unstressed vow changes: i-â: â - â, e - i, u - â (vinde) o-u: â - o, e - o, u - u (coase) e-ă: â - ă?, e - e, u - ă (învește)

3rd conj:

  • weird changes: i-â (vinde)
  • irreg: umple (3sub in -e)
  • {{ro-conj-zice}} and {{ro-conj-duce}} seem rather pointless (the only irregularity is the imperative)
  • indc and subj are the same as 4th conj (besides pune -> pui)
  • ger: a -> ă, i -> â only in vinde, oa -> o
  • pp in -s or -t: oa -> o, â -> a (only in rămâne), no examples for a -> ă
  • pp in -pt: oa -> o, probably same as above
  • pp in -ut: a -> ă, i -> â only in vinde, oa -> ă, oa -> u only in coase
  • perf for pp in -s: 1sg and 2sg (...)3sg and all pl have stress on theme vowel (same as inf)
  • impf: same as ger

ro-conj edit

a edit

Lua error in Module:ro-verb at line 421: eo-eoa is not a valid vowel change

a-ez edit

ea edit

e edit

i edit

i-esc edit

î edit

î-ăsc edit

2 edit

hmph edit

Masculine edit

Feminine edit

Neuter edit

header edit

Lua error in Module:headword at line 606: In full_headword(), the first argument `data` needs to be a Lua object (table) and `data.lang` must be a language object

Lua error in Module:headword at line 606: In full_headword(), the first argument `data` needs to be a Lua object (table) and `data.lang` must be a language object

Lua error in Module:headword at line 606: In full_headword(), the first argument `data` needs to be a Lua object (table) and `data.lang` must be a language object

Lua error in Module:headword at line 606: In full_headword(), the first argument `data` needs to be a Lua object (table) and `data.lang` must be a language object

nouns edit

cartof m (plural cartofi)

om m (plural [please provide])

pantaloni m pl (normally plural, singular pantalon)

Sandbox f or n (plural ghete)

Sandbox m (plural fjosf, feminine equivalent (fdsof) gd)