost]] a [[job]] due to a [[RIF]].
rock sugar: # White or brown sugar that has been crystallized into chunks.
ruminatingly: # While [[ruminate|ruminating]]; with [[thought]] or [[meditation]].
rushingly: # While [[rush]]ing; in a great [[hurry]]
salivatingly: # While salivating, or as if salivating; with [[greed]] or [[lust]].
sanitaries: # White knee-length [[stocking]]s.
scraping: # What has been removed when something has been [[scraped]].
screamingly: # While [[scream]]ing, or as if screaming
screen tearing: # When the image on a [[screen]] appears to horizontally "tear" in two due to lack of synchronization between the video feed and the display's refresh rate.
shambling: # Who [[walk]]s while [[drag]]ging or [[shuffle|shuffling]] the feet.
shiveringly: # While [[shivering]], for example with [[fright]].
shoulder-to-shoulder: # Whilst closely [[cooperate|cooperating]].
singingly: # whilst [[singing]]; accompanied by the sounds of singing
single malt whisky: # Whisky made only from the malted [[barley]] of a single [[distillery]], unblended with other whiskies.
slow-burning: # Which [[burn]]s more [[slowly]] than [[comparable]] objects.
slow-motional: # When a dramatic [[scene]] is in slow motion
slumberingly: # While [[slumber]]ing; in a state of [[sleep]]
snivelingly: # While [[snivel]]ing.
snowboardable: # Where [[snowboarding]] is possible
somnambulantly: # While, or as if, [[sleepwalk]]ing
sorrowingly: # While [[sorrow]]ing; [[sorrowful]]ly, [[woeful]]ly
southbound: # Which is (or will be) travelling south.
squeakily: # Whilst [[squeaking]]
squintingly: # While [[squint]]ing
stampedingly: # While, or as if, [[stampede|stampeding]]
standingly: # While [[standing]].
starvingly: # While, or as if, [[starve|starving]]; very [[hungrily]].
state-run: # which is run by the state
stilly: # While [[still]] and [[calm]].
stop the car: # When giving [[direction]]s to a person (for example, a [[taxi]] driver), indicates that he or she should [[stop]] the [[vehicle]].
such that: # Which satisfies (the condition that).
sulkingly: # While [[sulk]]ing; in a [[sulky]] manner
tailswing: # When [[turn]]ing a [[heavy]] [[vehicle]], the [[movement]] of the [[rear]] portion of the vehicle in the opposite direction from the direction the front end turns.
teeteringly: # While [[teeter]]ing, or as if teetering.
terrestrially: # Whilst located on [[Earth]], or on [[land]]
the early bird gets the worm: # Whoever [[arrive]]s [[first]] has the best chance of [[success]]; some opportunities are only available to the first competitors.
the heart wants what it wants: # Who one falls in love with is not a [[rational]] or [[deliberate]] decision.
the pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last: # When you use a thing too much, it ultimately breaks down at some point.
theatregoing: # Who regularly visits the [[theatre]] to see [[performance]]s
there's a grain of truth in every joke: # Whenever a person is joking, they are actually [[disguise|disguising]] [[thought]]s and [[emotion]]s, either [[subconsciously]] or [[deliberately]].
thermoirreversible: # Whose [[thermal]] effect cannot be reversed (as in the boiling of an egg
thermoreversible: # Whose properties or action can be [[reverse]]d by [[heating]
thermoviscoelastic: # Whose [[viscoelastic]] properties are dependent on [[temperature]]
tight as a drum: # Wholly free from leaks, cracks, etc.
time-expired: # Where a period of time, during which something can be sold or used, has expired.
towery: # Which has the characteristics of a [[tower]]
trammel: # Whatever [[impede]]s activity, progress, or freedom, such as a net or [[shackle]].
turbidostatic: # Whose [[turbidity]] is maintained at a constant level
unabrogated: # Which has not been [[abrogated]]
unabusing: # Which does not [[abuse]]
unaccreted: # Which has not [[accreted]]
unaccrued: # Which has not [[accrued]]
unaccultured: # Which is not [[accultured]] (or [[acculturated]] or [[cultured]])<!--check Google books!-->; [[unacculturated]]
unaccumulated: # Which has not [[accumulated]].
unbegun: # Which has not yet been [[begin|begun]]; [[unstarted]].
unbribable: # Who cannot be [[bribed]]
unbroken: # Whole, not divided into parts.
unchurched: # Who does not generally attend [[church]].
unconvicted: # Who has not been [[convicted]].
undernamed: # Whose [[name]] appears [[underneath]], or further down in a document.
unexplored: # Which has not been [[explore]]d.
unharmed: # which has not suffered [[harm]]; which has not been injured or damaged
unitingly: # While [[unite|uniting]]; in coming together
unmosqued: # Who does not generally attend the [[mosque]]
unobserved: # whilst not being seen or observe
unpassivizable: # Which cannot be [[passivize]]d, which cannot be made into the [[passive]].
unprobeable: # Which [[cannot]] be [[probe]]d.
unregenerate: # which cannot be transformed in mind and spirit
unsequenced: # Whose [[sequence]] has not been determined
unsung: # Which has not been [[laud]]ed or [[appreciate]]d.
unsynagogued: # Who does not generally attend the [[synagogue]]
unthawed: # Which has [[not]] been [[thawed]]: [[still]] [[frozen]].
