ә U+04D9, ә
Cyrillic Ӛ
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Abkhaz edit

Pronunciation edit

Letter edit

ә (ʷ) (upper case Ә)

  1. A letter of the Abkhaz alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.. Labializes a preceding consonant letter.

See also edit

Alutor edit

Letter edit

ә (transliteration needed) (lower case, upper case Ә)

  1. The tenth letter of the Alutor alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also edit

Azerbaijani edit

Letter edit

ә (lower case, upper case Ә)

  1. The eighth letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also edit

Bashkir edit

Etymology 1 edit

Pronunciation edit

Letter edit

ә (ə) (lower case, upper case Ә)

  1. The fortieth letter of the Bashkir alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also edit

Etymology 2 edit

(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)

Conjunction edit

ә (ə)

  1. introduces a new subject, object or circumstance: and, but
    Ә был йортта малай йәнһүрәт ҡарай.
    Ə bıl yortta malay yənhürət qaray.
    And in this home, a boy is watching a cartoon.
    Был һыуҙы эскән һәр кем йәнә һыуһар, ә Мин биргән һыуҙы эскән кеше бер ҡасан да һыуһамаҫ. (John 4:13-14.)
    Bıl hıwźı eskən hər kem yənə hıwhar, ə Min birgən hıwźı eskən keşe ber qasan da hıwhamaś.
    Everyone who drinks this water will again get thirsty, but the person who drinks the water I give will never get thirsty.
  2. To repeat a question but referring to a different subject or object: and what about...
    Ә xеҙ i тапҡас һимерҙегеҙмеce?
    Ə xeź i tapqas himerźegeźmece?
    And what about me, do i gain weight after giving birth to children?

Dungan edit

Letter edit

ә (ə) (lower case, upper case Ә)

  1. The eighth letter of the Dungan alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also edit

Itelmen edit

Letter edit

ә (transliteration needed) (lower case, upper case Ә)

  1. The forty-fifth letter of the Itelmen alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also edit

Kalmyk edit

Letter edit

ә (ä) (lower case, upper case Ә)

  1. The second letter of the Kalmyk alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also edit

Kazakh edit

Alternative scripts
Arabic ٵ ,ا
Cyrillic Ә, ә
Latin Ä, ä
Yañalif Ə, ə

Pronunciation edit

Letter edit

ә (ä) (lower case, upper case Ә)

  1. The second letter of the Kazakh alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also edit

Tatar edit

Letter edit

ә (ä) (lower case, upper case Ә)

  1. The second letter of the Tatar alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also edit