U-pick: # Where [[customer]]s can [[harvest]] the [[produce]] they want to [[buy]].
urbanity: # What is [[characteristically]] [[urban]] in an area; [[urbanness]].
virtuous couch: # Where one [[go to bed|goes to bed]]
vranyo: # White lies or half-lies in Russian culture, told without the intention of ([[malicious]]ly) [[deceive|deceiving]], but as a [[fantasy]], suppressing unpleasant parts of the truth.
wading: # Which wades (usually said of birds).
wakingly: # While one is [[awake]]
wandering: # Which [[wander]]s; travelling from place to place.
waningly: # While [[wane|waning]] or [[diminish]]ing
watchingly: # While [[watch]]ing; with [[watchful]] [[attention]]
weightlessly: # whilst [[weightless]]; without [[weight]]
weightless: # Which has no [[weight]].
weightless: # Which is not being affected by [[gravity]].
welcome: # Whose [[arrival]] is a cause of [[joy]]; received with gladness; admitted willingly to the house, entertainment, or company.
westbound: # Which is, or will be, moving towards the west.
what date is it today: # What is the [[date]]? (''used to [[request]] the [[current]] [[date]]'')
what happens on tour stays on tour: # When a group of people (usually a group of all-male close friends) get together and travel, go on vacation, throw a party, etc., all conduct engaged in during the event must be kept strictly confidential
what kind of music do you like: # what kind of music do you like?
what languages do you speak: # What are the [[language]]s which you can understand and which you can speak or write in?<!--just a more wordy rephrasing, to avoid a non-gloss definition that would not be much more helpful either-->
what should I do: # what should I do?
what time is it: # What is the [[time of day]]? (''used to [[request]] for the [[current]] [[hour]] and approximate number of [[minute]]s after the hour'')
what: # What did you say? [[I beg your pardon]]?
what: # What do you want? {{non-gloss definition|An abrupt, usually unfriendly enquiry as to what a person desires.}}
what's on your mind: # What are you thinking about?
what's: # What [[does]].
what's: # What [[has]].
when in doubt, do nowt: # When faced with a [[difficult]] [[decision]], it is better not to take [[unnecessary]] [[risk]]s. Also [[when in doubt, abstain]] and [[when in doubt, leave it out]]
when is closing time: # when is closing time?
when one door closes, another opens: # When one [[opportunity]] is lost, another opportunity soon becomes [[available]].
when'd: # When [[had]]
where are we going: # where are we going?
where are we: # What is our current [[location]]?
where are you: # where are you? (used over the phone or while texting, for example)
where are your parents: # where are your parents?
where have you been: # where have you been?
where the shoe pinches: # Where the [[cause]] of [[trouble]] or [[difficulty]] is.
wherein: # Where, or in which [[location]].
where: # While on the [[contrary]]; [[although]]; [[whereas]].
while one is at it: # While one is doing that; while one is carrying out that [[action]] (referring to another action one could accomplish at the same time.)
whingeingly: # While [[whinge]]ing; with [[peevish]] [[complaint]]s
whip: # Whipped cream.
whiskerage: # Whiskers.
white space: # White area between written characters and graphic regions on a produced page or computer display; [[blank]]s and the [[vertical]] blank lines in between paragraphs, or other organized rows of text lines (poetry).
whitism: # White [[supremacism]]; [[discrimination]] [[in favor of]] whites.
whose ox is gored: # Who is [[suffer]]ing or [[lose out|losing out]] in a given [[situation]].
why not: # Why is that not true?
willy-nilly: # Whether [[desire#Verb|desired]] or not; without [[regard#Noun|regard]] for the [[consequence]]s or the [[wish#Noun|wishes]] of those [[affect#Verb|affected]]; whether [[willingly]] or [[unwillingly]].
wincingly: # While [[wince|wincing]].
windedly: # While [[winded]] or [[out of breath]].
wine whey: # Whey made from [[milk]] [[coagulate]]d by the use of [[wine]]
winefully: # While full of [[wine]]; [[drunkenly]].
wishingly: # While [[wish]]ing or [[yearn]]ing.
with this: # When this happened; [[hereupon]], after this moment. {{defdate|from 13th c.}}
world-ending: # Which causes, or is indicative of causing, the [[end of the world]].
yearlong: # Which lasts throughout every year; which is not [[seasonal]]
you cannot put the same shoe on every foot: # What works in one situation does not necessarily work in all situations.
you could have fooled me: # What you now [[tell]] me is [[true]] I [[think|thought]] was [[false]], {{non-gloss definition|or}} I nonetheless [[think]] is false; I don't believe you.
zingingly: # While [[zing]]ing, or as if making a [[zing]]ing sound.